Enne Amityville’i oli Harrisville. Tõsieluline “Kurja kutsumine” jutustab loo paranormaalsete juhtumite uurijatest Ed ja Lorraine Warrenist, kes lähevad appi üksildases farmis elavale ja mustade jõudude küüsis vaevlevale perele. Võimas deemon, kellega Warrenitel tuleb rinda pista, osutub nende kõigi aegade koletumaks juhtumiks.

A family discovers that dark spirits have invaded their home after their son inexplicably falls into an endless sleep. When they reach out to a professional for help, they learn things are a lot more personal than they thought.

The haunted Lambert family seeks to uncover the mysterious childhood secret that has left them dangerously connected to the spirit world.

Rachel Keller on uuriv ajakirjanik, kes ei usu eriti sellesse, mida ta peab omamoodi linnalegendiks: ringleb ilmselt hirmutavate piltidega videolint, millele lisandub telefonikõne, nädal ette ennustades inimese surma kes on seda näinud. Kui aga neli teismelist leiavad surma täpselt nädal pärast video vaatamist, võtab uudishimu üle ega lakka, kuni nad lindi leiavad ja seda vaatavad.

A group of teens journey to a remote cabin in the woods where their fate is unknowingly controlled by technicians as part of a worldwide conspiracy where all horror movie clichés are revealed to be part of an elaborate sacrifice ritual.

When a younger girl called Emily Rose dies, everyone puts blame on the exorcism which was performed on her by Father Moore prior to her death. The priest is arrested on suspicion of murder. The trial begins with lawyer Erin Bruner representing Moore, but it is not going to be easy, as no one wants to believe what Father Moore says is true.

Mia, a drug addict, is determined to kick the habit. To that end, she asks her brother, David, his girlfriend, Natalie and their friends Olivia and Eric to accompany her to their family's remote forest cabin to help her through withdrawal. Eric finds a mysterious Book of the Dead at the cabin and reads aloud from it, awakening an ancient demon. All hell breaks loose when the malevolent entity possesses Mia.

A woman tries to exonerate her brother's murder conviction by proving that the crime was committed by a supernatural phenomenon.

Guillermo del Toro presents Mama, a supernatural thriller that tells the haunting tale of two little girls who disappeared into the woods the day that their parents were killed. When they are rescued years later and begin a new life, they find that someone or something still wants to come tuck them in at night.

Given the country's overcrowded prisons, the U.S. government begins to allow 12-hour periods of time in which all illegal activity is legal. During one of these free-for-alls, a family must protect themselves from a home invasion.

The story follows a young lawyer, Arthur Kipps, who is ordered to travel to a remote village and sort out a recently deceased client’s papers. As he works alone in the client’s isolated house, Kipps begins to uncover tragic secrets, his unease growing when he glimpses a mysterious woman dressed only in black. Receiving only silence from the locals, Kipps is forced to uncover the true identity of the Woman in Black on his own, leading to a desperate race against time when he discovers her true identity.

When a group of misfits is hired by an unknown third party to burglarize a desolate house and acquire one rare VHS tape, they discover more found footage than they had bargained for.

"Kurjast vaevatud" on tõsielusündmustel põhinev hirmuäratav lugu perekonnast, kes peab ühendama jõud, et astuda vastu suurele kurjusele. Clyde ja Stephanie Brenek ei tee suurt numbrit sellest, kui nende noorimal tütrel Emil tekib kummaline side garaažimüügilt ostetud vana puulaekaga. Kuid Emi käitumine muutub aja jooksul üha veidramaks ning abielupaar tunnetab, et nende keskel on end sisse seadnud kurjuse jõud. Nad saavad teada, et laekas elab kuri vaim, eksinud hing, kes asub elama laeka omaniku sisse ning lõpuks võtab ta üle täielikult võimust.

After a young, middle-class couple moves into what seems like a typical suburban house, they become increasingly disturbed by a presence that may or may not be demonic but is certainly the most active in the middle of the night.

When her child goes missing, a mother looks to unravel the legend of the Tall Man, an entity who allegedly abducts children.

A young mother and her twin sons move into a rural house that's marked for death.

A couple begins to experience terrifying supernatural occurrences involving a vintage doll shortly after their home is invaded by satanic cultists.

It has been five years since the disappearance of Katie and Hunter, and a suburban family witness strange events in their neighborhood when a woman and a mysterious child move in.

40 years after the first haunting at Eel Marsh House, a group of children evacuated from WWII London arrive, awakening the house's darkest inhabitant.

After the events at Lake Victoria, the prehistoric school of blood-thirsty piranhas make their way into swimming pools, plumbing, and a newly opened water park.