Shoyo Hinata joins Karasuno High's volleyball club to be like his idol, a former Karasuno player known as the 'Little Giant'. But Hinata soon learns that he must team up with his middle school nemesis, Tobio Kageyama. Their clashing styles form a surprising weapon, but can their newfound teamwork defeat their rival Nekoma High in the highly anticipated 'Dumpster Battle', the long awaited ultimate showdown between two opposing underdog teams?

Žena postane žrtva dominantnog mafijaškog šefa, koji je zatoči i da joj rok od godinu dana da se zaljubi u njega.

In 1998, Beavis and Butt-Head are sentenced to Space Camp by a “creative” judge. Their obsession with a docking simulator (huh huh) leads to a trip on the Space Shuttle, with predictably disastrous results. After going through a black hole, they re-emerge in our time, where they look for love, misuse iPhones, and are hunted by the Deep State. Spoiler: They don’t score.

Štreberica Auden ljeto prije odlaska na fakultet upozna zagonetnog Elija, koji joj svake noći pomaže proživjeti neopterećeni tinejdžerski život koji je propustila.

Priča o djevojci Zhenyi koja pati od ljubavi zbog svog supruga koji je napustio, pa ga odluči vratiti. Očajna, izvede magični ritual poznat po svojoj velikoj snazi i nepovratnosti. Nakon rituala, njen voljeni suprug se vraća, iako njegova ljubav postaje više poput opsesije: čak je spreman i da ubije ženu kako je ne bi nikome dao. Kad izluđeni muž umre, čarolija ne prestaje: jer ni smrt neće razdvojiti one koje je zaručio demon crnog vjenčanja.

The pirates feel right at home in Sandborough, but the atmosphere cools right down when the ninjas come to live in the street. After all, pirates and ninjas are sworn enemies! While pirate captain Hector Blunderbuss struggles to get rid of his new neighbours, son Billy and ninja daughter Yuka become friends. The pirates challenge the ninjas to the ultimate battle at the village's annual hexathlon. Who will win the match? Ninjas are faster and more agile of course, but pirates are the best cheats in all of the seven seas...

Kada ga pošalju u opasan grad da istraži tim specijalaca i njegova zloglasnog vođu, cijenjeni tužitelj uplete se u smrtonosni rat među špijunima.

Laurina i Massimova veza visi o koncu dok pokušavaju riješiti probleme s povjerenjem, a uporni ih Nacho nastoji razdvojiti.

Nakon neuspješne sabotaže trojka boraca protiv aparthejda nađe se u napetoj situaciji s taocima u banci. Snimljeno prema istinitoj priči.

Kada zla sila zavlada kraljevstvima Agonosa, usamljeni vitez mora krenuti u opasnu potragu kako bi pronašao posljednjeg zmaja i spasio svijet od ovog velikog i rastućeg zla.

Merve chose the bohemian life, but it didn't choose her back. Faced with eviction, she starts a new job and stumbles into a spicy setup with her boss.

Ernesto lives in depression and decides to hire a hit-man to end his own life. However, his plan takes an unexpected turn when he meets Rita, whose love gives him a new reason to live.

A newly married woman leaves her wealthy husband for a lover who mysteriously disappears. Things start to unravel and become life-threatening on a trip to the husband's family estate.

Amid the dust storms and economic depression of Dust Bowl Era Oklahoma, Eugene Evans finds his family farm on the brink of foreclosure. Discovering fugitive bank robber Allison Wells hiding in his small town, he is torn between claiming the bounty on her head and his growing attraction to the seductive criminal.

Based on a true story, Emi — a young, ambitious girl, dreams about life outside her small town. When an opportunity arises to become an exclusive escort, she jumps in without hesitation. Soon she climbs the ranks and starts her own VIP escort service; recruiting Polish celebrities, actors, singers, and models. However, the luxurious and enticing world eventually shows its dark side.

Veliki romantik Thibault vjeruje da bi mu se sreća mogla promijeniti kad između njega i Rose počnu frcati iskre. No može li joj od najboljeg prijatelja postati dečko?

A young man’s difficult entry into adulthood, who experiences the highs and lows of his first love, while dealing with the familial fallout spurred by the financial crisis of 2008.

Varalica iz malenoga grada i njegov manipulativni brat pridruže se lokalnoj mafiji, a njegova opsjednutost uravnoteživanjem karme postane urnebesno brutalna.

When a heartbroken scientist moves back home to start over, her scheming brother hires a handsome stranger to convince her to sell their land.

Dokorica Sam budi se sama usred polja kukuruza te izgubljena i zbunjena upoznaje Tylera. Njih dvoje se povežu i pokušaju pronaći izlaz iz polja. Neuspješnim pokušajima, sretnu još četvoricu stranaca. Trebaju li surađivati ili ubiti jedni druge? Ne znajući, odluče da će surađivati i zajedno pronaći izlaz iz polja. Provedu cijelu noć hodajući kroz polje tražeći izlaz ili znak što im je činiti, no nešto im je za petama.