Kompletny zaznam zo ziveho vystupenia australskej hardrockovej legendy AC/DC a ich turne Black Ice World Tour. Video bolo natocene v Decembri 2009 ked sa kapela vratila do Buenos Aires a na stadione River Plate odohrala 3 koncerty pred takmer 200 tisic fanusikmi. Vystupenie bolo nonstop natacane 32 kamerami a obsahuje 19 skladieb plus zaznamy zo zakulisia.
On his journey towards becoming a film director, Cole discovers an insight that flips his perspective on his way of living.
During the Napoleonic wars, a Spanish officer and an opposing officer find a book written by the former's grandfather.
Svadobný obrad bývalej členky komanda zabijakov, Čiernej mamby, zmenil jej pomstychtivý bývalý milenec Bill s bývalými kumpánmi v krvavý masaker. Tehotná nevesta však guľku do hlavy prežila: po štyroch rokoch strávených v kóme precitla a vydala sa na cestu pomsty. Už zlikvidovala prvé dve položky na svojom zozname smrti O-Ren Ishii zvanú Korálovec a Vernitu Green Besa. Zostáva jej však zabiť ešte Elle Driver prezývanú Kalifornský Horský Had, Budda zvaného Štrkáč a samozrejme bývalého šéfa, milenca a otca jej dieťaťa - Billa. Tí traja však už vedia, čo im hrozí - a myslia si, že sú na to pripravení.
Ghyslain Raza, better known as the “Star Wars Kid,” breaks his silence to reflect on our hunger for content and the right to be forgotten in the digital age.
Test is a multi-screen work using three animated sequences, a person, a teddy bear and the word TEST, whose synchronicity is continually being broken by the destruction of a tower block.
Polish immigrant Karol Karol finds himself out of a marriage, a job and a country when his French wife, Dominique, divorces him after six months due to his impotence. Forced to leave France after losing the business they jointly owned, Karol enlists fellow Polish expatriate Mikołaj to smuggle him back to their homeland.
As Gotham City's young vigilante, the Batman, struggles to pursue a brutal serial killer, district attorney Harvey Dent gets caught in a feud involving the criminal family of the Falcones.
Vojna! Republika sa rúca pod brutálnymi útokmi vodcu separatistov grófa Dooku. Na oboch stranách sú hrdinovia. Pred zlom však niet úniku. Krutému generálovi Grievousovi, mozgu separatistov, sa podarilo nečakane preniknúť do hlavného mesta Republiky a uniesť kancelára Palpatina, vodcu Galaktického senátu. Zatiaľ čo sa separatistická armáda droidov pokúša uniknúť z obliehaného mesta s cenným rukojemníkom, dvaja rytieri Jedi sa zúfalo snažia uneseného kancelára zachrániť.
Returning wounded from the war Maksym was overcome by self-doubt, in his physiological state. He is undergoing rehabilitation. He loses contact with his wife. He is tormented by dreams. In one of his dreams Maksym goes to the island to catch a lot of fish, as the paramedic advised him. Maksym takes a boat, net, dynamite from the best man and sails to the island.
X-Meni. Narodili sa s jedinečnou genetickou mutáciou, ktorá im umožňuje ovládnuť nadprirodzené schopnosti. Pod vedením profesora Charlesa Xaviera slúžia ľudstvu a chránia svet. Ten im však nedôveruje a bojí sa ich. Po nezmyselnom pokuse o atentát na prezidenta Spojených štátov, ktorý údajne spáchal neznámy mutant, sa verejnosť dovoláva zákona, ktorý má mutantov dostať pod kontrolu. Na čele antimutantského hnutia stojí armádny veliteľ a vedec William Stryker, o ktorom sa tvrdí, že na mutantoch robil pokusy. Mutantov nenávidí a chce ich totálne zlikvidovať. Keď zistí, že jeho vlastný syn je mutant, bez milosti ho zabije. Stryker mal už predtým do činenia s Wolverinom a pozná tajomstvá jeho minulosti. Keď Wolverine pátra po svojom pôvode, uvedie Stryker do pohybu svoj antimutantský program. Sú však aj mutanti, ktorí sa postavili proti ľudskej civilizácii. Jeden z nich, Magneto, práve ušiel z väzenia.
After the events of Justice League: War, Ocean Master and Black Manta have declared a war against the surface in retaliation of the aftermath of Apokoliptian-tyrant Darkseid's planetary invasion. Queen Atlanna seeks out her other son, Ocean Master’s half-brother Arthur Curry, a half-human with aquatic powers with no knowledge of his Atlantean heritage, to restore balance. Living with powers he doesn’t understand and seeing the danger around him, Curry takes steps to embrace his destiny, joining the Justice League, and with his new teammates he battles to save Earth from total destruction.
Based on one of the most shocking and gruesome murder cases in Brazil, the film presents de Suzane von Richthofen's point of view of the events that led to the death of her parents.
Before introverted word-nerd Zoe gains the courage to enter the National Scrabble Championship, she meets her emotional match in Marty, an irascible recluse. She finds him equally pitted against the opposing forces in her life - other people - including family, co-workers and a couple of particularly irksome adversaries standing in the way of her dream to become the world's second female National Scrabble Champion.
Bývalý člen elitných jednotiek Bryan Mills sa proti svojej vôli ocitá znovu v akcii. Bryanov sen, užívať si pokojný život, sa nenávratne rozplýva. Jeho manželka Lenore je nájdená brutálne zavraždená. Z jej smrti je podozrivý práve Bryan. Podarí sa mu uniknúť zatknutiu a stáva sa lovnou zverou všetkých policajných jednotiek v USA. Po jeho stope sa neúnavne vydáva detektív Frank Dotzler. Svojou vytrvalosťou donúti Bryana opäť použiť jeho "zvláštny súbor zručností." V nemilosrdnom súboji musí Bryan dokázať svoju nevinu a vypátrať skutočného vraha. V ohrození sa ocitá to jediné, čo mu v živote zostalo - dcéra Kim.
At Oxford University, a professor and a grad student work together to try and stop a potential series of murders seemingly linked by mathematical symbols.
Kurt Longson tries to avenge his daughters death. To succeed he has to battle with his conscience and morality to realize true love.
Darkman and Durant return and they hate each other as much as ever. This time, Durant has plans to take over the city's drug trade using high-tech weaponry. Darkman must step in and try to stop Durant once and for all.
Two souls lost in a world of modernisation find each other in a moment's need for clarity and appreciation.
Second part of the film "Sorry if I love you". Alex (Raoul Bova) and Niki (Michela Quattrociocche) are more in love than ever. They have just returned from the lighthouse on the island Blu where they have lived unforgettable days. Niki returns to see his friends, but a number of important changes in their lives will test the friendship of the girls. Alex also resume life with his old friends. All of them, Flavio, Enrico and Pietro, are no longer serene and safe husbands due to certain difficulties that have compromised their marriages.