Cobb, a skilled thief who commits corporate espionage by infiltrating the subconscious of his targets is offered a chance to regain his old life as payment for a task considered to be impossible: "inception", the implantation of another person's idea into a target's subconscious.

A gold prospector in Alaska struggles to survive the elements and win the heart of a dance hall girl.

A French family moves to a new neighborhood with during the summer holidays. The story follows a 10-year-old gender non-conforming child, Laure, who experiments with their gender presentation, adopting the name Mikäel.

On the night of 16 July 1942, ten year old Sarah and her parents are being arrested and transported to the Velodrome d'Hiver in Paris where thousands of other jews are being sent to get deported. Sarah however managed to lock her little brother in a closet just before the police entered their apartment. Sixty years later, Julia Jarmond, an American journalist in Paris, gets the assignment to write an article about this raid, a black page in the history of France. She starts digging archives and through Sarah's file discovers a well kept secret about her own in-laws.

Once a rising star of the rodeo circuit, and a gifted horse trainer, young cowboy Brady is warned that his riding days are over after a horse crushed his skull at a rodeo. In an attempt to regain control of his own fate, Brady undertakes a search for a new identity and what it means to be a man in the heartland of the United States.

Filma ir par četriem banku laupītājiem. Kāds no laupītājiem bankas laupīšanas laikā iemīlas bankas darbiniecē. Izveidot un saglabāt šādas attiecības nav viegli, sevišķi, ja uz pēdām ir FIB aģenti.

A reflective look at the arrival and impact of AIDS in San Francisco and how individuals rose to the occasion during the first years of the crisis.

A continuation of "Diary for My Children," the film picks up in 1950, when Juli, the diarist, is 18 and determined to become a movie director.

This rock opera tells the story of one year in the life of a group of bohemians struggling in late 1980s East Village, New York, USA. The film centers around Mark and Roger, two roommates. While a tragedy has made Roger numb to new experiences, Mark begins capturing their world through his attempts to make a personal movie. In the year that follows, they and their friends deal with love, loss, and working together.

When an asteroid threatens to collide with Earth, NASA honcho Dan Truman determines the only way to stop it is to drill into its surface and detonate a nuclear bomb. This leads him to renowned driller Harry Stamper, who agrees to helm the dangerous space mission provided he can bring along his own hotshot crew. Among them is the cocksure A.J. who Harry thinks isn't good enough for his daughter, until the mission proves otherwise.

A veteran pot dealer creates a fake family as part of his plan to move a huge shipment of weed into the U.S. from Mexico.

Filmas darbība turpinās uzreiz pēc iepriekšējās daļas notikumiem-Bellas un Edvarda kāzām un viņu meitas Renesmī piedzimšanas. Pavisam drīz atklājas, ka Renesmī ir īpašas spējas. Sākas notikumi, kas Kalennu ģimeni jau atkal nostāda pret Voltūri klanu.

Džims (Džeisons Bigs) un viņa draugi satiekas pludmales mājā pēc savas pirmās universitātes gada. Tur Džims cenšas uzlabot savas seksuālās prasmes ar Mišelu (Alisons Hennigana), savu bijušo izpūtēju no absolvēšanas balle. Tā laikā Kevins (Toms Iens Nikols) mēģina atgūt Viki (Tara Rīda), Ozs (Krisa Klaina) uztur attālinātu attiecību ar Hetaru (Mena Suvari), Finčs (Eddijs Kei Tomass) praktizē tantra praksi, un Stiflers (Šons Viljams Skots) ķeras pie savām jocībām un izpildījuma dzīvnieciskajām izpausmēm. Starp smiekliem, nekārtībām un kaitinošām situācijām draugi plāno rīkot savas dzīves lielāko ballīti.

A couple with a newborn baby face unexpected difficulties after they are forced to live next to a fraternity house.

Ir astoņpadsmitais gadsimts, Bārnabass Kolinss (Džonijs Deps) ir bagāts muižnieks un pleibojs, kurš dzīvo cepuri kuldams... līdz brīdim, kad viņš pieļauj liktenīgu kļūdu, salaužot skaistās burves Andželikas sirdi. Burve viņam atriebjas - pārvērš par vampīru un aprok dzīvu. Pēc diviem gadsimtiem vampīrs Bārnabass tiek nejauši atbrīvots, un viņš attopas 1972.gadā, pavisam citā pasaulē. Nu viņam nākas ne tikai iedzīvoties mūsdienās un glābt savas dzimtas īpašumus, bet arī atkal sastapties ar daiļo un neganto raganu Andželiku.

When beautiful Carla Purty joins the university faculty, genetic professor Dr. Sherman Klump grows desperate to whittle his 400-pound frame down to size and win her heart. So, with one swig of his experimental fat-reducing serum, Sherman becomes 'Buddy Love', a fast-talking, pumped-up, plumped down Don Juan.

Zinātniskā ekspedīcija pievienojas spēcīga farmācijas uzņēmuma grupai, meklējot retu melnu orhideju, kas zied Borneo salas dziļajos džungļos. Interese par šo ziedu rodas tāpēc, ka tas satur spēcīgu vielu, kas satur mūžīgās jaunības, pat nemirstības, noslēpumus. Bet viņi drīz atklāj, ka orhideju izmanto milzu čūskas, lai palielinātu tās lielumu un vitalitāti.

A young couple bound by a seemingly ideal love, begins to unravel as unexpected opportunities spin them down a volatile and violent path and threaten the future they had always imagined.

Documentary investigating the supply chain of cocaine from South American jungles to usage in Baltimore.

The hilarity begins when professor Sherman Klump finds romance with fellow DNA specialist, Denise Gaines, and discovers a brilliant formula that reverses aging. But Sherman's thin and obnoxious alter ego, Buddy Love, wants out...and a big piece of the action. And when Buddy gets loose, things get seriously nutty.