A decade after a tragic mistake, family man Chas Chandler and occult detective John Constantine set out to cure his daughter Trish from a mysterious supernatural coma.

After discovering he has powers, 11-year-old Jonathan Kent and assassin-turned-Boy-Wonder Damian Wayne must join forces to rescue their fathers (Superman & Batman) and save the planet from the malevolent alien force known as Starro.

An adaptation of Mark Waid's "Tower of Babel" story from the JLA comic. Vandal Savage steals confidential files Batman has compiled on the members of the Justice League, and learns all their weaknesses.

When an aspiring young artist is forced to join her high school track team, she uses it as an opportunity to pursue the girl she's been harboring a long-time crush on. But she soon finds herself falling for an unexpected teammate and discovers what real love feels like.

Sixteen years ago, a mysterious masked ninja unleashes a powerful creature known as the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox on the Hidden Leaf Village Konoha, killing many people. In response, the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze and his wife Kushina Uzumaki, the Demon Fox's living prison or Jinchūriki, manage to seal the creature inside their newborn son Naruto Uzumaki. With the Tailed Beast sealed, things continued as normal. However, in the present day, peace ended when a group of ninja called the Akatsuki attack Konoha under the guidance of Tobi, the mysterious masked man behind Fox's rampage years ago who intends on executing his plan to rule the world by shrouding it in illusions.

Režisierius Danielis Roheras pasakoja apie rusų opozicijos lyderio Aleksėjaus Navalno gyvenimą bei darbą. Daug metų vykdydamas kampanijas prieš korupciją, jis įgijo įtakingų priešų, įskaitant ir prezidentą Vladimirą Putiną. 2020 m. rugpjūtį Navalnas buvo slapta apnuodytas kariuomenės naudojama, nervus paralyžiuojančia medžiaga. Tai buvo šokiruojantis pasikėsinimas į jo gyvybę. Perkeltas gydymui į Vokietiją, sveikstantis Navalnas dirbo išvien su tarptautinėmis žinių organizacijomis Bellingcat ir CNN, kad ištirtų nusikaltimą ir susiejo apnuodijimą su Rusijos saugumo tarnyba. Akis atverianti ir demaskuojanti dokumentika pasakoja apie politiko bei aktyvisto drąsą kovojant prieš jį nutildyti siekiančią vyriausybę, bei apie nesibaigiančią jo kovą už demokratiją.

The Man of Steel finds himself outshone by a new team of ruthless superheroes who hold his idealism in contempt.

The travails of Sara, a frustrated fashion designer who blames karma for her bad luck. Fate will put her face to face with her sister, Lucy, who enjoys very different luck, and in a series of events and reunions that will lead her to make a radical decision.

Numatytą egzekucijos dieną nuteistam serijiniam žudikui atliekama psichiatrinė ekspertizė, kurios metu jis teigia, kad yra demonas, bei, kad kol baigsis egzekucijos laikas, psichiatras pats įvykdys tris žmogžudystes.

Recently discharged Marine sniper John Stewart is at a crossroads in his life, one which is only complicated by receiving an extraterrestrial ring which grants him the powers of the Green Lantern of Earth. Unfortunately, the ring doesn't come with instructions - but it does come with baggage, like a horde of interplanetary killers bent on eliminating every Green Lantern in the universe. Now, with the aid of the light-hearted Green Arrow, Adam Strange and Hawkgirl, this reluctant soldier must journey into the heart of a galactic Rann/Thanagar war and somehow succeed where all other Green Lanterns have failed.

Gurus in the late Goryeo dynasty try to obtain a fabled, holy sword, and humans in 2022 hunt down an alien prisoner that is locked in a human's body. The two parties cross paths when a time-traveling portal opens up.

All Eyez on Me chronicles the life and legacy of Tupac Shakur, including his rise to superstardom as a hip-hop artist, actor, poet and activist, as well as his imprisonment and prolific, controversial time at Death Row Records. Against insurmountable odds, Tupac rose to become a cultural icon whose career and persona both continue to grow long after his passing.

Padūkusi, nekantri ir karštakošė mergaitė vardu Anė dažnai neduoda ramybės savo broliui Piteriui, kad šis vis pagalvoja norintis, kad Anė bent kartais būtų kur nors kitur. Žinoma, berniukas visiškai nesitiki, kad šios jo mintys gali imti ir išsipildyti. Deja, vieną dieną taip ir nutinka: Anė dingsta. Persigandęs Piteris ima ieškoti sesutės, tačiau ponu Zirzalu save vadinantis kalbantis jonvabalis jam pasako, kad Anę pagrobė klastingasis Mėnulio Žmogus. Piteris nedvejodamas pasiryžta padaryti viską, kad išvaduotų seserį ir iškeliauja į Mėnulį. Paaiškėja, kad surezgę piktą planą užvaldyti Visatą, Mėnulio Žmogus ir Žaibo Ragana grobia vaikus iš viso pasaulio. Su pono Zirzalo ir kelių naujų draugų pagalba Piteriui teks pasitelkti visą savo išmintį, drąsą ir išradingumą, kad nugalėtų piktąjį Mėnulio Žmogų ir išlaisvintų nors kartais ir erzinančią, bet labai labai mylimą sesutę ir kitus nelaisvėje laikomus vaikus.

Kamandi and his friends Prince Tuftan of the Tiger Kingdom and humanoid mutant Ben Boxer are kidnapped by a gorilla cult dedicated to finding the reincarnation of their god, The Mighty One. Golgan, the cult’s leader, puts Kamandi’s team through a series of deadly tests to find if any of them know the secret of … The Mighty One.

After a doctor kills his mistress and himself while researching the mysterious previous owner of his Boston home, his colleague, Dr. Norman Boyle, takes over his studies and moves his family into the Boston mansion. Soon after, Boyle's young son Bob becomes plagued by visions of a young girl, who warns him of the danger within the house.

Klaivo Beikerio 1987 m. siaubo klasika. Į jaunos moters, kovojančios su priklausomybe, rankas pakliūna senovinė galvosūkių dėžutė, kuri priverčia susidurti su siaubingomis blogio jėgomis.

When an idealistic romantic gets fired from his day job, he is offered a "one-time gig" to break up a girl's relationship for her disapproving parents. This "one-time" gig spreads through word-of-mouth and he ends up becoming a professional match-breaker. However, he ends up falling for one of his clients and must figure out how to balance his secret job with his love-life.

Netolima ateitis. Buvęs CŽV agentas Snou (Guy Pearce) („Memento“, “Išminuotojų būrys“, „Prometėjas“, „Karaliaus kalba“) neteisingai apkaltinamas savo kolegos nužudymu. Vienintelė galimybė išsilaisvinti pakliūna į rankas visiškai netikėtai. Maksimalaus saugumo kalėjime, kuris, siekiant izoliuoti kalinius įkurtas už Žemės atmosferos ribų, kyla maištas. Kaliniai pagrobia taikos misiją kalėjime vykdančią Prezidento dukterį Emili (Maggie Grace) (žiūrovams žinoma iš „Brėkštanti aušra“, „Pagrobimas“). Snou turi išgelbėti merginą, o kad tai padarytų, jis turi susiremti su 500 pavojingiausių visoje visatoje nusikaltėlių.

Catherine Tate's iconic character Nan hits the big screen as she goes on a wild road trip from London to Ireland with her grandson Jamie to make amends with her estranged sister Nell. Militant vegan arsonists, raucous rugby teams, all night raves and crazed cops on motorbikes all make for a proper day out. An origin story that mixes Nan's present with her past where we finally find out what's made her the cantankerous old bastard she is today.