Cashier and part-time starving artist Christopher Cross is absolutely smitten with the beautiful Kitty March. Kitty plays along, but she's really only interested in Johnny, a two-bit crook. When Kitty and Johnny find out that art dealers are interested in Chris's work, they con him into letting Kitty take credit for the paintings. Cross allows it because he is in love with Kitty, but his love will only let her get away with so much.

A motley group of Chinese prisoners held in the US is sent on a covert mission with the promise of a pardon: to go deep into Vietnam and destroy a secret depot of missiles that the US left behind during the pull-out.

It's no accident when wealthy Charles falls for Jean. Jean is a con artist with her sights set on Charles' fortune. Matters complicate when Jean starts falling for her mark. When Charles suspects Jean is a gold digger, he dumps her. Jean, fixated on revenge and still pining for the millionaire, devises a plan to get back in Charles' life. With love and payback on her mind, she re-introduces herself to Charles, this time as an aristocrat named Lady Eve Sidwich.

Oleg is a young gifted paramedic. His wife Katya works as a nurse at the hospital emergency department. She loves Oleg, but is fed up with him caring more about patients than her. She tells him she wants a divorce. The new head of Oleg’s EMA department is a cold-hearted manager who’s got new strict rules to implement. Oleg couldn’t care less about the rules – he’s got lives to save; his attitude gets him in trouble with the new boss. The crisis at work coincides with the personal life crisis. Caught up between their patients, alcohol-fueled off-shifts, and an evolving health care system, Oleg and Katya have to find the binding force that will keep them together.

After the events of the summer, Ares and Raquel they don't see a way forward in their relationship and decide to go separate ways. But when they meet again in the winter in Barcelona, the love and desire they feel for each other is undeniable. Will they be able to find a way to get back together?

After a divorce with her childhood friend, arrogant socialite Tracy Lord is remarrying but her ex-husband in still in love with her. Meanwhile, a gossip magazine blackmails Tracy's family into covering her new wedding. A musical remake of the 1940 romcom The Philadelphia Story.

A streetwise Paris policeman who takes kickbacks from the minor criminals on his beat to allow them to continue is assigned an idealistic new partner fresh from police academy. He sets out to corrupt him...

Prašmatniame Prancūzijos kurorte prasideda atostogų sezonas. Policijos viršininkas išsikviečia žandarą Kriušo – regione padaugės žmonių, o tai reiškia, padaugės pažeidėjų. Tačiau žandarui labiau rūpi moterys. Pagaliau jis sutinka savęs vartą damą – generolo našlę.

Žandarus veja į pensiją. Tačiau žandaras Kriušo – vyras pačiame jėgų žydėjime – negali to suprasti. Jis mano, kad tereikia parodyti daugiau iniciatyvos, ir jį tikrai paliks dirbti. Pastangos nenuėjo veltui. Žandaras išgelbsti miestą.

When an English cartographer arrives in Wales to tell the residents of the Welsh village of Ffynnon Garw that their 'mountain' is only a hill, the offended community sets out to remedy the situation.

Draugiška Žandarų brigada išvyksta į Niujorką dalyvauti tarptautiniame policininkų kongrese. Jie – vieninteliai Prancūzijos pasiuntiniai, Todėl pagrindinis jų rūpestis - munduro garbė. Tačiau atrodo, rūpesčių gali pridaryti ir Kriušo gražuolė dukra Nikolė, slapta ir be bilieto įsėdusi į tą patį laivą. Beje, anglų kalbos nemoka nė vienas prancūzų pareigūnas.

The continuing adventures of the barbers at Calvin's Barbershop. Gina, a stylist at the beauty shop next door, is now trying to cut in on his business. Calvin is again struggling to keep his father's shop and traditions alive--this time against urban developers looking to replace mom & pop establishments with name-brand chains. The world changes, but some things never go out of style--from current events and politics to relationships and love, you can still say anything you want at the barbershop.

Sarą paliko vyras. Gera linkinti šeima nutaria, kad jai skubiai reikia širdies draugo. Aktyviausiai dirba sesuo – į pažinčių tinklalapį įdeda jos duomenis su prierašu: „Turi mylėti šunis.“ Sara labai myli šunis, bet, juokingiausia, pati neturi! Tad aklam pasimatymui šunų aikštelėje su Džeiku pasiskolina brolio augintinį. O Džeikas taip pat „išsinuomoja“ keturkojį. Ar jiedviem suvizgins uodegą tikra meilė?

A criminal defense attorney must choose between family, duty and her own dangerous desires when she takes on the case of an artist accused of murder.

A search and recovery team heads into Victor Crowley’s haunted swamp to pick up the pieces, and Marybeth learns the secret to ending the voodoo curse that has left Victor Crowley terrorizing Honey Island Swamp for decades.

Nors robotai sukurti kaip puikūs namų pagalbininkai, bet Eleina ir Čarlzas (aktoriai Shailene Woodley ir Jack Whitehall) į viską pasižiūri kūrybiškai ir nusprendžia savo antrininkus panaudoti bandant išvengti pirmųjų pasimatymų nerangumo, nejaukumo ir prakaituojančių delnų. Robotai sėkmingai įvykdo savo misiją – susuka galvą vienas kitam. Tačiau patiems netikėtai suvokus, kad įsimylėjo, antrininkai pavagia savo šeimininkų tapatybes ir tepa slides. Eleinai ir Čarlzui nelieka nieko kito, kaip tik susivienyti ir leistis iš paskos, siekiant susigrąžinti maištautojus atgal. Žinoma, jie nė iš tolo neprilygsta savo tobuliems mechaniniams antrininkams, tad kelionėje jų laukia ir prakaituojantys delnai, ir nejaukumas, ir susierzinimas, ir nuolatiniai ginčai, ir dar daug ko.

When Kate Sullivan storms a hostage situation, the whole incident is captured on tape by an unscrupulous media crew who edit the footage to show her killing a helpless victim. "Maniac Cop" takes it upon himself to exact revenge upon those who smeared her name.

Mitch Robbins' 40th birthday begins quite well until he returns home and finds his brother Glen, the black sheep of the family, in his sofa. Nevertheless he is about to have a wonderful birthday-night with his wife when he discovers a treasure map of Curly by chance. Together with Phil and unfortunately Glen he tries to find the hidden gold of Curly's father in the desert of Arizona.

Man-eating crocodiles return to the lake as two males and one aggressive female crocodile, which is protecting her nest, wreak havoc on the locals.