Following the events of Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: The Sealed Card, Kero and Spinel share a plate of takoyaki (octopus balls). They get into a fight over who gets the last piece, and in the process send it flying out the window. They both chase the takoyaki, and each other, in a mighty effort to be the "takoyaki captor".
Xiaobai finally found Xu Xian, the reincarnation of Axuan, after 500 years, the two met on the Broken Bridge. Xiaobai and sister hid in the streets and alleys, started a lively life in human world with him and his brother-in-law Li Gongfu.
Ne-ča žije jako obyčejný poslíček, kterého baví motoristické závody. Když ale narazí na staré nepřátele, musí v sobě znovu objevit sílu ochránit svoje milované.
What would have happened if the Shiroyasha never existed? Edo is thrown to chaos by a mysterious cause. Sakata Gintoki, now lives in a world where the future has changed, without him. What has happened to the Yorozuya? Gintoki, who is now a ghost of the past, must once again carry the burden in order to save his friends. He must finish the biggest job ever, which may be the final job of Yorozuya.
Peru is a country steeped in cultural traditions that stretch back more than 1,000 years. But it's also a land of surprising natural riches.
One day a young woman named Blanca is saved by Xuan, a snake catcher from a nearby village. She has lost her memory, and together they go on a journey to discover her real identity, developing deeper feelings for one another along the way. But as they learn more about her past, they uncover a darker plot of supernatural forces vying for power, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.
Tepito is a neighborhood of Mexico City, where the dreams of many destitute people become real. But Tepito is also run by organized crime and corrupt politicians, impunity reigns and justice is non- existent. Here will take place the story of two foolishly proud young men, who were once best childhood friends, and now are blinded by greed and turn against each other. Their intentions are to destroy their families and eventually their own lives.
Best friends ‘Hodu’ and ‘Yeji’ are job seekers whose dreams and hopes have been ruined. One day, ‘Hodu’ luckily gets a decent cheap fully loaded rent house. ‘Yeji’, who has been kicked out of her parents’ house, also stays there with him. They gradually feel a strange energy in the house that seemed perfect. They encounter ominous ghost and freaked out. With no place to go and no money, they try to defeat the ghost to protect their house…
A blind woman and a delivery boy attempt to solve a hit-and-run case the police have been unable to solve.
Příběh začíná zhruba osm měsíců po skončení prvního filmu. Genjimu se blíží promoce na Suzuranu, ale věc, kterou musí vyřešit, je konkurence jiné školy - Housen Gakuen. Neboť příměří, jež do té doby přetrvávalo, bylo zrušeno. V čele s dravým Taigou Narumim Housen Gakuen zahajuje totální útok na Suzuran. Navíc Genjimu se stále ještě nepodařilo sjednotit vlastní školu kvůli tajemnému Linda Manovi. Jak si tedy poradí s tímto útokem? Stejné obsazení jako v jedničce nás vítá do dalších krvavých bitek!
Velmi propracovaný dokument nás podmanivou kamerou vtáhne do fascinujícího světa hub a podhoubí všude kolem nás i v nás. Film o životě a o smrti, o lásce a planetě Zemi, kterou všichni sdílíme.
A reverse comedy that tells the story of a perfectionist assassin who falls and hits his head in a sauna, giving him amnesia. When a down-and-out actor switches locker keys with him, they switch lives until the hit-man, who soon becomes an action hero on TV, starts to remember things.
A woman has a crush with a coworker and makes a ritual to make him fall in love with her, but things got a little out of hand when she messes with forces no one can control.
Shaunovi se nedaří sehnat větší punčochu, a tak se celá farma vydá na pěkně divokou vánoční výpravu. A dokonce na saních!
Když cynický bývalý televizní hlasatel dostane znepokojivý telefonát do svého rozhlasového pořadu, vidí šanci na návrat ke kariéře - ale může ho to stát svědomí.
Mayhem reigns supreme in the animated kingdom as whiz kid Jimmy Neutron and Timmy from "The Fairly Oddparents" swap places in each other's worlds.
Vypráví příběh dívky, která neuspěla u přijímacích zkoušek na vysokou školu, a mladého muže, který je svobodnou duší. Chen Chen neuspěl u gaokao (státní přijímací zkoušky na vysokou školu), zatímco Zheng Yu Xing se musel vrátit do školy, protože nestihl zkoušky. Ti dva se nakonec setkali kvůli lži, kterou Chen Chen řekl, a museli vymyslet způsob, jak rozptýlit pochybnosti svých učitelů a rodičů. Potkali se v mládí, drží se za ruce, když čelí různým problémům v dospívání a navazují hluboké přátelství.
Reb Halland, who lives in the era of Wild West, has made a deal with the devil to gain immortality alog with his gang. Preacher McCready is trying to protect the small town by placing five totems around the town in the shape of pinnacle. One day, an collector passes by the town and sees one of the totems pinned to the earth and he decides to take it. When the man takes the totem out of ground Halland and his gang arrives and start killing everyone. The film moves to the present day when a group of college students driving back home from another city after a debate contest suddenly find themselves at this town. Soon they start to be murdered one by one, and it will be up to them to find the secret of this town and destroy Halland and his gang.
According to legend, an ominous entity known as the Queen of Spades can be summoned by performing an ancient ritual. Four teenagers summon the Queen of Spades, but they could never imagine the horrors that await them.