Zgodba govori o bančniku Andyju Dufresneju, ki je leta 1947 obsojen umora svoje žene in njenega ljubimca, zaradi česar se znajde v zaporu Shawshank State Prison, izmišljeni kaznilnici v Maineu. Kljub vsem težavam v krutem okolju zapora, ki ga vodi pokvarjeni nadzornik Samuel Norton, zaradi vztrajnosti ne obupa. Andy, ki vseskozi trdi, da je bil po krivem obsojen umora svoje žene, ohrani upanje s pomočjo svoje iznajdljivosti in sojetnika Ellisa Boyda Reddinga, z vzdevkom Red, s katerim postaneta prijatelja. Tako Andy ugotovi, da Red v zapor lahko pretihotapi tudi stvari, ki jih sicer ni moč dobiti in preko njega si priskrbi geološko kladivce, s katerim nato iz različnih kamnov izdeluje šahovske figure.

Življenji premožnega plemiča Phillipa in revnega kriminalca Drissa ne bi mogli biti bolj različni, toda usoda preplete njuni poti. Invalidni Phillipe išče negovalca in med prijavljenimi kandidati naleti na Drissa. Ta si službe v resnici ne želi, temveč hoče zgolj zadostiti pogojem za prejemanje socialnega nadomestila, zato se skuša prikazati v najslabši luči. Toda Drissova spontanost je Phillipu všeč, zato ga najame, njuno prvotno nezaupanje pa počasi prerašča v iskreno prijateljstvo.

Zgodba spremlja ameriškega znanstvenika J. Roberta Oppenheimerja in njegovo vlogo pri razvoju atomske bombe. Znanstvenika Oppenheimerja je upodobil Cillian Murphy, njegovo ženo Katherine »Kitty« Oppenheimer, ki je biologinja in botaničarka, pa igralka Emily Blunt. Oskarjevec Matt Damon je upodobil generala Leslieja Grovesa ml., direktorja projekta Manhattan, igralec Robert Downey Jr. pa je ustanovni komisar ameriške komisije za jedrsko energijo Lewis Strauss.

Dramski triler režiserja Todda Phillipsa spremlja legendarnega stripovskega zlikovca v izvirni samostojni zgodbi o izvoru, kakšne še nismo videli na velikih platnih. Mučna in tragična pripoved se vrti okrog umsko trpinčenega komika Arthurja Flecka, v fantastični predstavi Joaquina Phoenixa, ki si prizadeva, da bi se uveljavil v razdeljeni družbi velemesta Gotham, ki ga zapostavlja in odriva na socialni rob. Živi sam z duševno bolno materjo, podnevi dela kot najeti klovn za oglaševanje lokalov in si želi postati zvezda komičnih stand-up predstav, vendar so vse šale ponavadi le na njegov račun. Ujet v krogu životarjenja med apatijo in krutostjo Arthur sprejme slabo odločitev, ki povzroči verižno reakcijo nasilja in smrti. Bolečina ga naposled pahne v soočenje s svojim drugim jazom, poznejšim Batmanovim največjim sovražnikom: Jokerjem.

Zgodba v stilu srhljivega psihološkega trilerja pripoveduje o osemletnem dečku z imenom Cole Sears, ki ga preganja temačna skrivnost: obiskujejo ga duhovi umrlih. Cole je izredno občutljiv in krhek deček, razpet med grozo, ki jo doživlja ob vsakem obisku, in med strahom pred nerazumevanjem, ki bi ga dobil v odgovor, če bi svojo skrivnost komu zaupal. Končno se zaupa svojemu psihiatru, dr. Malcolmu Croweu. Njuna skupna pot do razumevanja neznanega in nadnaravnega ju vodi do spoznanja, ki ga ne eden ne drugi nista pričakovala in kar lahko razumeta in obvladata le s skupnimi močmi.

A molecular biologist's study of the human eye has far-reaching implications about humanity's scientific and spiritual beliefs.

Frank Serpico is an idealistic New York City cop who refuses to take bribes, unlike the rest of the force. Frank's actions get him shunned by the other officers, and often placed in dangerous situations by his partners. When his superiors ignore his accusations of corruption, Frank decides to go public with the allegations. Although this causes the Knapp Commission to investigate his claims, Frank has also placed a target on himself.

An Iranian family survives the shah and the ayatollah and moves to France. This story follows the family through it all. Despite the politics, revolution, prison, beatings, assassinations and suicides this is a comedy.

Sweethearts Brad and Janet, stuck with a flat tire during a storm, discover the eerie mansion of Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a transvestite scientist. As their innocence is lost, Brad and Janet meet a houseful of wild characters, including a rocking biker and a creepy butler. Through elaborate dances and rock songs, Frank-N-Furter unveils his latest creation: a muscular man named 'Rocky'.

A Taiwanese-American man is happily settled in New York with his American boyfriend. He plans a marriage of convenience to a Chinese woman in order to keep his parents off his back and to get the woman a green card. Chaos follows when his parents arrive in New York for the wedding.

Charlie, a 17-year-old girl tortured by doubt, is thrilled when she becomes friends with Sarah, but when Sarah tires of Charlie and looks for a new friend, their relationship takes an ominous turn.

Chocolat the clown, the first black stage performer in France, goes from anonymity to fame after forming an unprecedented duo with fellow performer Footit in the very popular in Belle Epoque Paris. But easy money, gambling, and discrimination take their toll on their friendship and Chocolat's career.

When Adolf Hitler reawakens at the site of his former bunker in present-day Berlin, he is mistaken for a comedian and quickly becomes a media phenomenon.

An ex-fireman with PTSD goes on the run when accused of a crime he doesn't even remember committing, leading him down a rabbit hole of conspiracy to the highest degree.

While standing in the doorway of the video shop where he works, Bazil is inadvertently shot in the head. Now homeless and jobless, he is taken in by a troupe of misfits who live in a giant mound of trash. There Bazil begins his quest for revenge against the people who produced the gun that shot him.

When architect-turned-recluse Bernadette Fox goes missing prior to a family trip to Antarctica, her 15-year-old daughter Bee goes on a quest with Bernadette's husband to find her.

Aymé Pigrenet, a recently widowed farmer, is eager to find a new wife to help him run his farm. Desperate, he seeks the aid of a local matchmaker who suggest that he go to Romania to find a new wife. There he meets Elena.

A wood worker is trying hard to make his company survive every day... But a fire in his workshop leaves him in a lot of trouble when he realizes his insurer was swindling him - he does not have any insurance... That's when a crazy idea grows in his mind - he will need all his friends and their different talents to make it work...

Camille is a young high school girl who is studying for her exams. Bored by her work, Camille has a look into the fridge and finds a live lobster. As her affection grows, the teenage girl decides to make the lobster live the best hours of its life…

Victoria is a thirty-something divorced lawyer who's struggling to raise her two daughters. She is canny and cynical but on the verge of an emotional breakdown. At a friend's wedding she reconnects with Vincent, an old friend, and Sam, an old client. Her life is about to take a new turn.