Explore how writers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss created the hit television sensation. Take a personal voyage through the versions of Holmes that have served as inspirations for the new series - the original stories, their factual origins, hundreds of film adaptations - to arrive at their thoroughly modern Sherlock. Moffat and Gatiss explain the challenges they encountered adapting the original adventures of the iconic super-sleuth. Go behind the scenes on the set of the hit television series, including interviews with actors Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and Lara Pulver, who talk about the reinvention of their fictional characters.

Chuck Noland on FedEx –kuljetusyhtiön osastonjohtaja, jonka sekunnilleen kellotettu elämä muuttuu hetkessä, kun lentokoneonnettomuus paiskaa hänet eristyksiin kaukaiselle saarelle. Kun Chuck kamppailee selvitäkseen elossa, hän huomaa matkansa ihmisyksilönä vasta alkaneen...

A look at the first years of Pixar Animation Studios - from the success of "Toy Story" and Pixar's promotion of talented people, to the building of its East Bay campus, the company's relationship with Disney, and its remarkable initial string of eight hits. The contributions of John Lasseter, Ed Catmull and Steve Jobs are profiled. The decline of two-dimensional animation is chronicled as three-dimensional animation rises. Hard work and creativity seem to share the screen in equal proportions.

Based on a true story, American Marine Jason Johnson (Goselaar) is sent on assignment to the Emirate of Bahrain. While there, he meets and falls in love with a spirited, lovely young woman, Meriam (Nichols), without realizing she is really a member of the Bahraini Royal Family. Meriam, who does not wish to consent to an arranged marriage, knows her love affair with Jason is dangerous, as he is a Mormon Christian and she a Muslim. Her parents would never consent to their match, and so Meriam and Jason race against time to escape Bahrain and make it to the United States, where they can marry. If Meriam is sent back, however, her life may be in jeopardy.

In the far future when the continuity of the history has been lost, humans live in an ever more deteriorating completely artificial and enclosed world. The sea and the sky have disappeared, and the only window to "living" scenery exists in the records from the past, excavated in the relic.The Bureau of Record Excavation is an organization responsible for this task. Ura works for the 92nd office of the bureau. He is absorbed by the restoration of various records and fascinated by world of the past. Riko keeps a little distance to watch him, but averts her eyes from the records, believing that sometimes people just want things to stay the same.Everyone in this world knows that to know the past means to know the misery of this world, the present reality. But one day, Ura restores a strange video...

Philippa on Torinossa toimiva englanninkielen opettaja, joka on vuosien varrella nähnyt huumeiden tekevän tuhojaan oppilaiden parissa. Jopa opettajan aviomies on päätynyt huumeiden uhriksi. Philippa haluaa, että huumekauppias Vendice joutuu tilille levittämästään kärsimyksestä. Poliisi ei kuitenkaan voi tehdä mitään kunniallisen liikemiehen julkisivun taakse kätkeytyvälle huumeparonille. Philippa päättää ottaa ohjat omiin käsiinsä...

New York, 1937. A teenager hired to star in Orson Welles' production of Julius Caesar becomes attracted to a career-driven production assistant.

After his happy life spins out of control, a preacher from Texas changes his name, goes to Louisiana and starts preaching on the radio.

Sumuisena yönä pikkukaupungin seriffi Paul Del Moral ajaa yksinäisen japanilaisen miehen päälle. Ennen kuin hän ehtii kunnolla tutkia asiaa, mies katoaa sairaalasta jäljettömiin. Samaan aikaan japanilainen kirjailija Aki Akahori on matkalla San Franciscossa. Hän alkaa suhteeseen salaperäisen japanilaisen miehen, Renosta tulevan matkailijan kanssa. Yön jälkeen mies katoaa. Hän jättää jälkeensä matkalaukkunsa ja joukon kysymyksiä…

A spoilt rich kid turns up at a fu school to show off, but he gets clobbered by the boastful Little Tiger, who is later framed for the kid's murder when a gang of blackmailers make an example of him. The police allow Tiger to escape, in order to find the real culprits. Tiger hides at his girlfriend's place, but a model she works with does some whoring on the side for the blackmailer, and so the crooks are onto his trail...

