Cooperin laaksossa sijaitsee maailman vanhin sademetsä. Sen muinaisissa maisemissa asuu olento, joka on muita tärkeämpi: kasuaari.

While on patrol, Captain Ornithicera of the BlueSong Empire and his troop are ambushed by a mysterious and feral pack of witches and cultists. Evil and twisted things that were once powerful sorcerers before their minds and bodies were twisted by the unknown and horrifying forces of dark magic. These illusive witch-cultists have gone by many names over the centuries... but most call them The Fell.

Resistance-plus-intervals for a full-body burn.

Lady Rose, vanhempi irlantilaisnainen, on viettänyt suurimman osan aikuiselämäänsä mielisairaalassa tapettuaan lapsensa. Koska sairaala on purkutuomion alla, päättää tohtori Grene tutkia, miksi Rose alun perin tuotiin heille. Häntä alkaa kiehtoa Rosen tarina ja vankka kiintymys Raamattuunsa, jonka hän on vuosikymmenien varrella muuntanut päiväkirjamerkintöjen pyhäksi kirjoitukseksi. Näiden säkeiden kautta paljastuu uskomaton rakkaustarina, valtava vääryys, nuoren naisen rohkeus ja se, että hänen ainoa rikoksensa oli rakastua.

This is the ingeniously imaginative story of a small boy who, with his magic crayon, draws himself in and out of a series of adventures.

The Cromwell clan lives in the real world, except for their grandmother who lives in Halloweentown, a place where monsters go to escape reality. But now the son of the Cromwells' old enemy Kalabar has a plan to use the grandmother's book to turn Halloweentown into a grey dreary version of the real world while transforming the denizens of the real world into monsters.

Pohjois-Irlannin levottomuuksien vanavedessä syntyneet Liam ja Naoise elävät huumeiden ja bileiden värittämää elämää Länsi-Belfastissa. Tavattuaan paikallisen musiikinopettajan JJ:n kaverukset perustavat Kneecapin, iirinkielisen hiphop-trion, joka nousee poliittisen vastarinnan symboliksi.

Flora, a genie trapped for more than 2,000 years inside an antique jewelry box, is accidentally called to service by Bernard, whose life is unraveling around him.

A restaurant in Moscow is forced to shut shop after they end up ruining a crucial political dinner involving the president. The entire team then decides to relocate to Paris to redeem themselves.

Zee is a feared contract killer known as "the Queen of the Dead," but when she refuses to murder a young blind woman, she finds herself hunted both by criminal colleagues and a determined police detective.

Yliopiston opettaja Dexter Cornell hoippuu poliisiasemalle tekemään ilmoitusta murhasta. Murhattu on hän itse. Hänet myrkytettiin 24 tuntia aiemmin, eikä hänellä ole enää paljon elinaikaa jäljellä. Vuoden 1950 film noir -klassikon uusi versio.

An elite trio of astronauts aboard a years-long, possibly compromised mission to Saturn's moon Titan, gears up for a highly dangerous slingshot manoeuvre that will either catapult them to Titan or into deep space.

Leo and Tomas are two day laborers who are in need of a quick payday to provide for their families. When they are picked up for work by a suspicious individual, they quickly realize that their new employer may be hiding a deadly secret.

Renn Wheeland returns home to Cleveland for his mother's funeral. Once there, he forges new relationships while healing old ones, before confronting his problems and trying to face his grief.

After running out of money while backpacking in a tiny, male-dominated town in the Australian outback, two friends resort to a working holiday at the Royal Hotel. When the locals' behavior starts crossing the line, the girls find themselves trapped in an unnerving situation that grows rapidly out of their control.

The protagonist, aged 40, lives in his car and receives his family at fixed times. His employer is a rich narcoleptic who can’t drive. The driver provides him with special honey. But when an even better driver comes along, he loses his job and decides to look for another means of transport.

In the dead of night, Rebecca wakes in a decrepit precinct, accused of a hit-and-run. But a deadly scuffle reveals a sinister plot. With nowhere to turn, she must uncover the truth before it consumes her. But Rebecca harbors secrets darker than they know.

An ICE Agent struggling with the moral dilemmas of border security and an undocumented woman fighting to escape a ruthless cartel cross paths and work together to save the life of an innocent girl.

Mona ja Robbie löytävät yhteiseksi pesäkseen unelmakämpän ajan patinoimasta kerrostalosta. Muutosta käynnistyvä tapahtumaketju alkaa nakertaa yhteistä onnea pala palalta. Kun Robbie huitelee maailmalla unelmatyössään, Mona kunnostaa uutta kotia ja kärsii yhä pahemmista unihäiriöistä. Painajaiset ja unihalvaukset uuvuttavat naisen niin, että uhkia alkaa näkyä ja kuulua kaikkialla. Naapureiden käytös herättää epäluuloja, remontissa tapetin alta paljastuvista raapustuksista löytyy piilomerkityksiä. Lisäksi Robbie vaikuttaa hilluvan asunnossa yöaikaan jonkinlaisen eläimellisen intohimon vallassa.

A look behind the doors of the five-storey Paradise club in Stuttgart, exploring what life's like for sex workers and their clients in a country with some of the world's most liberal prostitution laws.