A docu-film that traces the victorious ride of Mancini's Azzurri, from the debut match to the final against England. A troupe lived with the Azzurri for a month, to bring the spectators into the lives of the players and all the members of the staff, between training sessions, matches, travels and celebrations. An adventure told through the voices of the protagonists, who confided dreams, joys, pains and hopes to the cameras. "Blue Dream, the road to Wembley" is the completion of a project started a year ago together with the FIGC, to tell the national team's approach to the European Championships through the 4 episodes aired in the days immediately preceding the European Championship, bringing the new television language of the docu-series to one of the most important time slots of the first generalist network. "Blue Dream, the road to Wembley" is a project of the New Formats Development Department

Stretnutie staršej ženy Emmi a marockého gastarbeitera Aliho skončí manželstvom. Ich vzťah však nie je akceptovateľný pre jej rodinu, známych a susedov. Fassbinder v tomto filme odhaľuje predpojatosť a xenofóbiu ľudí, ktorým vadí vysoký vekový rozdiel manželov a rovnako to, že Ali je cudzincom, ale predovšetkým ich spoločné šťastie.

Simon, a deeply religious man living in the 4th century, wants to be nearer to God so he climbs a column. The Devil wants him come down to Earth and is trying to seduce him.

Dr. Génessier je špičkový chirurg a otec. Žije vo veľkom dome hneď vedľa svojej kliniky. Jeho dcéra Christiane prišla pri autonehode, ktorú kedysi spôsobil, o tvár. Teraz, na pokraji šialenstva ako duch, v maske bez akýchkoľvek čŕt blúdi chodbami rodinnej vily. Dr. Génessier, zožieraný vinou, je odhodlaný stoj čo stoj svojej dcére prinavrátiť ľudskú tvár. S pomocou svojej asistentky Louise unáša mladé ženy. Chirurgicky im odoberá tváre a transplantuje svojej milovanej dcére.

After completing jail time for beating up a man who tried to seduce his mentally-handicapped teenage daughter, The Butcher wants to start life anew. He institutionalizes his daughter and moves to the Lille suburbs with his mistress, who promises him a new butcher shop. Learning that she lied, The Butcher returns to Paris to find his daughter.

Pútavý a veľmi poučný film o krajine a zvieratách žijúcich v praveku. Skupina chlapcov skúma skameneliny - trilobity ako odtlačky živočíchov, ktorí žili na planéte Zem pred mnoho miliónmi rokov. Tieto stopy dovedú chlapcov do krajiny ohromných jašterov a pralesov, kde zažijú nejedno veľké dobrodružstvo.

Two teenage girls embark on a series of destructive pranks in which they consume and destroy the world around them.

An old leper who owned a remote sorghum winery dies. Jiu'er, the wife bought by the leper, and her lover, identified only as "my Grandpa" by the narrator, take over the winery and set up an idealized quasi-matriarchal community headed by Jiu'er. When the Japanese invaders subject the area to their rule and cut down the sorghum to make way for a road, the community rises up and resists as the sorghum grows anew.

A coffin-dragging gunslinger and a prostitute become embroiled in a bitter feud between a merciless masked clan and a band of Mexican revolutionaries.

A humorous and thought-provoking view of what animals in zoos might be thinking about their captivity and surroundings.

Hong Kong writer Tian Yu embarks on a solo trip to Taipei, seeking solace by searching for the mysterious “Bay of Vanishing Whales”. He unexpectedly befriends A Xiang, a warm-hearted local gangster. Despite initial doubts, Tian Yu, drawn to the Bay, joins A Xiang on the adventure. With A Xiang’s company, Tian Yu finds inspiration. The smile of A Xiang lightens Tian Yu’s heart. However, the much-anticipated Kenting Fireworks Festival takes a disappointing turn due to A Xiang’s absence. When Tian Yu learns the truth about A Xiang’s absence, he realizes their encounter is destined, not by chance. With renewed hope, Tian Yu is determined to find A Xiang, awaiting their reunion.

The popular monarch, Queen Christina of Sweden, must choose between love and loyalty to her nation when she unexpectedly falls for a Spanish envoy.

Ichi is a blind entertainer that travels the countryside with her traditional Japanese guitar and walking stick. She’s in search for the kind man that brought her up as a child, but because of her beauty she encounters problems every step of the way. Fortunately for Ichi, she is also a gifted swordswoman and carries a lethal blade within her walking stick.

Australian lawyer David Burton agrees with reluctance to defend a group of Aboriginal people charged with murdering one of their own. He suspects the victim was targeted for violating a tribal taboo, but the defendants deny any tribal association. Burton, plagued by apocalyptic visions of water, slowly realizes danger may come from his own involvement with the Aboriginal people and their prophecies.

Spravodajské oddelenie televízie je pracovisko zaujímavé, ale náročné. Prináša potrebu vysokého pracovného nasadenia, ale aj tu pracujú len ľudia. Napríklad Jane Craigová, úspešná vedúca producentka spravodajstva, ktorá má milostné aj profesijné problémy s dvoma kolegami. Jedným z nich je nový ctižiadostivý hlásateľ Tom Grunnick, pekný mladík, ktorý presadzuje trend smerujúci k zábavným správam. S tým však Jane nesúhlasí nie už tak s Tomom samotným. A je tu tiež Aaron Altman, talentovaný, ale jednoduchší dopisovateľ, ktorý je do Jane beznádejne zamilovaný. Jane sa musí rozhodnúť: vyberie si zaujímavý štýl alebo hodnotný obsah?

In the 1950s, Ludvik Jahn was expelled from the Communist Party and the University by his fellow students, because of a politically incorrect note he sent to his girlfriend. Fifteen years later, he tries to get his revenge by seducing Helena, the wife of one of his accusers.

Freska žánrových príbehov poznačená nostalgickým úsmevom a hlboko ľudským pochopením autora scenára Bohumila Hrabala a režiséra Jiřího Menzla. Humorné a absurdné, ale aj smutné a tragické situácie zachytávajú postavy a postavičky malomeštiakov a ich konzumných túžob žijúcich v autorovom milovanom Kersku na Polabí.

This gritty documentary takes you inside the legendary Oso Blanco, the most feared prison of Puerto Rico and one of the most notorious in the Caribbean. It is the birthplace of two of the most dangerous Latino gangs: "Ñeta" and "Los 27" (aka "Los Insectos") and the scene of hundreds of murders.

In a town near Salamanca, an eccentric widower, aged 60, is captivated by an imp, a precocious 13 year old. Alejandro is wealthy and alone, passing time with music, chess, and his shotgun. Gregoria (Goyita) the daughter of a weak-willed policeman and his bullying wife, is a budding naturalist who conspires to meet Alejandro. Even though he knows the village is talking, Alejandro spends time with Goyita, on walks, horseback rides, and dinners. He's enchanted and tells his friend the village priest that he's living for the first time. Goyita makes new demands on Alejandro, and he must decide how to be true to his ethics and to this Platonic yet highly-charged relationship.

The Francs with their daughters Olina and Jirina are building a villa in the village of Rezkovice. Father Franc (Vladimír Mensík) doesn't allow himself a minute's respire and restlessly forces to work his wife, both daughters and Zdenek, Jirina's suitor. Zdenek does not protest against it and, in addition, he is skillful. On the contrary, Olina's boyfriend Libor is worse at work. He studies at the Technical College and he does not succeed much in grasping the building handicraft. Franc, proud of his pursuits, decides that he will arrange the wedding for both daughters and then hand them over the key of the villa in which both pairs have luxuriously furnished flats.