The moving life and international career of actress Valentina Cortese is acted out by eight Italian actresses who interpret parts of her biography. A rich assortment of stock footage and film clips creates a vibrant portrait of our Diva.

Working from the text of James Baldwin’s unfinished final novel, director Raoul Peck creates a meditation on what it means to be Black in the United States.

A nearly sightless boy is sent to a school for blind children, where he secretly discovers the possibilities of the recorded sound.

Visiškai paralyžuotas Jeanas-Do tampa įkalintas savo kūno skafandre ir gali judinti vien tik kairiąją akį, mirksinčią tarsi drugelis suplasnoja savo sparneliais. Vienas mirksnis reiškia „taip“, o du mirksniai - „ne“. Laki vaizduotė, nepalaužiamas protas, specifinis humoro jausmas ir neblėstanti atmintis veikia visu pajėgumu...

A young French Canadian, one of five boys in a conservative family in the 1960s and 1970s, struggles to reconcile his emerging identity with his father's values.

Time after time, soldiers of the Italian Army are forced to leave their mountain trenches in attempts to storm an enemy fortress, always with the same disastrous results. As casualties mount, indignation spreads among the rank and file. Disturbed by his superiors' decisions, Lieutenant Sassu is led to question the purpose of war and reconsider where his real duties lie.

Tyrėju CŽA dirbantis Kondoras skaito knygas, jose ieškodamas paslėptų operacijų detalių, mėgaujasi nedidelio kolegų kolektyvo draugija ir ramiu biuru. Kartą, grįžęs po pietų pertraukos, vyras randa visus šešis kolegas, tarp kurių – ir jo mergina Džeisė Čon, nužudytus. Apie įvykusią tragediją bando informuoti savo mažai pažįstamus vadovus. Deja, supranta, kad pasitikėti nebeturi kuo. Po nepavykusio bandymo jį nužudyti, Kondoras nusprendžia pats išsiaiškinti, kas vyksta.

Kicha is a modern-day Robin Hood, who along with his friend, Mani, steals from the rich to aid the poor. In society, he is a respected man who runs a small business.

A former world-famous conductor of the Bolshoï orchestra, known as "The Maëstro", Andreï Filipov had seen his career publicly broken by Leonid Brezhnev for hiring Jewish musicians and now works cleaning the concert hall where he once directed. One day, he intercepts an official invitation from the prestigious Théâtre du Châtelet. Through a series of mad antics, he reunites his old orchestra, now composed of old alcoholic musicians, and flies to perform in Paris and complete the Tchaikovsky concerto interrupted 30 years earlier. For the concerto, he engages a young violin soloist with whom he has an unexpected connection.

Rome, summer 1943. Four children play war while the bombs of real war explode around them. Italo is the rich son of the Federal, Cosimo has his father in confinement and an atavistic hunger, Vanda is an orphan and a believer, Riccardo comes from a wealthy Jewish family. They are different but they don't know it and between them "the greatest friendship in the world" is born, impervious to the divisions of history that bloodies Europe. But on October 16 the Jewish boy is taken away by the Germans together with over a thousand people from the Ghetto. Thanks to Italo's father Federale, the three friends believe they know where he is and, to honor the "spit pact", decide to leave in secret to convince the Germans to free their friend. Yet another imaginative mission becomes reality, the three children travel alone in an Italy exhausted by war, among disbanded soldiers, deserters, occupying German troops, exhausted and hungry populations.

Filmas paremtas knyga „Bylos istorija: Mano diena teisme su Holokausto neigėju.“ Filme pasakojama apie Deboros E. Lipštad (akt. Reičel Vais), bylą dėl istorinės tiesos prieš Deividą Irvingą (akt. Timotis Spal), kuris apkaltino ją šmeižtu, kuomet ji apkaltino jį Holokausto neigimu. Anglijos teisminėje sistemoje, įrodymų našta tenka kaltinamajam. Dėl šios priežasties Lipštad bei jos advokatai turėjo įrodyti, jog Holokaustas įvyko.

A widower and her daughter witness the retirement of a colleague of his and the closing of her department at her university.

A comedy/drama set in a village and centered on a battle of the sexes, where women threaten to withhold sexual favours as long as the men refuse to install a water pipe.

Rebbe Mendel is a single father who teaches the Talmud, a sacred text of Judaism, to the boys of his small Polish town. Behind closed doors, he also instructs his daughter, Yentl, despite the fact that girls are forbidden to study religious scripture. When Yentl's father dies, she still has a strong desire to learn about her faith -- so she disguises herself as a male, enrolls in a religious school, and unexpectedly finds love along the way.

Oscar dreams of becoming an actor or a stuntman. To contact a manufacturer he stages an accident and consequently injures a young actress, then tries to limit the damage by taking the girl to his home.

While escaping from Nazis during the WWII, a Jewish man dug suitcases full of things dear to his heart in the ground two. The war deprived him of his family, and afterwards he endlessly turns over the soil of Antwerp to find the suitcases, which makes him look obsessed. He keeps checking old maps and keeps digging, trying to find, in fact, those he lost. His daughter Chaya is a beautiful modern girl looking for a part-time job. She finds a place as a nanny in the strictly observant Chassidic family with many children, although her secular manners clearly fly in the face of many commandments. One of the reasons she is accepted is that mother of the family is absolutely overburdened by the household, so she stays despite the resistance of the father, normally - an indisputable authority in the family. She develops a special bond with the youngest of the boys, four-year old Simcha, so far incapable of speaking.

After the end of the military dictatorship in Argentina in 1983, Floreal is released from prison. Instead of returning to his wife, he wanders through the night of Buenos Aires. He meets some people from his past–most of which are only imaginary–and remembers the events of his imprisonment.

Young and in prison for theft, Daphne falls in love with Josh, another inmate. Their love story exists through secret letters and fleeting conversations.

Somewhere in the endless steppes of Central Asia lies a treasure. One man holds the key to it, a fragment of an ancient map. But in his restless quest, Charles isn't looking for fame or glory. He's looking for a way to heal his wounded soul. He's looking for love. Ulzhan felt it the first time she laid eyes on him.

No one seemed to care about Jamie Marks until after his death. Hoping to find the love and friendship he never had in life, Jamie’s ghost visits former classmate Adam McCormick, drawing him into the bleak world between the living and the dead.