A young photographer's home is haunted by it's former residents.

A young married woman, who lives with her blind sister-in-law, has been waiting eight years for her husband to return home. One day she is about to drown in the nearby pond when a mysterious wanderer named Amaltas rescues her, unexpectedly changing her life and putting her in a dilemma between her husband and her savior. Will she be able to restrain the force of desire or will she give in to temptation?

A young man talks to his psychiatrist about strange visions he has been having in his dreams.

Donald zabiera swoich siostrzeńców na wakacje. Dyzio, Hyzio i Zyzio są zbyt zajęci czytaniem komiksu, żeby zwracać uwagę na to, co pokazuje im wujek. Gdy zdenerwowany kaczor dostrzega źródło uważane niegdyś za fontannę młodości, wpada mu do głowy przebiegły plan. Od razu wskakuje do wody i udaje dziecko, zmuszając kaczorki do opieki nad nim.

AA is a portrait of the dream diaries of Russian avant garde feminist poet and photographer Anna Alchuk.

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

Szaleńcza odwaga Kick-Assa (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) inspiruje wielu domorosłych obrońców sprawiedliwości, którzy chcą walczyć z występkiem. Dowodzi nimi prawdziwy macho - pułkownik Stars and Stripes (Jim Carrey). Ale Kick-Ass i reszta superbohaterów-amatorów wchodzi w drogę paskudnemu, rozwydrzonemu nastolatkowi, którego zwą Red Mist (Christopher Mintz-Plasse). A raczej tak go zwano kiedyś, albowiem ostatnio odrodził się jako The Mother F….r. Teraz jedynie Hit Girl (Chloë Grace Moretz), mistrzyni walki wszelkiego rodzaju bronią sieczną, może uratować nieszczęsnych superherosów, których MF chce wytłuc jednego po drugim.

Pracownicy oraz klienci zadłużonej finansowo siłowni walczą na turnieju gry w zbijaka. Wygrana zawodów pozwoli właścicielowi spłacić dług i ocalić interes przed bankructwem.

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Remake of Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920). Shot entirely on green screen. Some exact shots from the 1920 film were superimposed to properly replicate the original. Francis relates the story of traveling magician Dr. Caligari and Cesare. Their arrival in a town coincides with savage killings.

In the tradition of Fantasia, Make Mine Music is a glorious collection of musically charged animated shorts featuring such fun-filled favorites as "Peter and the Wolf", narrated by the beloved voice behind Winnie the Pooh. In addition you'll enjoy such classic cartoon hits as "Casey at the Bat," "The Whale Who Wanted to Sing at the Met" and "Johnnie Fedora and Alice Bluebonnet."

An unsupervised junior soccer team loses its ace player to the leader of a rival gang. Since only an entire team can win, they must have her back to be able to win the game against the national team. The existence of The Wild Soccer Bunch is at stake ...

One by one, with a sweet but inexorable rate, Ugo's colleagues, go to a better life. When Ugo is attending at one of the innumerable funerals, he and the priest remain involved in an accident. The doctor says that Ugo as only one week left to live

Happily ever after has a bumpy start for a young couple in a magical land when the husband is sent off to battle by a jealous prince.

Historia opowiada o funkcjonariuszu FBI, którego zadaniem jest ochrona pewnego świadka. Pech chce, że za jego głowę wyznaczono spora nagrodę, która skusi wszelakiej maści przestępców.

After Leon left his team in the historic 25-1 defeat against the national team, Die wilden Kerle broke up. Only the little Nerv still believes in his old heroes and tries to bring the grown-up guys back together with the help of his dreaded side puller. Leon's former best friend Fabi has meanwhile founded his own team, the girls' team, "The Beastly Beasts", and challenges "The Wild Soccer Bunch" to a duel in the Nattern Cave.

Korpulentny i nieśmiały profesor Sherman Klump spotkał prawdziwą miłość i postanowił się ożenić. Jego wybranką jest Denise Gaines, koleżanka z pracy. Miłą i spokojną atmosferę przerywa niespodziewany powrót alter ego profesora - Buddy'ego Love'a. Zdesperowany wykładowca postanawia raz na zawsze rozprawić się ze złą stroną swojej osobowości. Wykorzystując badania nad DNA przyszłej żony, ma zamiar wyeliminować kod genetyczny Buddy'ego ze swojego organizmu. Ten nie daje za wygraną.

8mm film by Swiss artist Roman Signer.

When Marty's car is stolen, he sets out on a mission to find it; however, he soon realizes that the person who stole it is much more dangerous than he thinks.