Prošlo je pet godina od kada su Štucko i zmaj Bezubica ujedinili Vikinge i zmajeve na otoku Berk. Zmajevi danas žive u selu, koje im je podarilo staje, pojilice i praonice, pa čak i vatrogasnu postaju za slučaj kada se previše zaigraju i zapale nešto. Štucko, Bezubica, Astrid, Šmrklja i ostali provode dane utrkujući se, a jednog dana upuste se u novu avanturu, do neistražene zemlje ledenih spilja u kojoj naiđu na novu, opasnu vrstu divljih zmajevima, koji će zaprijetiti njihovom svijetu.

Sam Lowry (J. Pryce) radi kao činovnik u jednom ministarstvu totalitarističke države koja se guši u silnoj birokraciji. Državom hara skupina takozvanih terorista koji se uporno bore protiv tiranske vlasti. Jedan od glavnih protudržavnih aktivista je Harry Tuttle (R. De Niro), pa vlast izdaje zapovijed za njegovo uhićenje. Zbog birokratske pogreške policija uhvati nedužnog Harryja Buttlea. Kako sustav ne želi priznati pogrešku, Buttle je smaknut, a Lowry se treba ispričati žrtvinoj obitelji. Na tom zadatku slučajno susreće djevojku Jill (K. Greist) koja mu se neprestano pojavljuje u snovima i mašti. Jill isprva ne želi razgovarati s Lowryjem vjerujući kako je isti kao i svi vladini ljudi, ali se ubrzo uvjeri u njegove dobre namjere. Kako se i ona nalazi na vladinoj crnoj listi, Lowry joj pokušava pomoći...

Astronaut Taylor crash lands on a distant planet ruled by apes who use a primitive race of humans for experimentation and sport. Soon Taylor finds himself among the hunted, his life in the hands of a benevolent chimpanzee scientist.

U ljeto 1968. godine maturant počinje maštati o ženi svog života, zaljubljuje se u više žena, uglavnom zrelih i udatih, a to ga dovodi u niz delikatnih i komičnih situacija što nervira njegovog oca, općinskog suca koji vjeruje da djecu treba odgajati čvrstom rukom. Maturanta baš i ne zanimaju prijelomni događaji 1968. godine, koji dopiru i do njegovog gradića. Kada najzad pronađe pravu i veliku ljubav, ona će iz društveno-političkih razloga biti prekinuta.

Centar radnje je mrtvi deda kojega njegovi unuci, Kizo i Lemi, pokušavaju dovesti do Vršca u vlaku, a da nitko ne primjeti da je mrtav.

Vlada angažira vojnika za istragu u sklopu koje preuzme tijelo i um drugog čovjeka kako bi razotkrio krivce za teroristički napad.

Orphaned and alone except for an uncle, Hugo Cabret lives in the walls of a train station in 1930s Paris. Hugo's job is to oil and maintain the station's clocks, but to him, his more important task is to protect a broken automaton and notebook left to him by his late father. Accompanied by the goddaughter of an embittered toy merchant, Hugo embarks on a quest to solve the mystery of the automaton and find a place he can call home.

An unlikely friendship between a dour, working class butcher and a repressed schoolteacher coincides with a grisly series of Ripper-type murders in a provincial French town.

Pie is a sweet girl who moves into a new college dorm room where she finds out that her new roommate Kim, is a tomboy who looks and dress like a boy. As their friendship develops, Pie and Kim begin to wonder if the feeling they feel for one another is just an ordinary friendship or true love.

Eight women gather to celebrate Christmas in a snowbound cottage, only to find the family patriarch dead with a knife in his back. Trapped in the house, every woman becomes a suspect, each having her own motive and secret.

Stručnjak za sigurnost nađe se zatvoren u zatvoru koji je sam dizajnirao. Morat će upotrijebiti svo svoje stručno iskustvo kako bi pobjegao i saznao tko mu je smjestio...

London, 1956. Genius actor and film director Laurence Olivier is about to begin the shooting of his upcoming movie, premiered in 1957 as The Prince and the Showgirl, starring Marilyn Monroe. Young Colin Clark, who dreams on having a career in movie business, manages to get a job on the set as third assistant director.

Philipp, a closeted teacher, is dating a female colleague to keep up appearances. One night he stumbles into a gay bar and falls for a man. Transformed by this love, he is no longer afraid to face up to who he is.

Nastavak legendarnog filma o Nikoli, beogradskom zavodniku. U drugom dijelu, Nikola je otac tinejdžerice koji mora izaći na kraj s brojnim udvaračima svoje kćeri.

A young girl, institutionalised by her abusive stepfather, retreats to an alternative reality as a coping strategy and envisions a plan to help her escape.

Chucky is reborn when his old flame, Tiffany, rescues his battered doll parts from a police impound.

Agathe Villanova is a self-centered, workaholic feminist politician who, upon reluctantly returning to her home in the south of France to sort out her mother's affairs, runs for a local election. Upon her arrival, Agathe grudgingly agrees to take part in a documentary being made by the blundering duo of Karim, an aspiring filmmaker, and self-professed "reporter" Michel, on the subject of "successful women." As Agathe's life hilariously unravels, the camera is there to capture it all.

Enjoying college life as a popular student, Laura shares everything with her more than 800 friends on Facebook. But one day, after accepting a friend request from a social outcast named Marina, Laura’s life is cursed...

Three young Russian friends, who move from Moscow to Berlin in a lucky wave of emigration right after the fall of the Berlin wall. They take their chance looking for a better life and find themselves involved in the tales of everyday lunacy on the streets of Berlin and its spirit of the early nineties.

Jasna, a beautiful teenager, leads a crude life in post-war Serbia. She goes on a spree of sex, drugs and partying until she finds love and tenderness in a harsh environment.