20-year-old Kamel has a project for his low-income neighborhood in the South of France. Committed and idealist, he is invited to pitch it to the Minister of urban planning, in person. Together with his sidekicks Hichem and Youssoufa, Kamel finds himself in over his head, caught up in a political game.

While Hans Jurgen Höss enjoyed a happy childhood in the family villa at Auschwitz, Jewish prisoner Anita Lasker-Wallfisch was trying to survive the notorious concentration camp. At the heart of this film is the historic and inspiring moment – eight decades later – when the two come face-to-face. This is the first time the descendant of a major war criminal meets a survivor in such a private and intimate setting, Anita’s London living room. Together with their children, Kai Höss and Maya Lasker-Wallfisch, the four protagonists explore their very different hereditary burdens.

The true story of Sophie Serrano, a single mother whose ex protests paternity of the eldest. The DNA tests will reveal the unthinkable: Manon isn't theirs. Her biological child has been exchanged at birth to the maternity ward's error.


被描述为“一部关于爱、欲、和满足的喜剧片”。讲述艾玛·汤普森饰演的55岁寡妇Nancy Stokes迫切渴望冒险、人类联结和性,渴望她人生中第一次很棒的性爱。丈夫Robert给了她住宅、家庭和看起来像样的生活,然而他已经走了,如今Nancy觉得“连有些修女都比我性生活更丰富”,她一向是行动派,且当过老师,相当有条理,于是她马上开始实施计划:做了一些研究之后,Nancy雇佣了一个20岁出头的男妓Leo Grande(或者如Leo自我介绍是“性心理治疗师”),准备享受一晚上的极乐。


Toni has spent her entire life putting other people’s needs before her own. When she was 20 years old, she was pushed by her mother to join a TV singing competition, becoming a national star. Twenty years and five children later, she is a full-time mom who spends all her time and effort on raising her teenage kids. As she helps her children plan their future after graduation, she begins to imagine what her life could be if - for once - she did what she really wanted. Will she be able to turn her life around and dare to be something other than a mother and a daughter?


影片改编自真实事件,讲述了艾丽提·温纳(Reality Winner)因向新闻网站泄露有关俄罗斯干预美国2016年大选的情报而被定罪的故事。

神枪手席尔瓦(佩德罗·帕斯卡 Pedro Pascal 饰),拜访了他25年前的警长朋友兼恋人杰克(伊桑·霍克 Ethan Hawke 饰),俩人再见后爱火重燃。然而第二天早上,席尔瓦告诉杰克他不是来叙旧的……




Joseph learns that his son and his companion have just perished in an accident. They were expecting a child via a surrogate mother in Belgium. What will become of their future baby? Is Joseph the legitimate grandfather? Carried by the promise of this birth which will prolong the existence of his son, the sexagenarian goes to meet the young Flemish woman with a fierce and indomitable character.


故事发生在不久的将来,人工智能风靡一时,自然发展成为遥远的记忆。纽约一对夫妻瑞秋和阿尔维准备将关系发展到下一个阶段,组建一个家庭。   瑞秋的工作让他们有机会使用科技巨头帕伽索斯公司开发的一种新工具——通过可拆卸的人造子宫,或着叫“卵舱”,让夫妻们有机会在更平等的基础上共享怀孕。   阿尔维是一名植物学家兼虔诚的纯粹主义者,对此方法表示怀疑,但他对瑞秋的爱促使其放手一搏,两人在这个勇敢新世界里,开始了为人父母的疯狂旅程。


出身传统印度家庭的印度裔美国少女珊米妲(梅根·苏丽 Megan Suri 饰),渴望融入美国自由的高中生活,拒绝接受母亲不停灌输的印度传统文化,也疏离了同样有印度血统的童年好友塔米拉(莫哈纳·克里希南 Mohana Krishnan 饰)。她发现这位曾经的好友渐趋诡异,不仅随身携带空玻璃罐,不安地振振有词碎念,还散发令人不适的腥臭味。某日,塔米拉找上珊米妲求救,但珊米妲再也受不了她的奇怪行径,一怒之下打破了她手上的玻璃罐,没想到却因此释放出古老的印度恶鬼「毕舍遮」,让身边的人们开始陷入一连串无可预期的灾难,而恶鬼也正一步步向自己逼近……

Alexandre finds out his wife Juliette is cheating on him. They quarrel with each over, Juliette runs away during the night, and has a fatal fall. The next day, torrential rain have taken her body away. The police force is investigating and Patrick, Juliette's father, shows up to find out what happened. Fearing to be charged, Alexandre convinces his 18 years old daughter Lison to cover him. But his lies make things worse, and Patrick has doubts about him. It's the beginning of a dreadful chain of events.

Sappho 是一个百万富翁的女儿,最近嫁了一个英俊的丈夫。他们前往美丽的希腊莱斯博斯岛去度假。在度假中 Sappho 遇见了 Helene,她们俩人的友情渐渐升温,成了一场爱欲的风暴……