A year has passed since Guts parted ways with the Band of the Hawks. Meanwhile, his former mercenary group is plotting a rescue mission to save an imprisoned Griffith.

Dans ce spectacle, mis en scène par sa soeur Judith Elmaleh, il parle de son enfance, de son fils et de son père ; 750 000 places seront vendus.

The sinking of the Titanic is presented in a highly realistic fashion in this tense British drama. The disaster is portrayed largely from the perspective of the ocean liner's second officer, Charles Lightoller. Despite numerous warnings about ice, the ship sails on, with Capt. Edward John Smith keeping it going at a steady clip. When the doomed vessel finally hits an iceberg, the crew and passengers discover that they lack enough lifeboats, and tragedy follows.

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

In the absence of Behzat Ç., a superintendent named Himmet gets replaced as the president of the murder Bureau. When the murder of minister of Interior makes a big impact, Himmet decides to take advantage of it and he makes his team help the fight against terrorism bureau.

John Gotti, the head of a small New York mafia crew breaks a few of the old family rules. He rises to become the head of the Gambino family and the most well-known mafia boss in America. Life is good, but suspicion creeps in, and greed, rule-breaking and his high public profile all threaten to topple him.

Manga artist Gengo Odaka lands a job with the World Children's Land amusement park only to become suspicious of the organization when a garbled message is discovered on tapes. As Gengo and his team investigate, Godzilla and Anguirus quickly decipher the message and begin their own plan of action.

Bola majetkom ešte rodu Romanovcov. Táto drahá starožitnosť však teraz z Moskvy zmizla. Honba, ktorá sa zmiznutím odštartovala privádza Jamesa Bonda (Roger Moore) na stopu tým, ktorí sa o starožitnosť uchádzajú najusilovnejšie. A ako muž s dobrou intuíciou tuší, že za prípadom sa skrýva oveľa viac, ako pár miliónov dolárov. Je tu totiž šialený ruský generál Orlov, ktorý chce zaútočiť na Nemecko, aj keď jeho nadriadení sú zásadne proti. Lenže Orlov je príliš tvrdohlavý, aby sa nechal len tak odradiť. Kľúčovým ťahom v operácii bude získať si dôveru krásnej ženy s tetovaním chobotničky. Bond je na takéto misie predsa expert...

Spurred by his grandmother, an angry young man locks horns with a thug who is intending to murder his sweetheart.

In a future where an adult Gwen Tennyson is president and the world is being taken over by the alien horde known as the Xerge, a disillusioned Ben 10,000 is called out of retirement to recruit his 10-year-old version from the past. Based on the 2016 reboot.

Paris, France. Commissaire Wens is put in charge of the investigation into the murder of one of six friends who, in the past, made a very profitable promise.

Christel Wyttová odchádza z rodného mesta Alexander Valley do San Francisca a cestou rozpráva o tom, čo predchádzalo tomuto zásadnému životnému kroku. Na svadbe svojej staršej sestry Becky sa stredoškoláčka Christel zoznámi so Spencerom Hillom, bývalým veliteľom svojho švagra Toma vo Vietname, ktorý neskôr získal právnický titul. Na prvý pohľad medzi nimi preskočí iskra sympatií. Christel na Spencera deň čo deň romanticky myslí a Spencer na ňu tiež, ale nezdá sa mu reálne spájať svoju budúcnosť s takým mladým dievčaťom. O rok neskôr sa na pár okamihov stretnú na krstinách Beckinho syna a potom ich život opäť rozdelí. Spencer sa ponáhľa do New Yorku, aby pomohol s prípravami na primárky senátora Kennedyho, a Christel sa zdá byť predurčená zostať na rodinnom ranči, hoci sníva o kariére speváčky. Po smrti Teda Wythea, ktorý držal ochrannú ruku nad svojou mladšou dcérou, Tom znásilní Christel...

Star follows the path of Tito and Jay, two brothers living in the Montreal neighborhood of Park Extension. Accompanying these young people in their daily life marked by complicity and intimidation, Star tackles themes dear to teenagers: identity and friendship.

Pokračovanie rozprávky o princeznej Fantaghiro. Princeznú Fantaghiro na prechádzke s jej verným koníkom prepadnú a na príkaz zlej Čiernej strigy unesú. U nej sa stretne so záhadným neznámym, ktorý sníva o krajine, kde by neexistovalo zlo. Spolu s princeznou sa napokon naozaj aj ocitnú na istý čas v neznámej krajine, kde na nich čaká úplne iný svet, plný záhad a prekvapení...

A handsome Indian guy from London visits India for the first time, falls for a local guy, meets a transgender 'hijra', and discovers a country he only thought he knew.

A cowboy and sidekick infiltrate a rustler gang to avenge the murder of their pal.

The film is based on the biography of Valeri Chkalov (1904 - 1938), a Russian pilot, who set several long distance flight records. Chkalov and his co-pilots Baidukov and Belyakov together had accomplished several non-stop long-distance flights. In June of 1937 Chkalov set the world record, covering 12000 kilometers in 63 hours of non-stop flight from Moscow to Vancouver, Washington, flying over the North Pole.

Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church, believe that he was the anointed recipient of "Divine revelations". Those who follow all his doctrines have opportunity to become gods and goddesses. The goal of devout Mormons is to enter the prestigious Mormon Temple where many of Smith's "higher truths" are concealed. Yet this privilege is reserved for only an elite few. Upon entry, the initiates articulate in a series of bizarre secret rituals and occult practices. In this explosive documentary, Chick Smith and Caryl Matrisciana take you behind the closed doors of the Mormon Temple to discover the dark mysteries of Joseph Smith's "Temple of Doom".