Human traffickers wipe out a young girl's family and village. She then seeks revenge on those responsible, eventually becoming first the hunted then turning into the hunters with the mercenary hired to eliminate her.

When the Spirit World is flooded due to an unusual rainfall which overflows the River Sanzu (aka the River Styx), Lord Koenma senses an extremely powerful enemy. He entrusts Death God Botan, to deliver to Spirit Detective Yusuke, a mysterious item which must be protected from the invading enemy. However, by the time Botan finds Yusuke, she's too weak to explain the situation. Yusuke and his friends are left in the dark about the new enemy, but not for long. Soon it is a battle for Earth between mere Spirit Detectives and the almighty king of the Netherworld.

חאליף צעיר מהעולם הערבי ממנה את סקובי ושאגי לטועמי המזון המלכותיים שלו.

When Draculaura is led to believe she's the rightful heir to the vampire throne, she and her best ghoulfriends are whisked away to Transylvania for a royal coronation to die for. But they soon discover the hunt for the queen is not over yet. The Ghouls must locate an ancient artifact known as the Vampire's Heart in order to discover the identity of the true Vampire Queen. It's a fangtastic adventure that will lead them from the Tower of Londoom, to a haunted river boat in New Goreleans and finally to the glamorous boo-vie lots of Hauntlywood. Could this be the moment when Draculara finally receives her vampire powers and discovers screams really can come true?

כשתומס מתעורר במעלית, הדבר היחיד שהוא מצליח לזכור הוא שמו הפרטי. במהרה הוא מגלה שהוא לכוד עם חבורת נערים בתוך מתחם ענקי מוקף חומות אבן. אף אחד אינו יודע למה ואיך הם הגיעו לשם הם רק יודעים שבכל בוקר נפתחות בחומה דלתות אבן שמובילות החוצה אל המבוך שסובב אותם, ממנו אף אחד מעולם לא חזר. תומאס מצטרף לכוח עם נערים נוספים לא רק על מנת להימלט מהמבוך, אלא לפתור את החידה ולחשוף את הסוד של מי הביא אותם לשם ומדוע.

בני נוער מודרניים בשם מאק ובריידי מקבלים ביקור בעולם האמיתי מ-ללה, טאנר, בוצ'י, וחברים גולשים וגם כמה אופנוענים אחרים.

GSI second in command, Sophie Nordh, flips gangster leader Seth Rydell and convinces him to infiltrate a rogue military group. For the first time GSI Chief Patrick Agrell realizes that he is using a ruthless psychopath as an infiltrator. Can Seth be trusted or does he have his own agenda?

Warren Miller’s “Future Retro” will revel in 71 years of movie magic - with fresh stories and perspectives from across the globe, heroes from the glory days, and that retro energy keeping the winter dream alive.

Sergio is a brooding, alienated man who works as a trash collector in Lisbon by day and roams the city streets by night seeking rough, anonymous sex with men. One night he meets a man who seems to be the embodiment of his tormented fantasies, and he becomes obsessed with the stranger until loneliness and unfulfilled desire propel him finally into a dark and dangerous animalistic state.

A young bank receptionist gets mixed up with Rajveer Nanda, a man who has a mysterious background.

לאחר שמשפחתו נרצחת ע"י גנגסטר סרבי, בלש משטרת ניו-יורק נוסע לאסיה וחובר לבלש תאילנדי לנקום ולהרוס רשת שמתעסקת בסחר בבני אדם.

When a team of unlikely heroes hijacks a steam-powered battle wagon, a daring young wizard (Marek) steals the final piece of the all-powerful Darkspore and embarks on a desperate quest to deliver the cursed artifact to the gods for safe keeping; but when they are caught in a death race between a ruthless team of elite mercenaries and a trinity of demons, Marek must learn to believe in herself before her friends are killed and the Darkspore is lost, to stop the evil necromancer (Szorlok) from uniting the Darkspore and flooding the living world with his legions of undead.

Our three hapless heroes - Igor, Artyom, and Sauna - return for another lesson from St. Valentine. This time they must learn the true value of fatherhood.

לאחר פרידה כואבת מבן זוגה, לוביסטית מצליחה נכנסת למערכת יחסים חושנית עם זר מסתורי, קארטר, שנראה כבחור המושלם. אולם, לאחר חיזור טעון מינית, היא רואה את הצד האלים שלו ומפרקת את מערכת היחסים. בזעמו, המלווה במסע נקמה לא שפוי, הוא הופך את חייה.

Hamburg, mid 80s, Alex is a cabby. The sound is hard, pubs are dark and loud, people constantly argue about anything and everything, people smoke all the time, and not just cigarettes. Alex wants love and freedom and sleeps with Dietrich. It's far from being love, but the sex is okay. With Marc, a little person full of dignity, she finds more than that. The rest is struggles with her passengers, the indifferent and the doomed, brutes as other nuisances. This sort of life could go on and on, Alex could drive away from her own life and in doing so lose Marc and not getting rid of Dietrich. Wouldn't there be a small monkey with the same invincible desire for freedom as hers.

Sexy couple Zack and Benji decide to have an “open” weekend to partake in the smorgasbord of available men on their vacation to a gay getaway in Palm Springs. When Zack runs into his ex-boyfriend Casey at the resort, they both do their best to look like they are having a good time. How could they not, when they are surrounded by cute, frisky guys with six-packs and very little clothing?

A married doctor lands in trouble when his flirtatious ways lead a woman to fall for him.

An underwater earthquake generates a tsunami that strikes Malibu, bringing a hunting pack of prehistoric-looking goblin sharks to the surface. Although the beach is evacuated before the big wave strikes, a group of lifeguards and a crew of construction workers are stranded in the high water and have to fight the sharks to get to dry land.

"Jornada" is a visual time line of one spot somewhere in the American southwest. Natural and human-made cycles of birth and death are played out amidst a desert landscape.