The lives of Stan Laurel (1890-1965) and Oliver Hardy (1892-1957), on the screen and behind the curtain. The joy and the sadness, the success and the failure. The story of one of the best comic duos of all time: a lesson on how to make people laugh.

V tomto skutočnom príbehu, ktorý sa odohráva v retrospektívach, sa do chudobnej írskej robotníckej rodiny narodí Christy Brown s ochromujúcou mozgovou obrnou. Keďže dokáže ovládať len pohyby ľavej nohy a hovoriť hrdelnými zvukmi, prvých desať rokov svojho života je mylne považovaný za mentálne postihnutého.

PK, an English orphan terrorized for his family's political beliefs in Africa, turns to his only friend, a kindly world-wise prisoner, Geel Piet. Geel teaches him how to box with the motto “fight with your fists and lead with your heart”. As he grows to manhood, PK uses these words to take on the system and the injustices he sees around him - and finds that one person really can make a difference.

Timeworn Joe Collins and his fellow inmates live under the heavy thumb of the sadistic, power-tripping guard Captain Munsey. Only Collins' dreams of escape keep him going, but how can he possibly bust out of Munsey's chains?

A renowned professor is forced to reassess her life when she is diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer.

An obscure Italian magistrate suspects that a well-known industrialist commited murder, and decides to investigate him, and bring him to court, whatever it takes. But - will the magistrate have it in him to go against impossible odds, in the name of the Italian people he represents?

Meduzot (the Hebrew word for Jellyfish) tells the story of three very different Israeli women living in Tel Aviv whose intersecting stories weave an unlikely portrait of modern Israeli life. Batya, a catering waitress, takes in a young child apparently abandoned at a local beach. Batya is one of the servers at the wedding reception of Keren, a young bride who breaks her leg in trying to escape from a locked toilet stall, which ruins her chance at a romantic honeymoon in the Caribbean. One of the guests is Joy, a Philippine chore woman attending the event with her employer, and who doesn't speak any Hebrew (she communicates mainly in English), and who is guilt-ridden after having left her young son behind in the Philippines.

Anglicko, začiatok storočia. Počas popoludňajších stretnutí pri šálke čaju spoznávame hlavné postavy: rodinu bohatého obchodníka Wilcoxa, ich náhodné známosti sestry Schlegelové, intelektuálky nemeckého pôvodu, a hrdého, ale neúspešného mladého úradníka. Všetko je len náhodné priateľstvo, kým umierajúca pani Wilcoxová nečakane neodkáže svoje romantické vidiecke sídlo Howards End pôvabnej Margaret Schlegelovej... Vzťahy sa menia, podozrievanie, závisť, ale aj láska. A uprostred toho všetkého jeden tichý dom, ktorý zmení osudy všetkých ľudí okolo, ktorý sa stane svedkom vraždy, konca nádejí, ale aj domovom, v ktorom sa v budúcnosti snáď narodia múdrejšie a šťastnejšie deti... Strhujúci príbeh troch rodín, ktoré spájajú putá lásky, nenávisti, peňazí a závisti. Hlboko ľudské príbehy ľudí, ktorých vzťahy určovali ich srdcia a jeden vidiecky dom.

After a terrible air disaster, survivor Max Klein emerges a changed person. Unable to connect to his former life or to wife Laura, he feels godlike and invulnerable. When psychologist Bill Perlman is unable to help Max, he has Max meet another survivor, Carla Rodrigo, who is wracked with grief and guilt since her baby died in the crash which she and Max survived.

A young ex-con seeking redemption is surprised by a bank foreclosure that forces him to plot against a ruthless crime boss.

An examination of the infamous thirty-year-old cold case of Iowa paperboy Johnny Gosch, the first missing child to appear on a milk carton. The film focuses on Johnny’s mother, Noreen Gosch, and her relentless quest to find the truth about what happened to her son. Along the way there have been mysterious sightings, bizarre revelations, and a confrontation with a person who claims to have helped abduct Johnny.

A college student gets caught up in a spiral that leads him to become a real Mafia godfather.

The life of Carlota Joaquina, the Spanish infanta who met the prince of Portugal when she was only 10 years old and was immensely disappointed with her future husband.

A brother and his young sister come to a small town to find out a local gang terrorizes the population.

Hviezdami drámy Wima Wendersa sú John Diehl a Michelle Williamsová ako dvaja veľmi odlišní ľudia, ktorých spojila nekonvenčná cesta. Snímka sa odohráva po 11. septembri 2001 a obe postavy sa s tragédiou a vlastnou stratou vyrovnávajú iným spôsobom. Paul je paranoidný a teroristov vidí úplne všade a v každom. Jeho neter Lana naopak prepadla prácou pre chudobných. Keď je zastrelený mladý moslim, vydávajú sa obaja na spoločnú cestu. Ona chce doviezť telo mŕtveho jeho rodine a on zase zabiť teroristov, pre ktorých podľa neho mladík pracoval.

In the 1960s, British painter Francis Bacon surprises a burglar and invites him to share his bed. The burglar, a working class man named George Dyer, accepts. After the unique beginning to their love affair, the well-connected and volatile artist assimilates Dyer into his circle of eccentric friends, as Dyer's struggle with addiction strains their bond.

Captain Eloïse Gentil, of Caen police, hasn't been on speaking terms with her father Robert, an expert on WWII, for twenty years. But the two are brought together to investigate the death of James Crawley, a 91 year-old former GI, found tied to a pole and in his uniform, apparently executed "as an example".

A journalist tries to balance the duties of marriage and motherhood while researching a piece on college women who work as prostitutes to pay their tuition.

Keď sa Carole a Lionel dozvedia, že ich partneri majú pomer, spoja sa, aby zachránili svoje manželstvá.

This story takes place in the universe of the Wachowskis' film 'The Matrix'. Kaydara, a bounty hunter who is living separately from the Human Resistance Group, does not believe in the prophecy of the 'chosen one' . He thinks this 'saviour' is a threat to the awakening of Man's self-awareness. He considers the 'chosen one' as his enemy and if they cross paths, will not hesitate to confront him.