Greatest Hits - The Ultimate Video Collection is a DVD by rock band Bon Jovi, coinciding with the bands Greatest Hits compilation. It contains 17 of the bands most popular music videos and 17 corresponding live versions of those songs taken from various concerts. The majority of the live performances have previously been released on DVD. The DVD is presented in 16x9 "Pillarbox" format and contain stereo and Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround sound audio.

Su, a woman whose friends are only men, finds herself forced to follow a series of absurd instructions to overcome the unexpected death of her fiancé.

A peaceful Christmas Eve is interrupted when a thief breaks into a villa. When the family’s little daughter mistakes him for Santa Claus and asks him to fulfill her Christmas wish, he will be forced to perform a miracle that will redeem secrets from the past.

After her stepdaughter is sexually assaulted at a party, a furious mother sets out to destroy the lives of the four perpetrators who walked free.

A mural painted with blood is found on the wall of Pasila train station, which depicts Finland's best-known serial killer Lasse Maasalo. The text in the mural, “Making the world a better place”, is linked to a voting circulating in social media, where people can vote for persons that world would be a better place without. Soon the first body is found and Sorjonen must find the person who has named himself as The Judge.

Pokoj malého mestečka je ohrozený, keď chce korporácia zničiť horu, ktorá ich chráni. Dievča menom Copi a jej najlepší priateľ Xico, pes Xoloitzcuintle, sa vydajú do hôr, aby sa pokúsili mesto zachrániť.

Jack and Caroline are a couple making a decent living when Jack suddenly loses his job. They agree that he should stay at home and look after the house while Caroline works. It's just that he's never done it before, and really doesn't have a clue...

An exposé of the lives and loves of Madison Avenue working girls and their higher-ups.

Vietnam vet Jon Rubin returns to New York and rents a rundown flat in Greenwich Village. It is in this flat that he begins to film, 'Peeping Tom' style, the people in the apartment across the street. His obsession with making films leads him to fall in with a radical 'Black Power' group, which in turn leads him to carry out a bizarre act of urban terrorism.

A young boy with a troubled home life becomes "chosen," and he stumbles into the middle of a great war of yōkai (a class of mythological creatures), where he meets a group of friendly yōkai who become his companions through his journey. Now he must fight to protect his friends and free the world of the yōkai from oppression. The yōkai originate in Japanese folklore and range from the cute and silly to the disturbing.

A movie about a relationship...that's worse than yours. Seth (Stewart), a sitcom writer-producer, meets Chelsea (Wilson), an interior decorator, at his best friend's (Bellamy) wedding. He's immediately sexually attracted to her while she's instantly attracted to his single-ness. They both ditch their wedding dates and start their own date that same night. The two become a couple, appearing very happy until after a couple of years of postponing a marriage proposal. When Chelsea realizes that Seth wants to remain single and together, she becomes quite bitter. In the next hour of the movie, the two engage in behavior that makes the War of the Roses look like child's play.

Sam Cayhall, někdejší člen Ku-klux-klanu, čeká v cele smrti na vykonání rozsudku za rasisticky motivovaný bombový atentát, který provedl v roce 1967 a při němž zahynuli dva židovští chlapci. O celý případ se začne zajímat mladý advokát Adam Hall, který je Cayhallovým vnukem. Ten je rozhodnut objasnit onu smutnou událost za každou cenu a žádá pro svého klienta udělení milosti...

Zatiaľ čo je Robertova rodina na lyžiarskom zájazde, ich sused si najme dvoch neschopných zlodejov, aby ukradli Robertov najnovší vynález. Všetky šikovné psy z okolia využijú Robertove vynálezy na to, aby zlodejom nachystali krušné chvíle a dom hrôzy.

After a bitter breakup leaves her and her young children without any support, Anna goes to work for her cousin at a massage parlour known for "happy endings." As soon as she learns the ropes, Anna branches out on her own.

Štyri vyčerpané mamičky si neplánovane vyrazia na spoločnú večeru. To, čo sa najskôr zdá ako neskutočná nuda, sa čoskoro zvrtne na divokú noc, počas ktorej si mamy vezmú naspäť kus svojej slobody, o ktorú prišli vďaka nekončiacej starostlivosti o rodinu.

Upon arriving at a remote cabin in the redwoods, Kath and her boyfriend find a mysterious younger couple already there — the rental has apparently been double-booked. They decide to share the cabin with these strangers until the next morning, but her boyfriend disappears with the young woman, which sends Kath in a spiral to find an explanation for their sudden breakup — but the truth is far stranger than she could have imagined.

In the age of social media, teenagers tell the story that they want people to see, with each video more daring than the next. But in this small town, a series of staged "murder" videos are turning very real.

Typická štvorčlenná rodinka so všetkými bežnými dysfunkčnými vzťahmi a problémami musí jedného dňa čeliť ešte väčšej hrozbe, ako sú účty za elektrinu, akciové kupóny v supermarkete a výber oblečenia na piatkové rande. Neznáma nákaza šíriaca sa mestom spôsobí skrat v hlave každej mamy a ocka v okolí a rodičovský pud ochrany potomka sa transformuje na krvilačnú chuť navždy umlčať svoju ratolesť. Heslo dňa je jasné – zamknúť sa na najťažšie dostupnom mieste domu a za žiadnu cenu nevychádzať von na zavolanie „večera je hotová“!

V roku 2007 v talianskom meste Perugia zavraždili britskú študentku Meredith Kercherovú. Jednou z obvinených sa stala jej spolubývajúca, Američanka Amanda Knoxová. Tento prípad a jeho vyšetrovanie na dlhú dobu ovládli pozornosť svetových médií, z ktorých niektoré venovali zločinu a jeho aktérom obrovskú pozornosť. Mladý režisér Thomas Lang dostane príležitosť nakrútiť film podľa pripravovanej knihy americkej novinárky Simone Fordovej, ktorá sa zaoberá kontroverzným súdnym procesom študentky obvinenej z vraždy svojej spolubývajúcej. Simone a Thomas idú do Talianska, aby sa bližšie zoznámili s prípadom z Perugie. Po tom, čo navštívia miesto činu, začne Thomas pochybovať nielen o ľuďoch okolo seba, na čele s filmovými investormi a ľuďmi z médií, ale aj sám o sebe a svojich motívoch. Zachráni ho až priateľstvo s mladou britskou študentkou Melanie. Vďaka nej si uvedomí, že nechce nakrútiť film o násilí a vine, ale o láske a nevinnosti.