Near a gray and unnamed city is the Zone, a place guarded by barbed wire and soldiers, and where the normal laws of physics are victim to frequent anomalies. A stalker guides two men into the Zone, specifically to an area in which deep-seated desires are granted.

Christina wants to take revenge on her blind sister, who wants to take a prize in a popular music television show. She comes up with an evil joke in which she gives out a stage play organized by her friends for a real shoot in the Ostankino television studio. The sister believes what they are trying to convince her of, and Christina's rally becomes more and more like a mockery.

The brothers Sultan and Bekzat Ibrayev are serving faithfully in the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan, and at the same time they are in family disagreement. Sultan is a valiant intelligence officer and Bekzat is a talented fighter pilot. While an international terrorist organization prepares a carefully planned attack on the country's strategically important facilities, the brothers have to face not only a mortal threat, but also face a family confrontation related to their dead father. Circumstances force them to unite in order to save human lives, and the brothers eventually understand that their homeland and family are the most valuable thing they have.

Mykola is an eccentric pacifist who wants to be useful to humanity. When the war begins at Donbass, Mykola’s naive world is collapsing as the militants kill his pregnant wife and burn his home to the ground. Recovered, he makes a cardinal decision and gets enlisted in a sniper company. Having met his wife’s killers, he emotionally breaks down and arranges “sniper terror” for the enemy. He’s saved from a senseless death by his instructor who himself gets mortally wounded. The death of a friend leaves a “scar” and Mykola is ready to sacrifice his life.

As a result of a terrible car accident, young Ukrainian athlete Oksana Boturchuk suffers several serious injuries, almost losing her eyesight. However, after long rehabilitation and a returning to incredible training, she is able to conquer a gold medal at the Paralympic Games in Beijing.

Након што породица патака сели на своје језеро са узбудљивим причама о далеким местима, породица Малард креће на породично путовање, од Нове Енглеске, до Њујорка, до тропске Јамајке.

A group of tenants living in an old house are confronted with having to move out due to a renovation project the city has undertaken. The tenants decide to unite and come up with a strategy, but in the process—while the landlord and his aggressive attorney are chasing them—the tenants transform into the opposite of who they once were.

The rise and fall of salsa singer, Héctor Lavoe (1946-1993), as told from the perspective of his wife Puchi, who looks back from 2002.

Мавка - душа шуме - суочава се са немогућим избором између љубави и дужности чувара Срца шуме, када се заљубљује у човека - талентованог младог музичара Лукаша. Наша прича говори о магичној моћи љубави. Та врста љубави која омогућава људској природи да пронађе магију у себи и открива способности и квалитете који оснажују човека да достигне оно што је могуће и да се одупре злу и људским пороцима.

Chef Lia’s plans to expand her non-profit heart-centered meal delivery service flounder due to her insistence on doing everything herself. But with the help of her new neighbor and recent adoptee father Eli she’ll discover that business, just like romance, can flourish with a little effort and trust.

A local female football team works together to get through hard times and overcome sexual prejudice. Their strength is tested when they lose not only the games, but also their beloved coach who was the core of their team. But they work together to seek financial support, achieve victories, and respect.

Факултетски професор живи свој живот безбрижно након што му је дијагностицирана смртоносна болест …

Lena is a talented midwife and gynaecologist, her husband Serezha is an actor at a provincial drama theatre. They are close and gentle with each other, but there is no sex. Lena suspects that Serezha has an affair, but she worries quietly and does not reveal her jealousy. Instead of sorting out her relationship with her husband, Lena starts to betray him with chance acquaintances. Gradually Lena’s parallel life gets out of control and changes her original life.

A young woman from a Russian small town is writing a frank book about all her many loves. Living in a touching search for a new love and facing constant failures in relationships, she tries to answer the question whether her happiness depends on having a man next to her. the tragicomedy about relationships, deception, betrayal, fears and the endless search for true love.

When a terrorist who specializes in explosives takes hold of an underground tunnel, he threatens to kill hostages if his demands are not met.

A group of officers based in a labyrinthine top-secret prison must fight for their lives against Hatchet, a brilliant and infamous high-value detainee. When he escapes, his mysterious and deadly agenda has far reaching and dire consequences.

Mexican Caribbean islands are famous for their spectacular beauty. The vast distance where them are found, has transformed them into dens of heartless men, prepared to whatever they need to do in order to remain anonymous. Three young people decide to visit one of these islands, without knowing that there is something inside that can separate them forever.

A young girl wants to rob her mother's bank in order to have her to leave work and come home for a New Year Eve.

Recognizing the destructive power of its captive giant Ape, the military makes its own battle-ready A.I., Mecha Ape. But its first practical test goes horribly wrong, leaving the military no choice but to release the imprisoned giant ape to stop the colossal robot before it destroys downtown Chicago.