Shoyo Hinata sa pripojí k volejbalovému klubu Karasuno High, aby bol ako jeho idol, bývalý hráč Karasuna známy ako „Malý obor“. Hinata však čoskoro zistí, že musí spojiť sily so svojím nepriateľom zo strednej školy Tobiom Kageyamom. Ich odlišné herné štýly sa zmenia na prekvapivú zbraň, ale dokážu poraziť svojho rivala Nekoma High? Uvidíme v dlho očakávanom „Dumpster Battle“, konečnom súboji medzi dvoma tímami.

Lauru Biel je úspešná hotelová manažérka, ktorej manžel ale sedí do noci pri počítači a jej nezostáva nič iné, než si vybrať ten správny vibrátor. Na dovolenke na Sicílii ju ale zbadá mladý gangster Massimo Torricelli, ktorému nedávno zastrelili otca (dosť krvavo a pred očami). Massimo sa do Laury zamiluje, unesie ju a oznámi ju, že ju bude 365 dní držať v luxusnej vile, kým sa do neho nezamiluje.

In 1998, Beavis and Butt-Head are sentenced to Space Camp by a “creative” judge. Their obsession with a docking simulator (huh huh) leads to a trip on the Space Shuttle, with predictably disastrous results. After going through a black hole, they re-emerge in our time, where they look for love, misuse iPhones, and are hunted by the Deep State. Spoiler: They don’t score.

The summer before college, Auden meets the mysterious Eli, a fellow insomniac. While the seaside town of Colby sleeps, the two embark on nightly quests to help Auden experience the fun, carefree teen life she never knew she wanted.

Terror strikes when a heartbroken woman uses black magic to get her husband back.

The pirates feel right at home in Sandborough, but the atmosphere cools right down when the ninjas come to live in the street. After all, pirates and ninjas are sworn enemies! While pirate captain Hector Blunderbuss struggles to get rid of his new neighbours, son Billy and ninja daughter Yuka become friends. The pirates challenge the ninjas to the ultimate battle at the village's annual hexathlon. Who will win the match? Ninjas are faster and more agile of course, but pirates are the best cheats in all of the seven seas...

Nicknamed after a human-devouring spirit, the ruthless leader of an overseas black ops team takes up a dangerous mission in a city riddled with spies.

Laura and Massimo's relationship hangs in the balance as they try to overcome trust issues while a tenacious Nacho works to push them apart.

After a failed sabotage mission, a trio of anti-apartheid freedom fighters ends up in a tense bank hostage situation. Based on a true story.

Many years after the war has been lost, and all the dragons slain, a lone knight travels the lands of Agonos seeking to raise an army against the demon lord Abaddon. When a healer's vision reveals that one dragon still lives, and together with an eager young squire, the knight sets off in search of the fabled creature. As the armies of Abaddon descend on the human kingdoms, the dragon is their last hope of fending off the horde, before it lays waste to the lands of men. But does the creature even exist? And if it does, will it fight for them once more?

Merve chose the bohemian life, but it didn't choose her back. Faced with eviction, she starts a new job and stumbles into a spicy setup with her boss.

Ernesto lives in depression and decides to hire a hit-man to end his own life. However, his plan takes an unexpected turn when he meets Rita, whose love gives him a new reason to live.

A newly married woman leaves her wealthy husband for a lover who mysteriously disappears. Things start to unravel and become life-threatening on a trip to the husband's family estate.

Banková lupička Allison si nešťastnou náhodou vyberie skrýšu na farme Eugena, a tak sa k nej hrdina veľmi ľahko dopátra, informuje Collider. Eugen peniaze síce naozaj potrebuje, ale keď sa do Allison zamiluje, uprednostní lásku.

Po erotickom megahite 365 dní prichádzajú naši severní susedia s ďalším sexi filmom, ktorý vás vezme do luxusného a zmyselného sveta plného drahých šiat, prepychových jácht, krásnych žien a hriešne bohatých mužov. Dubajská rozprávka tisíc a jednej noci má však aj svoju odvrátenú tvár. Hlavná hrdinka Emi je mladá, ambiciózna žena, ktorá sníva o tom, že raz opustí hranice rodnej krajiny a presadí sa vo veľkom svete. Keď sa jej naskytne príležitosť pracovať v luxusnom eskorte v Dubaji, bez váhania sa jej chopí. Tým sa pre ňu otvorí nový, neznámy svet a s rýchlo nadobudnutými peniazmi sa strmhlavo vrhá do svojho vlastného biznisu s poľskými modelkami, súťažiacimi krásy, herečkami a celebritami, ktoré majú robiť luxusné spoločníčky bohatým arabským šejkom. Dievčatá sa tak dostávajú do sveta, v ktorom je možné všetko a ktorý si bežný smrteľník nedokáže ani predstaviť.

Hopeful romantic Thibault believes his luck could change when sparks fly between him and Rose. But can he go from bestie to boyfriend?

A young man’s difficult entry into adulthood, who experiences the highs and lows of his first love, while dealing with the familial fallout spurred by the financial crisis of 2008.

When a small-town con artist joins the local mafia with his manipulative brother, his obsession with balancing his karma gets hilariously brutal.

When a heartbroken scientist moves back home to start over, her scheming brother hires a handsome stranger to convince her to sell their land.

Six strangers suddenly awaken in a remote, endless cornfield. Stripped of their possessions, they are left with only six items: a gun with a single bullet, matches, a lantern, a knife, a compass, and a flask of water. As mysterious sirens blare in the distance and traps appear at every turn, the group realizes it’s been plunged into a cat-and-mouse game with an unseen evil, and survival depends upon solving a diabolical and deadly puzzle.