Comedian Taylor Tomlinson is halfway through her 20s — and she's over it. From dating losers to a failed engagement, she takes aim at her life choices.

A slick robotics expert joins a murderous plot after a passionate affair takes a sudden turn, but nothing — not even death — is what it seems to be.

Working as a maintenance crew member on the moon, Duguyue is left behind after the evacuation mission forgets about him. A meteorite then destroys planet Earth, leaving him as the only man left alive in existence.

A young woman from a small town accuses the college heartthrob of sexual assault.

A likeable and talented underdog gets momentarily sidelined from chasing her musical dreams when her van breaks down in a welcoming small town just before Christmas.

Bývalú profesionálnu krasokorčuliarku Katie najme panovník San Senovy, kráľ Alexander Booth, aby pomáhala jeho kráľovskej dcére Christine s vianočným krasokorčuliarskym vystúpením. Keď Katie začne tráviť čas na zámku, medzi ňou a kráľom sa vytvorí silné puto, ktoré prerastie do lásky. Obaja pocítia vzájomné sympatie a nakoniec sa do seba zamilujú. Dovolia však obyvatelia kráľovstva, ktorí ctia svoje odveké tradície, aby sa ich kráľ oženil s cudzinkou?

Cleaning out his childhood home at Christmas, a novelist meets a woman searching for her birth mother. Will an old diary unlock their pasts — and hearts?

Jamie owns a sightseeing and tour company in the small town of Cooperville, New York. Navigating the holidays with enthusiasm is trickier for Jamie since her husband Matt passed. Matt loved Christmas and found unparalleled joy in giving to others. While reminiscing with family, Jamie realizes the town desperately needs someone with Matt’s genius for thinking of the small gestures that bring genuine happiness to the holidays.

Architekt Steven musí nečakane usporiadať rodinnú oslavu Vianoc vo svojom dome. S prípravou vianočnej výzdoby nemá žiadne skúsenosti a navyše je zavalený prácou, preto najme skúsenú sviatočnú dekoratérku Gretchen, aby mu vyzdobila dom a naplnila ho vianočnou atmosférou. Po príchode rodiny si však uvedomí, že ozdobiť dom je jedna vec a zabaviť rodinu počas sviatkov druhá. Preto sa s Gretchen dohodne, že sa navyše ujme role koordinátorky. Jej nadšenie a silný vianočný duch, ktorého privolala, však spôsobia, že sa Stevenova rodina zblíži ako nikdy pred tým. A Gretchen si postupne získa nielen celú rodinu, ale aj Stevenovo srdce. Keď sviatky pominú a prichádza nová pracovná príležitosť, Gretchen a Steven sa musia rozhodnúť, čo je v ich živote dôležité.

Marie and Boris decide to get a divorce after 15 years of marriage. Tensions rise when cash-strapped Boris must continue to live with Marie and the two children while trying to figure out how to divide the assets.

When his grandfather suddenly falls ill, holiday-hating Jules learns of his family's magical legacy and realizes he's the only hope to save Christmas.

Lori and Doug break up right before Lori's sister's wedding and decide to pretend they're still together for the weekend as to not disrupt the fun.

Feeling career burnout, pop star Angelina escapes to grant a young fan's wish in small-town New York, where she not only finds the inspiration to revitalize her career but also a shot at true love.

When Jesse is dumped right before the holidays by her boyfriend, Shawn, his parents convince her to still spend Christmas with them, and Shawn's handsome cousin, while Shawn is away.

Hayley Parkerová sa rozhodne stráviť vianočný týždeň so svojou sestrou Amy Parker-Barnettovou a jej svokrovcami. Hayley chce prežiť pekné sviatky, ale je nešťastná, keď v dome vidí Amyinho švagra Paula Barnetta. Paul bol totiž jedným z dôvodov Hayleyinho rozchodu s jej bývalým priateľom. Hayley a Paul sa spočiatku nechcú ani vidieť, snažia sa navzájom vyhýbať a majú napätý a rozhádaný vzťah. Keď ale počas vianočných sviatkov musia spoločne tráviť viac času pod jednou strechou, zistia, že sú si celkom sympatickí, začnú sa o seba zaujímať a pocítia vzájomnú príťažlivosť. Stanú sa z nepriateľov nakoniec milenci? Ako je známe, vianočný duch dokáže zázraky, a tak budeme svedkami veľkého prekvapenia.

Pediatrička Tasha Millerová sa sústreďuje na to, aby deti, o ktoré sa stará, dostali čo najlepšiu lekársku starostlivosť. Keď si však príťažlivý princ Alexander Cavalieri zlomí nohu na neďalekom lyžiarskom svahu, Tasha je nútená dovoliť mu, aby sa liečil u nej. Nahnevá ju, keď rozmaznaný člen kráľovskej rodiny narúša vzácny čas liečby, ktoré jej deti tak potrebujú. Tasha si však čoskoro uvedomí, že trochu silnej lásky a kus vianočného ducha by mohli z tejto kráľovskej bolesti spraviť rytiera v žiarivom brnení.

Rob Haley, an up-and-coming chef and restaurateur in London, is grief-stricken when he loses his wife. With encouragement from his infamous friend and real life TV Chef Gordon Ramsay, Rob decides to spice up his life by turning a run-down country pub into a gourmet restaurant. His food catches the eye - and taste buds - of beautiful American food critic Kate Templeton and they soon both write a recipe for love that leaves both their hearts - and their stomachs - in full.

She graduated from a prestigious high school in Warsaw and entered medicine in London. He works as a kitesurfing instructor at the seaside, thanks to which he combines earning money and passion. They will meet in Hel. The unusual charm of the boy makes the girl exceed her limits and enter a completely unknown world of kitesurfing, music and fun. The feeling that arises between them does not please her family or his friends. Is Ania and Michal's relationship strong enough to overcome adversities and become more than just a holiday love?

Lisa thinks she's finally met the man of her dreams until she finds out he still believes in Santa Claus.

After inheriting a farm at Christmas time, a widowed father makes a bumpy adjustment to village life — while his kids hatch a plan to stay there forever.