During the same summer as Woodstock, over 300,000 people attended the Harlem Cultural Festival, celebrating African American music and culture, and promoting Black pride and unity. The footage from the festival sat in a basement, unseen for over 50 years, keeping this incredible event in America's history lost — until now.

Only three days before their high school festival, guitarist Kei, drummer Kyoko, and bassist Nozomi are forced to recruit a new lead vocalist for their band. They choose Korean exchange student Son, though her comprehension of Japanese is a bit rough! It's a race against time as the group struggles to learn three tunes for the festival's rock concert—including a classic '80s punk-pop song by the Japanese group The Blue Hearts called "Linda Linda".

Depressed and in debt, Santoshi tells his young daughter that he is going to find an infamous serial killer and collect a reward. However, when Santoshi disappears without a trace, she starts to fear the worst and begins searching for him.

בשנת 1961, קמפטון בנטון, נהג מונית בן 60, גנב את הדיוקן של גויה 'הדוכס מוולינגטון' מהגלריה הלאומית לאומנות בלונדון. הייתה זו הגניבה הראשונה בהיסטוריה של הגלריה. קמפטון שלח מכתבי כופר בטענה שיחזיר את הציור, בתנאי שהממשלה תשקיע יותר תקציב באוכלוסיית הקשישים במדינה – לאחר שזמן רב ניהל קמפיין בעבור שידורי טלוויזיה בחינם לפנסיונרים. מה שקרה לאחר מכן הפך לאגדה. רק 50 שנה לאחר האירוע נודע הסיפור במלואו – קמפטון טווה רשת של שקרים. האמת היחידה היתה שהוא אדם טוב לב, הנחוש לשנות את העולם ולהציל את נישואיו – והאופן שבו השתמש בדיוקן כדי להשיג את המטרות הללו יצר סיפור נפלא ומרגש.

When forced to divorce his wife by family and social pressure because her mother is a prostitute, Nazar (Khodaparast) works double shifts to pay back the loan he took out for his impulsive wedding and to pay some ongoing restitution to his sweet jilted bride, Reyhaneh (Kosari). When he falls behind in the payments he flees the police and ends up in the desert with an uncommunicative old man (Gharibian) who catches poisonous snakes for their venom. These two are forced to coexist in the desert, because Nazar is unwilling to return to the city and wants to catch snakes to make enough money to settle his debts. His verbose, chattering annoys the reticent old man until Nazar's life is endangered.

Caught in the middle of a fierce gang war in Macau, a corrupt cop named Sam handles negotiations between two Triad leaders who plan to join forces. He meets a suspicious bald man named Tony, who keeps following him around and disrupting his personal business. But when Sam finds out he's a suspect in a nightclub owner's murder, he's sure his stalker has something to do with it.

זוכה פרס אמריקה הלטינית של פסטיבל סאנדאנס.שני אנשי עסקים מהמעמד הגבוה בברזיל, איבן וגילברטו. שוכרים מתנקש להרוג את שותפם השלישי לעסק.המתנקש מתחיל לסחוט אותם ומנסה להשתלט על החברה שלהם, הם מרגישים מאוימים מהאיש שבא משכונות הגטו הקשות של ברזיל עם  גישה והתנהגות שלא מוכרת להם

A director, a cinematographer, and an actress spend the days leading up to a movie shoot together on-location, waiting for the director to come up with an idea for what the film will be about.

Joe is a young boy who lives with his mother, Joanna, in working-class London. The two reside above the tailor shop of Mr. Kandinsky, who likes to tell Joe stories. When Kandinsky informs Joe that a unicorn can grant wishes, the hopeful lad ends up buying a baby goat with one tiny horn, believing it to be a real unicorn. Undaunted by his rough surroundings, Joe sets about to prove that wishes can come true.

The daughter of a wealthy man takes French lessons so she can go to France with her fiancée, but ends up falling for a poor man who studies civil engineering.

Professor Paris Catalano visits Venice, to investigate the last known appearance of the famous vampire Nosferatu during the carnival of 1786.

Every year, Bruno makes a tour of all the wine stands, without setting foot outside the Show’s premises and without ever finishing his wine trail. This year, his father suggests they finish it together, but a real wine trail, across the French countryside. Accompanied by Mike, a young, quirky taxi driver, they set off in the direction of France’s major wine regions. Together, they are going to discover not only the wine trails, but also the road that leads back to Love.

In the summer of '75 Pier Paolo Pasolini's film, "Salò", is stolen from the lab where he is editing it. This is just the first step of an intricate plan that will bring the great poet to his violent death.

Deathly ill Count Dracula and his slimy underling, Anton, travel to Italy in search of a virgin's blood. They're welcomed at the crumbling estate of indebted Marchese Di Fiore, who's desperate to marry off his daughters to rich suitors. But there, instead of pure women, the count encounters incestuous lesbians with vile blood and Marxist manservant Mario, who's suspicious of the aristocratic Dracula.

Ryosuke lives in a small house in Toshima, Tokyo. Since his wife died, he has adjusted to living alone. He used to teach at a university and he now works as a translator. Meanwhile, Ryosuke has one child, Yuriko. She is married to Shigeyuki, who works as a teacher. Yuriko and Shigeyuki live in Azumino, Nagano Prefecture. One day, Yuriko visits her father Ryosuke without advance notice. Ryosuke is surprised by her sudden visit. Yuriko doesn't give any reason for the visit. Ryosuke only learns that Yuriko isn't sure how long she will stay. They haven't talked as father and daughter in a long time. They begin to live together in a nervous, but warm atmosphere.

פיליפ הוא סופר אמריקאי שחי בגלות הלונדונית. לדירתו מגיעה המאהבת שלו, שרחוקה מלהיות האשה היחידה בחייו. הם עושים אהבה וגם מדברים על אהבה – אך גם על דברים אחרים.

In post-apocalyptic New York City a policeman infiltrates the Bronx which has become a battleground for several murderous street gangs.

Once upon a time in the village of Kromer lived two beautiful young wolves. Cocksure Gabriel takes newcomer Seth under his paw and helps reconcile him to the vilification associated with being a wolf. They fall head-over-heels in puppy love, playing together around picturesque waterfalls, secluded woodlands, and moonlit lakes. One day a wicked old crone and her goofy sidekick kill their mistress, frame the wolves, and incite a torch-bearing mob of religious zealots to seek vengeance on the hapless pair. But who will live happily ever after?