Pete Bell, a college basketball coach is under a lot of pressure. His team isn't winning and he cannot attract new players. The stars of the future are secretly being paid by boosters. This practice is forbidden in the college game, but Pete is desperate and has pressures from all around.

On vuosi 2079. Maa on ollut sodassa ulkoavaruudesta saapuneen muukalaisrodun kanssa yli vuosikymmenen. Nerokkaan tiedemies Spencer Olhamin viimeisin projekti saattaa pelastaa koko ihmiskunnan vieraan vallan ikeestä. Mutta sitten asiat kääntyvätkin päälaelleen: Olhamin epäillään olevan ihmiseksi tekeytynyt muukalaisvakooja! Olham ei pysty todistamaan oikeaa henkilöllisyyttään ja hän joutuu lähtemään pakomatkalle. Viranomaiset aloittavat hurjan jahdin napatakseen huippuvaaralliseksi muukalaiseksi luulemansa tiedemiehen. Olhamin on jotenkin vakuutettava takaa-ajajat siitä, että hän on ihminen - ja vieläpä kykenevä pelastamaan koko planeetan!

Rakastamasi perheen paluu! 10 vuotta häiden jälkeen Toulan ja Ianin suhde ei kipinöi ihan entiseen malliin. Toulalla on riitoja vanhempiensa silmäterän, teini-ikäisen Pariisin kanssa. Paris ei halua muiden määrittelevän, millainen on kunnon kreikkalaistyttö. Hänen painiskellessaan perheen odotusten kanssa perhesalaisuus tuo kolme sukupolvea yhteen edellisiäkin suurempiin ja kreikkalaisempiin häihin!

A closeted gay man's attempt to "act straight" for the sake of his job has unexpected consequences.

Single and middle-aged, beautiful Irene (Margarita Buy) is wholly devoted to her job as an inspector of luxury hotels. Constantly on the road, she indulges in expensive pleasures at impeccable resorts, but always incognito and alone, soon escaping to the next exotic destination with her checklist and laptop in tow. When her best friend and ex, Andrea (Stefano Accorsi), who has always been a source of emotional support, suddenly becomes unavailable, Irene is thrown into a deep existential crisis. "Luxury is a form of deceit," she is told by a fellow traveller in the fog of a steam room, and thus begins Irene's quest to bring more meaning into her life.

A young psychiatric intern unearths secrets about the mental health facility in which he works.

Halley is convinced true love doesn't exist based on the crazy relationships around her. Her mother is divorcing her father who is dating a younger woman Halley can't stand. Her crazed sister is planning a wedding but has second thoughts and her best friend has fallen madly in love for the first time leaving Halley to feel even more alone.

Manhattanilla asuvalla Genevievellä on tiukat säännöt deittailun suhteen: hän ei käy kenenkään kanssa ulkona viittä kertaa enempää välttääkseen oikean ihmissuhteen. Kun Greg avaa ravintolan aivan Genevieven kukkakaupan viereen, Genevieve joutuu miettimään, kannattaisiko sääntöä sittenkin rikkoa.

Dave, Sam and Jeff are about to graduate from Holden University with honors in lying, cheating and scheming. The three roommates have proudly scammed their way through the last four years of college and now, during final exams, these big-men-on-campus are about to be busted by the most unlikely dude in school. Self-dubbed Cool Ethan, an ambitious nerd with a bad crush, enters their lives one day and everything begins to unravel.

Nuori uraohjus Tom Stansfield saa tilaisuuden vahtia yrmynaamaisen pomonsa miljoonalukaalia yhden yön ajan. Yli-innokas nuorimies uskoo voivansa lyödä kaksi kärpästä yhdellä iskulla. Mikä uskomaton tilaisuus tehdä vaikutus vanhaan orjapiiskuriin ja hurmata pomon kuumaakin kuumempi Lisa-tytär! Mutta Tomin fantasiat saavat kipeän kolhun toisensa jälkeen, kun ovikello alkaa soida taukoamatta ja perin kurittomia vieraita lappaa sisään kuin viimeistä päivää. Tomin tulevaisuudennäkymiä ajatellen: ehkä kyseessä todella on viimeinen päivä?