The 5th volume of episodes from the hit TV series What's New Scooby-Doo, with four action-packed sports adventures. The Unnatural serves up a full plate of ballpark pranks and ferocious fastballs from Ghost Cab Gray, who wants to stop the current homerun king from breaking his record. The gang tries to stop a giant sand worm from wreaking havoc on the Enduro Slam 5000 offroad race in The Fast and the Wormious. A weird ghost monster called the Titantic Twist turns Daphne and Velma into Wrestle Maniacs. For a grand-slam finale the hockey mystery Diamonds Are A Ghoul's Best Friend introduces the chilling Frozen Fiend. When the gang dons sticks and pads, will they perform a hat trick...or get frozen stiff?

Cult filmmaker Tom DeSimone (Reform School Girls; Erotikus: A History of the Gay Movie) revisits the production of a lost gay film and resurrects youthful adventures on the California coast. From the creators of Raw! Uncut! Video!.


克隆战争已经进行了三年,绝地武士团率领的共和国军团与独立星系邦联陷入了一场席卷整个银河的苦战。分裂联盟的格非特将军和杜库伯爵(克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee 饰)劫持议会首相帕尔帕庭(伊恩·迈克蒂安米德 Ian McDiarmid 饰)潜逃,绝地武士欧比旺·克诺比(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)和阿纳金(海登·克里斯滕森 Hayden Christensen 饰)奉长老院命前去营救,阿纳金杀死杜库伯爵救出帕尔帕庭,但格非特将军逃匿。阿纳金梦见妻子阿米达拉(娜塔丽·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)将死于难产,困惑中求助于帕尔帕庭,后者趁此机会离间阿纳金与绝地长老院。随着阿纳金向帕尔帕庭的靠拢,一场针对绝地武士与其所捍卫之民主的阴谋逐渐展开。

故事发生在一个充满了魔法的神奇国度之中,丽安娜(Kelly Sheridan 配音)和艾丽莎(Cassidy Ladden 配音)是一对无话不谈的好友,两人有着共同的爱好,那就是唱歌。一次偶然中,丽安娜和艾丽莎发现了一面魔法镜子,在镜子,竟然住着一个名为梅洛蒂(Maryke Hendrikse 配音)的精灵。   梅洛蒂告诉两个女孩,有一个地方叫做“钻石城堡”,那里是音乐爱好者们的天堂。可是,邪恶的缪斯莉迪亚(凯思林·巴尔 Kathleen Barr 配音)出现了,想要独占城堡。如今,梅洛蒂的手上有着城堡的钥匙,她要借助女孩们的力量,打倒莉迪亚,重获自由。通往城堡的路途非常遥远,两个天真善良的女孩能够顺利完成任务吗?

Payton becomes the caretaker of Gregory Devereaux, a wealthy man facing his final months. As they become close, Gregory's past sins force Payton to decide between his dreams and a pregnancy that could squander them all.



After a tense few months following a miscarriage and an unemployment spell, things are finally looking up for Sean and Lisa Miller when Sean lands his dream job at an advertising firm. But when Sean’s assistant, Jen, his self-proclaimed “Work Wife,” begins vying for his affection, it soon becomes clear that she will stop at nothing to rip their marriage apart and claim him as her own.

A bedtime story leads Littlefoot and his grandparents on a journey to a new land, where Littlefoot discovers someone who vanished before he was born: his father! Now Littlefoot must decide between two worlds. Will he leave to be with his friends in the Great Valley, or stay behind and start a new life with his father?

Every super hero has his nemesis - and this time Flash has that murderous mischief maker the Trickster


The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

故事中的女主角Wendy Wu是个受欢迎的华裔高中女生,在学校有两个好姊妹和一个"接近"完美、但过於自恋的男友。她最大的愿望就是当选舞会的皇后,为此她和从小就同校的Jessica不停想尽怪招拉取选票。和一般在美国长大的华裔孩子一样,Wendy完全不了解中国文化,直到一个从中国深处来的奇怪僧侣Shen改变了一切,而这个时候,一股邪恶的力量正从博物馆的中国雕刻箱子悄悄地崛起。Shen的使命就是牺牲性命保护此代的"杨家将"(Yang Warrior),而Wendy正是继承曾祖母的力量的战士,原本Shen的奇异行为吓呆了Wendy,但她渐渐发现邪恶的力量正入侵校园。Wendy好谎称Shen是她中国来的远房表哥,而为了抵挡邪恶以及当上舞会皇后,Wendy接受了Shen的多项训练,每天相处下,也许是发觉身边多了一个真正肯为自己付出的人,Wendy坦承她并不爱她的男朋友,只是别人都有若自己没有很奇怪,但Shen却不能接受Wendy的邀请当她的舞伴,因为他不知道自己是不是下一秒就要为了保护Wendy牺牲。舞会当天,Wendy得知Shen正在一个人战斗,但已当选舞会皇后的她,那是她人生最重要的一晚?她该怎么办呢?

  爱情是什么?一个困扰人类几千年的问题。当很多人以为自己切实得到爱情之时,却发现这不过是一段无限接近的过程。而在他们中间,居住在美国洛杉矶的亚裔女孩易筱凌(Charlyne Yi 易筱凌 饰)似乎对爱情尤为困惑。对于这个有些羞涩且从未谈过恋爱的女孩来说,爱情仿佛只存在于童话之中。在导演尼克(尼古拉斯•杰森诺维克 Nicholas Jasenovec 饰)的帮助下,他们一起走过洛杉矶、拉斯韦加斯、奥克哈马等地,采访来自不同行业的各色人等,听他们讲述自己的故事,只为寻找爱情真正的含义。而在这一过程中,易筱凌也展开自己的初次约会……   本片荣获2009年圣丹斯电影节华道•索尔(Waldo Salt)剧本奖。 ©豆瓣

The new installment of the Sharknado franchise takes place 5 years after Sharknado 3: Oh Hell No! There have been no Sharknados in the intervening years, but now they’re appearing again in unexpected ways.

After long and mature reflections, Hassan and Ilham resolved to acquire their own accommodation, to finally free themselves from the weight of family cohabitation. Not having enough financial resources, the couple decides to take out a loan from Hamza their brother-in-law. A solution that will cost them dearly, because after taking the plunge, the two lovebirds realise as a couple that by signing this deal, they have somehow signed a pact with the devil... The nest that was supposed to bring them peace and quiet. Stability becomes the source of their troubles. Overnight, their dream turns into a nightmare...