John, a 35-year-old window cleaner, has dedicated his life to bringing up his 4-year-old son, Michael, after the child's mother left them soon after giving birth. When John is given only a few months left to live, he attempts to find a new, perfect family for Michael, determined to shield him from the terrible reality of the situation.
U bliskoj budućnosti čovječanstvo je u ratu za opstanak protiv opake rase ogromnih insekata koji koloniziraju galaksiju šireći svoje spore. Insekti nemaju kuće, tehnologiju, oružje ni odjeću i jedino što znaju jest napad, borba, ubijanje i razmnožavanje. Čovječanstvo je stoga osnovalo Svemirske marince koji se protiv insekata bore strojnicama koje nisu osobito djelotvorne jer treba mnogo metaka da se jedan kukac uništi, a njihov je broj velik jer se vrlo brzo množe.
U budućnosti u kojoj znanstveni napredak omogućuje postojanje, ljudi će sve aspekte svog života povjeriti sofisticiranim robotima koji se nazivaju Meccas. Emocija je posljednja granica u evoluciji strojeva. Ali kada se napredno robotsko dijete po imenu David programira na ljubav, ljudi nisu spremni za posljedice.
Nadine is a French young woman. Fausto is an Italian young man trying to make it in Paris as a restaurant waiter. They accidentally meet at a five-star hotel. Both are fragile, alone and obsessed with the idea of an unattainable happiness. Their intense love is challenged by their own individual ambition and desperation.
Fifteen-year-old Charlotte Flax is tired of her wacky mom moving their family to a different town any time she feels it is necessary. When they move to a small Massachusetts town and Mrs. Flax begins dating a shopkeeper, Charlotte and her 9-year-old sister, Kate, hope that they can finally settle down. But when Charlotte's attraction to an older man gets in the way, the family must learn to accept each other for who they truly are.
A teenage boy and his friends face off against a mysterious grave robber, known only as the Tall Man, who employs a lethal arsenal of unearthly weapons.
Follows a group of war-torn Templar knights who are put to the test against a strange beast that stalks the lands of England. This battle is what Myths and Legends are made of. An independent fan film.
An aging, out-of-work actress accepts one last job, though the consequences of her decision affect her in ways she didn't consider.
Aboard a hijacked Engineer vessel, Dr. Shaw repairs David as they make their way to the home-world of the Engineers, whom Shaw believes are humanity’s creators. 'The Crossing' is an official prologue short to 'Alien: Covenant', revealing what happened to crew members Dr. Elizabeth Shaw and the synthetic David after the events of 'Prometheus'.
A gang of thugs devise a cruel hoax that goes horribly wrong as Melvin, a nerdy emaciated janitor at the local health club, is cast through a third story window into a vat of hazardous toxic waste.
Godina je 1997. i čudovišno biće iz svemira ponovno se pojavljuje i širi užas, ovaj put na ulicama Los Angelesa. Nevidljivom predatoru na putu ne stoji nitko osim ludo hrabroga policajca Mikea Harrigana koji smatra svojom dužnošću spasiti grad i osvetiti partnera Dannyja Archuletu. Nekonvencionalni poručnik, kojega vjerno slijedi jedino kolegica Leona Cantrell, ima neprijatelje i u vlastitim redovima. Savezni agent Peter Keyes misli kako lokalni policajac ugrožava i njegovu pomno isplaniranu akciju i stanovnike kalifornijskoga velegrada, a njegovo mišljenje dijele i poručnikovi pretpostavljeni...
Prošlo je desetljeće od kada je John Connor - Nick Stahl - spasio čovječanstvo od uništenja. Danas John ima 25 godina i živi skrivajući se: nema dokumentarnih dokaza o njegovom postojanju. Na taj način izbjegava da ga uhvati Skynet - sofisticirana strojna korporacija koja je jednom pokušala okončati svoj život. Ali sada, iz budućnosti, poslan mu je T-X (Kristanna Loken), Skynetova najrazvijenija mašina za ubijanje kiborga. Njegova misija je dovršiti posao koji njegov prethodnik, T-1000, nije bio u stanju dovršiti. T-X je stroj jednako nemilosrdan koliko je lijep u svom ljudskom aspektu. Sada je jedina nada za opstanak Connnora Terminator.
While searching for a solution to his serious health condition, David, a renowned neurosurgeon, discovers a sinister secret hidden in the past.
A couple of angels, O'Reilly and Jackson, are sent to Earth to make sure that their next supervised love-connection succeeds. They follow Celine, a spoiled rich girl who has just accidentally shot a suitor and, due to a misunderstanding, is kidnapped by janitor Robert. Although Celine quickly frees herself, she stays with Robert for thrills. O'Reilly and Jackson pursue, hoping to unite the prospective lovers.
When Simon awakens in the hospital after surviving a near-fatal accident, amnesia has erased the last two years from his memory. He learns that his brother was killed, he has married a woman he doesn't remember and he's haunted by strange visions of the woman he loved.
Dvije godine nakon što je spasio kita ubojicu Willyja iz ljudskog zatočeništva i omogućio mu da se vrati majci, dječak Jesse i dalje živi s usvojiteljima Glennom i Annie Greenwood. Oni su saznali da mu je majka umrla i da je iza sebe ostavila dječaka Elvisa, Jesseova mlađeg polubrata, što mu i kažu. Glenn i Annie preuzimaju brigu i o Elvisu, no dvojica dječaka u početku se baš i ne slažu najbolje. Krstareći brodicom s iskusnim Indijancem Randolphom i njegovom unukom Nadine u koju se zaljubi, Jesse ponovo susretne Willyja. Sve je idilično do trenutka kad nasukani tanker ispusti naftu i opasno ugrozi Willyja i njegovo jato kitova ubojica...
After their mother passes away, sisters Nicole and Annie reluctantly return to their childhood home to pay their last respects. While staying overnight in the house, the sisters sense a mysterious presence in their midst: noises startling them in the night, objects moving about, a fallen picture of an unknown woman posed next to their mother. Annie begins experiencing a series of intense and disturbing dreams - visions that lead her to uncover something terrible about her mother's past that is finally revealing itself.
Indijanci i kauboji ostavit će svoje razlike po strani kad se na njihovu zemlju obruši – svemirski brod! Absolution je grad usred pustinje, negostoljubiv prema strancima. Čeličnom rukom ga vodi Colonel Dolarhyde i bez njegovog odobrenja nitko se ni ne miče ulicom. Ali prava prijetnja stići će s neba, a građani će iskusiti strah kakav nisu mogli zamisliti. Jedina nada za spas im je tajanstveni stranac koji se ne sjeća svoje prošlosti. On će okupiti bivše suparnike protiv zajedničkog neprijatelja i pripremiti ih za epsku borbu za opstanak...
General Rancor (Andy Griffith) prijeti da će uništiti svijet projektilom koji skriva u svojoj tajnoj bazi. No kako bi postigao svoj cilj treba mu poseban kompjutorski čip koji je izumio znanstvenik, prof. Ukrinsky (Elya Baskin). Agentu Dicku Steeleu (Leslie Nielsen) dodijeljen je slučaj i on mora spriječiti nesreću. Udružuje se s Ukrinskyjevom kćeri Veronique (Nicollette Sheridan), koja je KGB-ov agent.
The ongoing war between the canine and feline species is put on hold when they join forces to thwart a rogue cat spy with her own sinister plans for conquest.