As a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults), Ruby is the only hearing person in her deaf family. When the family's fishing business is threatened, Ruby finds herself torn between pursuing her love of music and her fear of abandoning her parents.

Filmul ”În linia de apărare”, o producție Disney, este o dramă inspirată de povestea emoționantă a fostului jucător de fotbal american de la Universitatea Clemson, Ray McElrathbey, un tânăr care face față multor provocări, a cărui pasiune și consecvență îl ajută să depășească toate obstacolele. Susținut de coechipierii săi și întreaga Universitate Clemson, Ray are performanțe bune pe teren, crescându-l, în tot acest timp, fratele său de 11 ani, Fahmarr.

Filmul povestește odiseea înduioșătoare a Bellei, o cățelușă care străbate un drum de aproape 600 km, pentru a-l regăsi pe iubitul ei stăpân, Lucas, student la medicină și asistent voluntar în spitalul VA. Bella schimbă viețile multor ființe pe care le întâlnește în drumul ei neobosit - de la un pui de pumă, rămas orfan și până la un veteran năpăstuit de soartă, Bella aduce bucurie și alinare tuturor celor pe care-i întâlnește, cu spiritul său unic și credința sa nestrămutată. Bazat pe caretea foarte bine vândută cu titlu omonim, filmul reprezintă o odisee emoționantă și înălțătoare care reliefează puterea iubirii necondiționate dintre un câine și stăpânul său.

A horrifying story of a shaman's inheritance in the Isan region of Thailand. But the goddess that appears to have taken possession of a family member turns out not to be as benevolent as it first appears.

A teenage girl living with schizophrenia begins to suspect her neighbor has kidnapped a child. Her parents try desperately to help her live a normal life, without exposing their own tragic secrets, and the only person who believes her is Caleb – a boy she isn’t even sure exists.

The story of Karen Silkwood, a metallurgy worker at a plutonium processing plant who was purposefully contaminated, psychologically tortured and possibly murdered to prevent her from exposing blatant worker safety violations at the plant.

Inactive din 1903, la o altitudine de 2.744 de metri, un vulcan erupe pe Muntele Baekdu situat la granița dintre China și Coreea de Nord. Amenințați de erupții iminente, o echipă de profesioniști special antrenați din Coreea de Sud și Coreea de Nord își unesc forțele. Împreună, trebuie să colaboreze și să încerce să prevină un dezastru catastrofal care amenință Peninsula Coreeană.

In the phantasmagorical town of Raven's End, a misguided young girl takes refuge in a decrepit old mortuary. The eccentric undertaker chronicles the strange history of the town through a series of twisted tales, each more terrifying than the last, but the young girl's world is unhinged when she discovers that the final story... is her own.

Terror strikes when a heartbroken woman uses black magic to get her husband back.

A Halloween-hating dad reluctantly teams up with his teenage daughter when an evil spirit wreaks havoc by making their town's decorations come to life.

In the near future, due to a breakthrough scientific discovery by Dr. Thomas Harbor, there is now definitive proof of an afterlife. While countless people have chosen suicide to reset their existence, others try to decide what it all means. Among them is Dr. Harbor's son Will, who has arrived at his father's isolated compound with a mysterious young woman named Isla. There, they discover the strange acolytes who help Dr. Harbor with his experiments.

After her son accidentally witnesses a break-in in the house across the street and records the horrific murder of the homeowner, Lila becomes embroiled in a deadly struggle to protect him.

A 707 aircraft jetliner, en route from Athens to Rome and then to New York City, is hijacked by Lebanese terrorists, who demand that the pilot take them to Beirut. What the terrorists don't realize is that an elite team of commandos have been called in to eliminate all terrorists on the jetliner.

The teenage daughter of a religious fanatic attempts to escape her twisted family life when three strangers break down near their remote farmhouse and interrupt her father's delusional family suicide pact.

A romantic getaway for two troubled college sweethearts turns into a struggle for survival when unexpected guests – and the surrounding environment – exhibit signs of a mysterious infection.

After falling off a cliff and suffering substantial injures, for 48 long hours a young surfer must face a merciless nature and his own physical and mental agony to try to survive.

A young couple's dream of starting a family shatters as they descend into the depths of paranoia and must struggle to survive an evil presence that wants nothing more than their very own lives.

Max Mercer, în vârstă de zece ani, a fost uitat acasă, din greșeală, în timp ce familia sa se afla în Japonia de sărbători. Așa că, atunci când un cuplu căsătorit care încearcă să fure o bijuterie neprețuită pune ochii pe casa familiei sale, Max trebuie să o protejeze de intruși... și va face totul pentru a-i ține departe.

A series of interconnected short films are the backdrop for a maniac screenwriter who pitches insane storylines featuring some of Hollywood's biggest and brightest.

Disturbing and mysterious things begin to happen to a bartender in New Orleans after he picks up a phone left behind at his bar.