Tonny is released from prison - again. This time he has his mind set on changing his broken down life, but that is easier said than done.
Christopher Lambert, Sean Connery ir Clancy Brown kultiniame filme „Kalnietis“ (Highlander). 1536 m. škotas Konoras Maklaudas buvo nugalėtas kovoje, bet paslaptingu būdu prisikėlė. Greitai sužinojo, kad priklauso nemirtingai kovotojų rasei, iš kurių galima atimti gyvybę nukirtus galvą kardu.
The "Memphis Belle" is a World War II bomber, piloted by a young crew on dangerous bombing raids into Europe. The crew only have to make one more bombing raid before they have finished their duty and can go home. In the briefing before their last flight, the crew discover that the target for the day is Dresden, a heavily-defended city that invariably causes many Allied casualties
Purl, an earnest ball of yarn, gets a job at a fast-paced, male-centered startup company. Things start to unravel as Purl tries to fit in with this tight-knit group, but she must ask herself how far is she willing to go to get the acceptance she yearns for and if, in the end, it is worth it.
The life and career of shock-jock superstar Howard Stern is recounted from his humble beginnings to his view from the top. Possessing a desire to be an on-air personality since childhood, Stern meanders through the radio world, always with his supportive wife, Alison, by his side. Landing a gig in Washington, D.C., Stern meets Robin Quivers, who will become his long-time partner in crime. When the two move to New York, they face the wrath of NBC executives.
Another planet in the period of medieval times. An employee of the institute of experimental history from Earth, who is send under the name of noble don Rumata of Estor as a spy with a mission to contact the local resident of the institute, arrives in the city of Arkanar. But the resident perishes under an unlucky attempt to make a palace coup, and Rumata have to take his place as the resident. Soon he meets all the horrors of the medieval society - a peasant war, palace coups, mass executions. To continue to be an indifferent watcher of all these horrors turns out to be simply impossible...
After the death of his father Murat II, Mehmet II ascends to the Ottoman throne. After braving internal and external enemies, he decides to complete what he was destined to do: Conquer Constantinople.
Miracle at St. Anna chronicles the story of four American soldiers who are members of the all-black 92nd "Buffalo Soldier" Division stationed in Tuscany, Italy during World War II.
Seal Team Eight must fight their way deep into Africa's Congo, decommission a secret uranium mine, and stop our most dangerous enemy from smuggling weapon's grade yellow-cake out of the country.
Džo - paprastas jaunuolis, atsitiktinai sumaišo namus ir netyčia nutraukia name filmuojamą filmą. Name filmavęs sceną pornografijos režisierius įtūžta ir liepia užmušti Džo, tačiau vaikinas sugeba pasprukti nuo žudiku, o tai sužavi pornografijos režisierių ir to rezultatas... Pradedančiam aktoriui Džo tenka vaidinti pagrindinį vaidmenį porno filme "Kapitonas Orgazmas". Geranoris herojus, kuris grumiasi su priešais "Orgazmolaizerio" pagalba, atitiko žiūrovų skonį ir kitą rytą atsibudęs, Džo tapo superžvaigžde...
Set in the belly of Los Angeles' criminal underworld, Arc is the story of Paris Pritchert, a former police officer turned drug dealer and addict, who embarks on a quest to find a missing child in the hope of redeeming his eroding character. The only catch is, like all addicts, Paris' confidence completely relies on the drugs in his system and -- in this case -- his firm belief that he can succeed in his mission if he can just stay high 24/7 and alive long enough to see it through. To aid in the endeavor, Paris enlists the help of Maya Gibbs, an African American prostitute versed not only in the language of the street, but also in the words of Maya Angelou and Nadine Gordimer. And together, the path of this dysfunctional duo crosses with those of the child's parents, a doctor with a penchant for soliciting "Street Boys", a self-ascribed King Of Porn, a drug supplier with a gift for making impeccable hors d'oeuvres, and a hardened cop with more scams than the most adept street hustler.
An American writer living in exile in London, Philip listens to women. His English mistress, who visits him regularly in the studio that serves as their refuge. A student he loved in another life. A former lover confined to a hospital in New York.
David Lord finds himself forced into the savage world of a modern gladiatorial arena, where men fight to the death for the entertainment of the online masses.
Tai garsaus 1971 metais sukurto britų filmo su Michael‘iu Caine‘u amerikietiškas variantas, kuriame pagrindinį samdomo žudiko vaidmenį suvaidino Sylvesteris Stallone. Patyręs gangsteris Džekas Karteris po penkerių metų pertraukos sugrįžta į Sietlą. Vyruko laukia liūdnos žinios – mirė jo brolis Ričis. Jau per laidotuves Džekas ima įtarti, kad brolis atsisveikino su šiuo pasauliu ne savo noru. Kažkas labai pasistengė. Tačiau kas? Mirties maestro Karteris pradeda asmeninį tyrimą, trokšdamas išsiaiškinti, kas yra Ričio žūties kaltininkai. Jis susitinka su daugeliu broliui artimų žmonių, ir netrukus supranta, kad jie visi meluoja. Vietos gangsteriai, mafijos parankiniai ir solidūs bosai mėgina įtikinti Džeką Karterį, kad broliukas užsimušė autoavarijoje prieš tai gerokai prisigėręs bare. Ši versija neįtikina patyrusio kriminalinio vilko.
Happenings in a small Irish traveling circus.
Nemirtingieji galiūnai Konoras (akt. Christopheris Lambertas) ir Dankanas Maklaudai (akt. Adrianas Paulas) privalo suvienyti jėgas, kad galėtų įveikti Džeikobą Kelą (akt. Bruce'as Payne), amžinai gyvenantį blogį. Laukia paskutinė kova su vis galingesniu tamsių jėgų valdovu... Kieno kirtis užbaigs nemirtingųjų amžinybės žaidimą?
Kardų meistras Konoras Maklaudas (akt. Christopheris Lambertas) turi kovoti su galingiausiu nemirtingųjų priešu, kuris išsivadavo iš savo požemio ir trokšta valdyti pasaulį.
After earth is taken over by an army of robots, the small number of humans left are forced into hiding. In the nuclear winter, only droids walk the face of the earth, in fear of the rumored human resurgence, and in search of a hidden cache of weapons. One robot, his evil circuits destroyed, enters a small town where a robot civil war is taking place.
A young Los Angeles police officer and a mysterious gnome become unlikely partners as they track a killer. When a sting operation goes awry, officer Casey is blamed for the murder of his colleague and Gnorm the gnome is the only witness.
A Greek artisan is commissioned to cast the cup of Christ in silver and sculpt around its rim the faces of the disciples and Jesus himself. He travels to Jerusalem and eventually to Rome to complete the task. Meanwhile, a nefarious interloper is trying to convince the crowds that he is the new Messiah by using nothing more than cheap parlor tricks.