One of the most popular saints of all time, St. Philip Neri was widely known for his great charity, deep prayer life, and tremendous humor. Hoping to join St. Ignatius of Loyola's new order of Jesuits and be a missionary to India, Philip was instead guided by Providence to seek out the poor and abandoned youth of Rome to catechize them in the faith and help them find a better life. He became the founder of the religious congregation, the Oratory, that worked with the youth and also labored to re-evangelize a decadent Rome.
表面上,约书亚(詹姆斯·弗兰切威勒 James Frecheville 饰)只是一个17岁的普通少年,但他的一生注定不会平凡,因为自打出生起,他便背负了著名黑道家族——科迪家族之子的“好”名声。母亲的去世让他得以重新回到了这个充满了罪恶和争斗的家族里,尚未成熟的他会受到怎样的洗礼?而他和叔叔以及三个哥哥之间的关系会有着怎样的变化? 警探莱基(盖·皮尔斯 Guy Pearce 饰)的出现给予了约书亚一种新的希望,他不懈的劝说着约书亚,希望他能够回归到正常的人生轨道上来。同时,警方盯上了科迪家族,只等待时机到来将他们一网打尽。在亲情和道义,人生和理想之间,年轻的约书亚不知道该何去何从。 ©豆瓣
Salvo and Valentino are two happy Sicilian friends, who do not want to work, because they know that if they find a permanent job, their girlfriends will ask them to marry them.
6th January 1975, in an infant nursery in Palermo (Italy), for a mysterious reason, a male nurse exchanges the labels of baby number 7 and 8. Thirty-one years later Tommaso (7) and Daniele (8) meet each other by accident.
Two cousins haven't spoken for almost twenty years, thanks to the enmity that their fathers feel toward one another. But an accident suddenly brings the cousins back together and thrusts them deep into the heart of the mafia.
在一个西西里岛的小镇,镇长的竞选临近。这个小镇由充满欺诈的Gaetano Patanè领导了多年,他现在准备用各种欺骗的方式再次赢得选举,并保留他的权力。人们已经习惯了政治漩涡和政治交易,只想随波逐流。但是这次镇长竞选的对手是Pierpaolo Natoli,一个50岁诚实正直的教授,这是他的第一次政治经历,充满了信心和理想。当战胜各种逆境后他赢得了选举,立即开小镇法制的新纪元,开始尊敬小镇的新次序。但是Pietrammare的人们是否准备好接受新次序了吗?
Valentino and Salvo, unemployed and in search of fortune and recommendation, leave Palermo for Valentino’s home town, Monteforte, where they will try to survive the Italian crisis by opening some sort of hospice.
「俗话说家是一个人的起点,我们逃离家庭,尔后又回归其怀抱。」 拥有近20人的巨大家族齐聚到小岛上,为了庆祝爷爷奶奶的50周年金婚!在美丽的小岛上大家狂欢打闹、高歌,如同童年时无忧无虑相处。 然而正当派对过后大家要各自回家之际,一场突如其来的风浪打乱了所有船隻班次,所有人被迫受困在小岛上,久未长时间相处的大家,突然间得挤在同个屋簷下共度两天两夜。 当怀孕的妻子遇上前妻、青梅竹马在分隔多年后再次碰头,所有兄弟姐妹表哥表姊长年来的回忆与不堪,让屋子裡的暗潮汹涌即将大过海上的风浪。
A thief and a priest end up magically transported in the year 0's Palestine, where they'll have to make sure that the Nativity will follow its course.
A man dedicated to religion and very faithful husband suddenly finds himself single. The new shop assistant in his shop will overwhelm his life.
On Christmas Eve, three friends dressed as Santa Clauses are arrested in what seems to be a burglary and taken to the police, accused of being the infamous "Santa Claus Gang". While trying to prove their innocence, the trio explains why they found themselves in such a strange situation.
Giacomo befriends a con man, believing that he is the reincarnation of his dead father.
In Polignano a Mare, covered in snow, they are more nervous than usual. Hysterics, anxiousness, pregnancy tests, lost rings and stuck lifts - what else can happen?
Andrea和Giulia是一对40岁的稳固夫妻,有一个可爱的儿子,一个美丽的家和平静的婚姻生活。像许多同龄、有大孩子的夫妇一样,他们实际上不再发生性关系。但在他们的生活中,当曾为色情明星的,Giulia的老朋友Max Lamberti走进家门的那一天,一切都发生了变化。Max立即颠覆了家里沉闷的节奏,成为Giulia的私人顾问,不顾一切地试图重振她与Andrea的婚姻。
A married couple must get their hands dirty when a bunch of mobsters start using their new home as a deposit for illegal material.
Gaetano is a divorced traffic cop in a relationship with a beautiful and exuberant woman, for whom he happily provides standards of living well above his means. He plans to propose to her, but she is thinking to run away with his handsome superior. In the midst of debts, unpaid alimony and other serious financial issues, Gaetano unexpectedly wins the lottery, turning the fortune around.
Old and forgotten, comedian Aldo is brought by his sons into a nursing home called Reuma Park where he finds his old friends and partners Giovanni and Giacomo.