Lu, a conformist woman in her forties, learns that her 15-year partner has been having extramarital affairs. Starting from scratch, she gets involved in an unexpected relationship with a young womanizer.

En el Nombre de la Hija tells the story of a nine-year old girl whose name is in dispute. Manuela has been named alter her socialist-atheist father, but her catholic-conservative grandmother insists she should carry the name the first daughters of the family have carried for generations: Dolores. The story takes place in a Valley in the Ecuadorian Andes, during the summer of 1976. Manuela and her little brother, Camilo, are spending vacations with their cousins and grandparents at the family's farmhouse. Eager to defend her father's ideas, Manuela confronts her cousins and grandparents, but an unexpected encounter leads her to confront herself instead. Hidden in the family's abandoned library, schizophrenic uncle Felipe is devoted to setting words free from the constraints of dogmas. His wisdom sets Manuela free from her own dogmas and forever changes her relationship with words, including her own name.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 15–21, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro, now a registered Demon Slayer, teams up with fellow slayers Zenitsu and Inosuke to investigate missing person cases on the mountain Natagumo. After the group is split up during a fight with possessed swordfighters, they slowly begin to realize the entire mountain is being controlled by a family of Demon spider creatures.

Bivši specijalni agent, sada plaćenik, Wade Wilson, biva podložen ilegalnom eksperimentu koji mu podari nadljudske moći. Nakon što jedva uspije pobjeći, on preuzima svoj novi alter ego i nazove se Deadpool. Naoružan novim moćima i veoma uvrnutim smislom za humor, Deadpool kreće u lov na čovjeka koji mu je gotovo potpuno uništio život, no usput planira i ponovno osvojiti svoju bivšu ljubav.

Otkad je odlučio trajno prenijeti ljudsku svijest u svoje tijelo Avatara i postati novi vođa naroda Na’vi, Jake Sully živi sa svojom obitelji na Pandori. On i Neytiri su osnovali obitelj i dobili djecu. Kolonizirajuće su se snage vratile na Pandoru kako bi završili prvotnu potragu za rijetkim mineralom, prisiljavajući Jakea i Neytiri da pobjegnu iz svog doma, istražujući do tada nepoznate dijelove Pandore gdje će se upoznati s ljudima Metkayine, klanom domorodaca koji žive okruženi morem.

A group of native women in Oaxaca, commanded by Guiexhuba, will defend themselves from the people in power.

Not many people know that every house is secretly inhabited by little monsters! These furry creatures take care of a family’s house but cannot be seen. Finnick is a little monster, who doesn’t seem to care about his responsibility of making a home out of the house. But everything changes after a new family comes to his house. When Finn meets 13-year-old Christine, inexplicable events begin to happen in the city and life will never be the same again!

Ljubav Tesse i Hardina oduvijek je bila komplicirana, ali sad su dospjeli u fazu u kojoj se izlaz ne nazire. Upravo dok se Tessa sprema donijeti jednu od važnijih odluka u životu, sve se promijeni. Hardin se još uvijek ne zna kontrolirati i sve oko nje počinje se raspadati. Nikome ne može vjerovati, nitko nije onakav kakav se čini. Ni obitelj, ni prijatelji.

A recap of Kimetsu no Yaiba episodes 22–26, with new footage and special end credits. Tanjiro and his sister Nezuko have been apprehended by the Demon Slayer Hashira, a group of extremely skilled swordfighters. Tanjiro undergoes trial for violating the Demon Slayer code, specifically smuggling Nezuko, a Demon, onto Mt. Natagumo.

The Fixies are little creatures that, unseen by humans, help them maintain their appliances – and generally make sure things don’t fall apart… Until an unexpected occurrence of gargantuan proportions threatens to reveal the Fixies’ existence!

Agent Coulson stops at a convenience store and deals with a coincidental robbery during his visit.

Uspješna trenerica boksa, Sienna Lane, otkriva da je njen dečko, aktuelni prvak, varao s njenom sestrom. Odluči se osvetiti i pristaje trenirati jedinog čovjeka koji je sposoban da ga svrgne sa trona: njegovog glavnog protivnika Kaydena.

A transfer student at a rough high school tries joining the cheer-leading squad and finds that she not only has to face off against the head cheerleader, but also against her former school in preparation for a cheer-off competition.

Harper Higgins is determined to land a tenured position at Boston Art College, and she’s counting on curating a big art gallery at the university to do so. But when she loses her showcase artist and can find no one else, she turns to her recently-hired dog walker who, unbeknownst to anyone, is a skilled painter.

Rich and powerful Simon Qing has been schooled in the ways of sex by his virile father, but is still a virgin. That is, until he meets his first love Violetta who has fun with him all over his father’s estate. Their love does not last, so Simon embarks on a journey. Along the way he meets the comely nun Moon whom Simon deflowers and then marries. He then becomes enamored of Golden Lotus but she is married to dwarf Wu Da-Lang.

Clare and Aidan, after making a pact that they would break up before college, find themselves retracing the steps of their relationship on their last evening as a couple. The epic date leads them to familiar landmarks, unexpected places, and causes them to question whether high school love is meant to last.

Film prati izmišljenu verziju Kevina Harta dok pokušava postati akcijska zvijezda. Pohađa školu koju vodi Ron Wilcox, gdje pokušava naučiti kako postati jedna od najtraženijih zvijezda u akcijskoj industriji.

Nakon što je ubio člana narko sindikata dok je štitio uslovnu slobodu, Connor Connolly ima jedan dan da plati dva miliona dolara odštete. Primoran je da zamoli svoju staru vojnu posadu, koju vodi Brice Mason, da se okupe i nekako nabave dva miliona dolara prije nego što Connor izgubi sve koje voli …

Čovjek pod nadimkom "Jezuita" je u zatvoru zbog zločina koji nije počinio. Nakon izlaska iz zatvora, odlučuje se odvojiti od svoje kriminalne prošlosti. No, kad mu žena bude ubijena, a sin otet i odveden u Meksiko, on smišlja razrađen i opasan plan kako spasiti sina te osvetiti ubojstvo.

A short film that intends to capture a very real dynamic of the gay closeted world that is rarely, if ever brought to the screen. The spring/fall relationship between an unlikely duo faced with a shared secret.