Bewildered, Don Camillo learns that Peppone intends to stand for parliament. Determined to thwart his ambitions, the good priest, ignoring the recommendations of the Lord, decides to campaign against him.

Sundar, a waiter, is in love with Radha but does not have the courage to tell her. When he becomes a successful comedian, he confesses his feelings to her, only to find that she loves someone else.

Gertrude Lawrence rises to stage stardom at the cost of happiness.

Don Camillo (now bishop) and Peppone (now senator) return to the town of Brescello and rekindle their friendly rivalry.

In an effort to discover the depth of the country's polarization, four recent college graduates decide to travel across the United States gathering stories encompassing the spectrum of life in America. Their goal is to find the human stories behind the nation's social and political schism, proving that Americans are not tied together by political identity, geographical location or belief systems, but primarily by love, hope and dreams - universal truths.

Return to Horror Hotel is an anthology feature with 4 segments. One is about giant a bedbugs, one is about a magical charm that turns girls beautiful, one is about a WWII sailor who hasn't aged and one is about a terrorizing severed hand.

The Team Rocket leader, Giovanni, has found Mewtwo in a remote area of the Johto region. As Giovanni tries to re-capture Mewtwo, Ash and his friends are kidnapped by Domino, a new Team Rocket member, while trying to rescue Pikachu from Jessie and James. The Clone Pokemon are also captured and are then used as bait for Mewtwo. The situation then becomes a battle between the wills of Mewtwo and Giovanni; and Mewtwo also tries to discover if it and the clones have a purpose in life, even though they are products of science.

A multi-part documentary about the making of the Jurassic Park trilogy. Each part walks through the making of part of one of the films, including the hurricane during the shooting of the first film, and how advances in CGI for Jurassic Park helped change the world of special effects forever. All interviews for these retrospective documentaries come with comments from Spielberg, Johnston, Neill, Dern, Goldblum, the effects crews, the child actors, and Peter Stormare. This documentary is broken into six parts: Dawn of a New Era (25 min), Making Prehistory (20 min), The Next Step in Evolution (15 min), Finding the Lost World (28 min), Something Survived (16 min), and The Third Adventure (25 min).

In 1940, the world is besieged by World War II. Wendy, all grown up, has two children; including Jane, who does not believe Wendy's stories about Peter Pan.

A treia și ultima parte a succeselor de 100 de milioane de dolari "Resident Evil", "Resident Evil:Extinction" se bazează iar pe celebra serie de jocuri video și reia povestea de acolo de unde s-a terminat partea a doua. Alice, care acum se ascunde în deșertul Nevada, își unește din nou forțele cu L.J. și Carlos Olivera, împreună cu noii supraviețuitori Claire, K-Mart și Nurse Betty pentru a încerca să elimine virusul mortal care amenință să transforme toate ființele vii în zombi... și să caute dreptate. De când a fost capturată de Corporația Umbrella, Alice a fost subiectul unor experimente biogenice și este modificată din punct de vedere genetic, cu puteri, simțuri și dexteritate supra-omenești. Aceste abilități, alături de altele, vor fi necesare dacă vor dori să rămână în viață.

Max (Mel Gibson) descinde de această dată în orașul Bartertown pentru a descoperi niște posesiuni furate. El nimerește în mijlocul unui adevărat război declanșat între conducătorii orașului: Auntu Entity (Tina Turner) pe de-o parte și perechea Master-Blaster pe de altă parte. Master este un pitic al cărui geniu tehnologic subjuga Bartertown și al cărui protector este Blaster (Paul Larsson). Max va trebui până la urmă să se lupte pe viață și pe moarte în spectaculoasa arenă a gladiatorilor din oraș - Thunderdome.

When Crystal Wyatt was 16 her father passed away. From that time her life would never be the same. Crystal is banished from the family ranch, and starts a new life as a singer in a San Francisco nightclub.

Joanna Mills has a successful career but feels her personal life is spinning out of control. She has few friends, an estranged father, and a crazy ex-boyfriend who is stalking her. Joanna begins having terrifying visions of a woman's murder, and it seems that she is the killer's next target. Determined to solve the mystery and escape her apparent fate, Joanna follows her visions to the victim's hometown and finds that some secrets just do not stay buried.

Documentary about the making of American Pie (1999), American Pie 2 (2001) and American Wedding (2003).

Luc Deveraux, the heroic former Universal Soldier, is about to be thrown into action once again. When SETH, the supercomputer-controlled ultra-warrior, decides to take revenge and destroy its creators, only Luc can stop it. All hell breaks loose as Luc battles SETH and a deadly team of perfect soldiers in a struggle that pits man against machine and good against evil.

Jesse becomes reunited with Willy three years after the whale's jump to freedom as the teenager tries to rescue the killer whale and other orcas from an oil spill.

Filmul prilejuiește reîntâlnirea cu personajele din Bine ați venit la sud, iar acțiunea se mută în nordul Italiei, la Milano, acolo unde Antonio Colombo primește din partea șefului său însărcinarea de a implementa un program-pilot ce are ca scop optimizarea serviciului poștal. Deși Antonio e mulțumit că astfel își poate dovedi calitățile organizatorice în fața șefului, nu același lucru se poate spune despre soția sa, care și-ar dori ca soțul ei să petreacă mai mult timp în sânul familiei. În celălalt capăt al țării, la Castellabate, Mattia Volpe primește zilnic reproșuri din partea soției în legătură cu lipsa de responsabilitate ca părinte și ca soț, iar într-o zi e amenințat cu divorțul. După ce se plânge colegilor de serviciu, Mattia primește imediat ajutorul acestora care se concretizează într-un... transfer la Milano. Așa că își face bagajul și se oprește direct la ușa prietenului său Antonio. Iar aventurile celor doi la Milano sunt pe cale să înceapă.

A bag full of money lands in front of you. Is it luck? The answer to your prayers? Part of a predetermined plan? Or all of the above? Set in the chaotic streets of Istanbul, 40 is a story of three strangers making their way in a city of 12 million, all searching...for one bag. Shot entirely on location, '40' combines intense story telling with documentary style cinematography embarking on a synchronistic journey dealing with faith, love, luck, destiny, human trafficking...and a bag of cash that falls from the sky.

Sutekh, the dark pharaoh from another dimension, sends his own puppet, Totem, to continue his quest to kill Rick and steal the magic which animates the puppets.