The story of Santi, a preteen who is dealing with the recent separation of his parents Rodrigo and Alejandra. Despite their divorce, Santi's parents are both desperately devoted to their son. When the three learn that Santi has a medical condition that could jeopardize his eyesight, Santi's father encourages him to make a list of places and things he wants to see and do before losing his sight completely. Santi immediately obliges with an elaborate list but with one condition - the estranged couple must come together to help him fulfill his dreams. As the three embark on the amazing, sometimes wacky adventure, the couple must learn how to live together for the sake of their son. But will the adventure open their eyes and make separating impossible? We'll see....
A single father has a fractious relationship with his rebellious teenage daughter. When a lost letter written to the daughter from her dying mother is miraculously found, everything starts to turn around.
A documentary about Peanuts and its creator, Charles M. Schulz. Famous fans—including Drew Barrymore, Kevin Smith, and Al Roker—share its influence on them, and a new animated story finds Charlie Brown on a quest.
Violet is a woman chasing her dream job, not without getting a difficult task from her professor, she realizes that she loves helping people and her heart begins to open again.
A teenager lives out the hilarious and often tragic consequences of being lethally attractive, until he meets a girl with a congenital defect.
Busy chocolatier Charlotte has left her boyfriend James at the altar three times and now she needs to prove to him that she really does want to marry him. Things are complicated when James’ ex-girlfriend Nicole, who is also the owner of Chocolate Monthly Magazine, arrives on the scene and says she wants him back.
Rodičua už majú po krk toho hovoriť na všetko „nie“, a tak nechajú deti, aby si raz určili pravidlá sami.
When their father's will forces them to live together, siblings Nik and Tesla — and Tesla's kids — try to overcome their differences to become a family.
Katya is a young, outstanding and upcoming ballet dancer. In just a few weeks she is due to have a major audition for the New York Ballet Academy and Katya has good chances of getting a scholarship. But when she meets a group of street-dancers the girl dives into a completely new world.
Filmová adaptácia uznávaného románu Tima Wintona sa odohráva v úžasnej scenérii Západnej Austrálie, ktorá je svedkom vášnivého príbehu lásky a smútku. Georgia uviazla vo vzťahu bez lásky. Žije s legendárnym miestnym rybárom Jimom Buckridgem. Zamiluje sa do tajomného samotára Lua, muža prenasledovaného tragickou minulosťou, ktorý sa vzdal svojej hudobnej kariéry. Georgia spočiatku bojuje sama so sebou, ale vzájomná príťažlivosť ich oboch premôže a odhalí tajomstvá, ktoré zmenia ich životy. Keď sa Jim o ich afére dozvie, Lu uteká s tým, že sa už nevráti a Georgia sa pustí za ním, aby ho priviedla späť. Všetci traja sú vyčerpaní traumami, ocitajú sa vzájomne zviazaní a sú nútení čeliť vnútorným konfliktom toho druhého. Každý z nás je zraniteľný a len láska má schopnosť liečiť tie najhlbšie rany.
A thief on the run convinces a single father that he is his long-lost son. Complications ensue when he falls in love with his newfound "sister".
A commentary on Spanish society dressed as a thriller about the misadventures of a gang of young petty criminals after the real estate crash.
The story of Dylan Pettersson, a 23-year-old girl from a small island in the Swedish archipelago with big dancing aspirations.
Strhujúce akčné dobrodružstvo, v ktorom bojuje o prežitie bohatá americká rodina, ktorá cestuje do rozľahlej africkej divočiny v Keni a dúfa v dovolenku snov plnú vzrušenia, utužovania rodinných vzťahov a šance napraviť rastúce rozpory v ich rodine. Keď ale na ich safari vozidlo zaútočí nosorožec, ktorý chráni svoje mláďa, rodina uviazne na míle ďaleko od pomoci a ich vysnívaná dovolenka sa premení na desivý boj o prežitie vo svete, v ktorom je človek na konci potravinového reťazca.
Elisabeth and John John are raised in the same city, yet they live light years apart, separated economically, socially and culturally. That is until the day they start in the same high school class.
A former smuggler attempts to start his life anew and repair his relationship with his estranged brother after his release from prison.
After years of putting her career ahead of love, stand-up comic Andrea Singer has stumbled upon the perfect guy. On paper, he checks all the boxes but is he everything he appears to be?
Due to financial problems, Yilmaz family moves in their grandmother Saadet's house. But Saadet is not living alone as known. Saadet's old house, which is also a tomb of her deceased husband, is inhabited by beings from another dimension. And this beings don't want anyone in the house, but Saadet.
While staying at an aging manor to research its liquor-smuggling history, Christina and her documentary video team interview their spooky host Vincent—but no one can capture his image or voice on video. After shocking dreams and bloody encounters, the crew members fall under Victor’s hypnotic spell.
A short overview of the Danish theme park, circa 1994.