Outskirts of Moscow. A girl comes to an unfamiliar apartment to look after a dog. After a while, she realizes that the owner of the apartment has disappeared. She finds herself into a series of people that have been taking care of the dog for years in that same apartment, creating a weird community around this strange absence of the owner.

Álvaro is a marketing manager, divorced with a son who he can barely talk to, living a mediocre life and doing a mediocre job, until his bosses tell him he needs to improve his marketing campaigns for the next 2018's World Cup. He'll soon launch a plan with Argentina's National Football Team and the upcoming qualifiers that may become a lot more risky that he planned.

Following a brutal murder case, the police are baffled to find out that the assailant, whose body was found on the scene with the victim, had already been dead for three months. Meanwhile, journalist Jin-hee sets up a live interview with an anonymous caller claiming he is the true killer behind the mysterious murder. When the man announces three more murders will occur in the hands of the undead, Jin-hee must face the sinister forces beyond understanding.

Groot sets out to paint a family portrait of himself and the Guardians, only to discover just how messy the artistic process can be.

John tells the story of a young male, a psychiatric hospital patient who witnesses the death of another Black male patient at the hands of white staff. Blurring the boundaries between fact and fiction, this work draws from real life cases of mentally ill Black men who have died as a result of excessive force of the State.

It follows a young man who dreams of becoming a general and Ying Zheng, whose goal is unification.

Marien hartain toive on tulla jälleen pieneksi ja huolettomaksi, jollainen hän oli lapsena. Ihmeellisesti hänen toiveensa toteutuu, ja hänen lapsuuden lelunsa heräävät eloon. Ruma Nutcracker muuttuu uljaaksi prinssi Georgeksi, joka oli ollut ilkeän rottien kuningattaren taian vallassa. Tässä ihanassa animaatioseikkailussa Marie, George ja heidän leluystävänsä matkustavat maagiseen Kukkien maahan tehtävänään pelastaa maailma rottaihmisten vallan alta.

A young man, plagued by the music in his head, has to come to terms with an uncertain future while balancing love, family and Brazilian culture in Newark, New Jersey.

Punahilkka lähtee Tuhkimon kanssa kuninkaallisiin tanssiaisiin ja löytää itsensä keskeltä mysteeriä. Onnistuuko hän selvittämään tapauksen ennen keskiyötä?

Fletch eli Irwin Maurice Fletcher on koomisia mysteerejä ratkova reportteri, joka seikkaili alunperin Gregory Mcdonaldin romaaneissa. Nyt Fletch joutuu rikosvyyhdin keskiöön, jossa häntä itseään epäillään useista murhista. Fletch yrittää todistaa syyttömyytensä ja löytää varastetun taidekokoelman Euroopasta.

An African American male is imprisoned and placed in solitary confinement after being found guilty of murdering his wife, as he's haunted by internal demons and his dead wife, and pushed to the breaking point by an abusive female guard.

As John T. Wrecker continues his task of protecting a group of refugees from a virus, the threat of something new and even more dangerous grows ever closer in the form of monstrous mutants.

This comedic retrospective mixes archival footage and scripted sketches as it revisits all the dread — and occasional delight — that 2021 had to offer.

In a post-apocalyptic future, mankind is color blind. A brilliant scientist suddenly dies, leaving his precious briefcase-filled with a highly-addictive synthetic drug that allows people to see colors again-to Ana, a mere 12-year-old girl. Possession of the briefcase makes her the target of a doctor with wicked plans for the drug, and her only hope to escape his pursuit relies on the aid of the dead scientist's two devoted bodyguards. Together, their epic, perilous journey pivots on a tremendous secret: Ana herself could be the key to salvaging a world in ruins.

Erstwhile Special Forces operative Doc Alexander is asked to broker a truce with the Mexican drug cartel in secrecy. When Oklahoma Governor Richard Jeffs celebrates the execution of a high-ranking cartel member on TV, his Chief of Staff and Doc inform him about the peace he just ended. But it’s too late, as Cuco, the cartel’s hatchet man, has set his vengeful sights on Doc’s daughter Dixie.

Rachel joutuu kohtaamaan jokaisen vanhemman pahimman painajaisen tietämättä, että se on vasta alkusoittoa hänen koettelemuksilleen. Traagisen onnettomuuden jälkeen Rachel päättää aviomiehensä Anthonyn kanssa muuttaa toiselle puolelle maailmaa, suomalaiselle syrjäseudulle. Ulkomaailmasta eristäytyneessä rajakylässä perheen on tarkoitus keskittyä onnettomuudesta elossa selvinneen kaksospojan Elliotin toipumiseen. Identtisen kaksoisveljensä menettäneen Elliotin käytös saa kuitenkin pian muuton jälkeen yhä pimeämpiä ja synkempiä piirteitä. On kuin jokin olisi saanut Elliotista otteen, uskotellen olevansa hänen kuollut veljensä. Lopulta Rachelilla ei ole muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin kohdata perheen traaginen menneisyys vielä viimeisen kerran — ja samalla paljastaa karmiva totuus omasta lapsestaan.

San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.

Detective James Knight 's last-minute assignment to the Independence Day shift turns into a race to stop an unbalanced ambulance EMT from imperiling the city's festivities. The misguided vigilante, playing cop with a stolen gun and uniform, has a bank vault full of reasons to put on his own fireworks show... one that will strike dangerously close to Knight's home.

All Gary wants is to make awesome home movies with his best buds. All his older sister Samantha wants is to hang with the cool kids. When their parents head out of town one Halloween weekend, an all-time rager of a teen house party turns to terror when aliens attack, forcing the siblings to band together to survive the night.

A man is imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. When his wife is murdered and his son kidnapped and taken to Mexico, he devises an elaborate and dangerous plan to rescue his son and avenge the murder.