A diabolical plot to empower pushover dads causes Shin-chan's father to return home as a robot. The Nohara family bond is about to be put to the test!

In 1868, after the Bakumatsu war ends, the ex-assassin Kenshin Himura traverses Japan with an inverted sword, to defend the needy without killing.

Loki is banished from Asgard once again and must face his toughest opponents yet: the Simpsons and Springfield’s mightiest heroes. The God of Mischief teams up with Bart Simpson in the ultimate crossover event paying tribute to the Marvel Cinematic Universe of superheroes and villains.

New Jersey car mechanic Stacie Andree and her police detective girlfriend Laurel Hester both battle to secure Hester's pension benefits after she was diagnosed with a terminal illness.

Los Angeles teenager Ritchie Valens becomes an overnight rock 'n' roll success in 1958, thanks to a love ballad called "Donna" that he wrote for his girlfriend. But as his star rises, Valens has conflicts with his jealous brother, Bob, and becomes haunted by a recurring nightmare of a plane crash just as he begins his first national tour alongside Buddy Holly.

Jim Morrison je bil vsekakor zelo samosvoja in edinstvena osebnost, čeprav njegova življenjska zgodba spominja na mnoge glasbenike, ki so uspeli v šestdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja. V nenehnem iskanju samega sebe in uspehu, ki ga je požel s svojimi skladbami, ni našel pravega odgovora. Ustanovil je skupino The Doors, ki si je čez noč pridobila poslušalce. Postal je idol mladih po vsem svetu in je to še danes. Kot večina mladih v šestdesetih ni mogel mimo drog. Z njimi je počasi uničeval svoje življenje, dokler ni v 27. letu starosti umrl. Prispevki glasbenih nastopov Doorsov so nadvse prepričljivi, v Morrisona se je odlično poglobil Val Kilmer. Pesmi, ki jih je Morrison pustil za seboj, so resnične in čudovite. In so ostale.

A Woman's island getaway with her boyfriend is thrown for a loop when he forgets to take his prescription medications along.

In 19th century New York high society, a young lawyer falls in love with a woman separated from her husband, while he is engaged to the woman's cousin.

Journalist Amar falls for a mysterious woman on an assignment, but she does not reciprocate his feelings. However, when Amar is about to get married, the woman shows up at his doorstep asking for help.

Jess joins her friends at a party in a dilapidated mansion hosted by the mysterious Seth. When odd things begin to happen to Jess and her friends, the Phantom Stranger intervenes to save her from a dreary fate.

Ameriški igralec Chadwick Boseman, poznan po vlogah v Maščevalcih in Črnemu panterju, v tem napetem trilerju igra policaja na lovu za morilci svojih kolegov. Režiser filma Brian Kirk je najbolj poznan po režiji serije Igra prestolov. Zgodba se odvija na Manhattnu po ropu, ki je šel zelo narobe in za seboj pustil osem mrtvih policajev. V lovu za osumljenci pride do izredno ekstremnih praks, ki bi preprečile, da bi morilci pobegnili čez enega izmed 21. mostov, ki omogočajo prihod in izhod iz otoka. V dolgi noči se linije med tem, koga pravzaprav lovijo, počasi zabrišejo, odkrivajo pa se nepričakovane resnice.

Mi-ja, who has been taking care of a retired teacher, Ms. Park, invites several of her former students to her house 16 years after their graduation. Since the end of her teaching career, Park has been residing in the countryside, suffering from an illness while an ex-student, the kind and pretty Mi-ja cares for her.

Nazi skinheads in Melbourne take out their anger on local Vietnamese, who are seen as threatening racial purity. Finally the Vietnamese have had enough and confront the skinheads in an all-out confrontation, sending the skinheads running. A woman who is prone to epileptic seizures joins the skins' merry band, and helps them on their run from justice, but is her affliction also a sign of impurity?

V Jonskem morju potone britanska vohunska ladja. Britanska tajna služba najame morskega raziskovalca Timothyja Havelocka, da bi jo našel. Kajti na ladji se nahaja dragocen tovor: mogočni sistem A.T.A.C., ki bo najditelju omogočil nadzor nad jedrskimi podmornicami. Havelocka in njegovo ženo napade Kubanec Hector Gonzales ter ju ubije. Napad preživi le njuna čedna hči Melina (Carole Bouquet), ki je odločena, da bo maščevala smrt svojih staršev. Tako združi moči z Jamesom Bondom, ki mora najprej ugotoviti, kdo je Gonzalesa najel. Sledi ga pripeljejo do grškega poslovneža Kristatosa, nekdanjega nacističnega dvojnega agenta, ki zdaj dela za rusko obveščevalno službo.

Three years later Michele (The Invisible boy) meets his mother and his twin sister. Both have stories and superpowers but their intentions may not be what Michele thinks.

A pair of debt collectors are thrust into an explosively dangerous situation, chasing down various lowlifes while also evading a vengeful kingpin.

When a sudden shortage of water threatens all life in the great valley, The gang of young dinosaur must cooperate with a group of bullies to make a risky journey outside the valley and find the cause.

After a family moves into the Heelshire Mansion, their young son soon makes friends with a life-like doll called Brahms.

Months after a zombie plague has wiped out 90 percent of the American population, a small group of survivors fight their way cross-country to a rumored refuge on the island of Catalina.

After a stint in a psychiatric hospital, a young woman returns to the house where her father killed the entire cast of The Artist during his exorcism.