Rafalas Vilčuras – genialus chirurgas, po kurio skalpeliu atgyja net ir beviltiškiausi ligoniai. Deja, šeimyninis vyro gyvenimas klostosi ne taip sėkmingai kaip jo karjera. Namus palikus žmonai ir dukrai, chirurgas lieka gatvėje. Apiplėštas, be pinigų ir dokumentų vyras vos per kelias akimirkas iš gerbiamo gydytojo tampa gatvių valkata. Aplinkybių vedinas jis pakeičia vardą ir tampa Antoniu Košiba. Atvykęs į malūną Antonis apsistoja svetingos moters namuose ir padeda ūkio darbuose. Netrukus apylinkėse pasklinda gandas apie žiniuonį, neatlygintinai tiesiantį pagalbos ranką kiekvienam besikreipusiam, o ties malūnininkės durų slenksčiu būriuojasi iš tolimiausių pakampių atvykę sergantieji. Tuo tarpu likimas jau dėlioja savo kortas ir ruošia Rafalui dar vieną gyvenimo staigmeną...
Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet fall in love against the wishes of their feuding families. Driven by their passion, the young lovers defy their destiny and elope, only to suffer the ultimate tragedy.
High school student Shun Takahata is bored. Bored with the day-to-day monotony of school and life, he prays for change, for something exciting. Suddenly, he and his classmates are forced to play deadly children's games and facing terrifying creatures from a talking Daruma doll to a sharp-clawed lucky cat.
A movie follows a regular working day of a woman who works in a factory. She wakes up at 3am and goes to sleep at 10pm.
Pripažinto režisieriaus James Gray filmas „Armagedono metas“, tai labai asmeniška brendimo istorija apie šeimos stiprybę ir kartų siekį įgyvendinti amerikietišką svajonę. Filme vaidina žvaigždės: Anthony Hopkins, Anne Hathaway ir Jeremy Strong.
Paauglė netyčia paleidžia senovinę ir šelmišką dvasią per Helouvyną, kuri priverčia dekoracijas atgyti ir krėsti šunybes. Tam, kad išgelbėtų savo miestelį, mergina privalo susiburti į komandą su tuo, kuo visai nesitikėjo - savo tėvu!
Keiros Vuds duktė paslaptingai dingsta jų naujojo namo rūsyje. Netrukus ji sužino, kad jų namus valdo senovinė ir galinga būtybė, su kuria jai teks susidurti arba ji rizikuos visiems laikams prarasti savo šeimos sielas.
A young Nurse is assigned to look after a patient in a remote location in the English countryside. As the night continues she finds herself terrorized by an unseen force that is connected with her patient.
Filmas pasakoja apie agentę, kuri dirba slaptoje organizacijoje, kuri naudoja smegenų implantavimo technologiją, kad apsigyventų kitų žmonių kūnuose, galiausiai paskatindama juos įvykdyti žmogžudystes daug mokantiems klientams.
An Italian nobleman seeks help after his paralyzed daughter becomes possessed by the spirit of a malevolent ancestress.
Set in the fictional country of Heaven Valley, the film is the story of a man, Adam, who following the suspicious death of his wife begins to investigate her murder and in doing so, discovers the involvement of local mafia boss: Denny Richards. Unable to trust the police, corrupt and controlled by Denny, Adam, consumed by anger, summons a demon who offers him superhuman strength and dark powers. The demon follows him during his trip, promising to lead Adam to the door of the murderer if he does everything the demon asks. This unleashes a bloody war that will bring Adam, the demon on his side, against the police department with all its dark allies. The fight begins and it will be extreme!
A duo of Edgar Allan Poe adaptations about a greedy wife's attempt to embezzle her dying husband's fortune, and a sleazy reporter's adoption of a strange black cat.
Columnist and author Femke is flooded with anonymous nasty messages and death threats on social media. One day she is completely done and decides to take revenge.
A boy deals with the loss of his mother by creating a relationship with a dangerous monster.
Vykstant įprastinei perdavimo procedūrai, pabėga teroristas. Vilas Holovėjus kartu su vadovybės nemalonę užsitraukusiu MI5 žvalgybos viršininku Hariu Pirsu turi jį susekti, kol šis nespėjo įvykdyti teroristinio išpuolio Londone.
Washington, D.C. psychologist Carol Bennell and her colleague Dr. Ben Driscoll are the only two people on Earth who are aware of an epidemic running rampant through the city. They discover an alien virus aboard a crashed space shuttle that transforms anyone who comes into contact with it into unfeeling drones while they sleep. Carol realizes her son holds the key to stopping the spread of the plague and she races to find him before it is too late.
A group of middle schoolers discover a Spirit Halloween store is haunted and must survive the night.
Betriek lives at the edge of a peat bog in the North of the Netherlands. When she and her family are attacked by a random stranger one night, Betriek sets out to find an explanation. The more she digs, the more she becomes convinced that she is being hunted by something ancient.
Struggling to conceive, Eric and Makayla hire a witch doctor from Gravida Foundation to help them. Ola moves into their home, taking over their lives as she puts them through a series of magical rituals.
A young woman unleashes terrifying demons when supernatural forces at the root of a decades-old rift between mother and daughter are ruthlessly revealed.