Aizraujošs, episks trilleris, kas ved skatītājus pagātnē un ienirst cilvēka unikālajā prātā. Stāsts par zinātnieku un viņa pasauli satricinošo izgudrojumu, un ģenialitātes augli. Filmas pamatā Pulicera balvas ieguvēju Kaja Bērda un Mārtina Dž. Šērvina romāns “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” par Dž. Roberta Openheimera, dēvēta arī par ‘atombumbas tēvu’, dzīvi.

Pirmais pasaules karš, Rietumu fronte, diviem jauniem britu kareivjiem tiek dots praktiski neizpildāms uzdevums – nokļūt ienaidnieka aizmugurē, lai nogādātu ziņojumu, kas ļautu izglābt ievērojamu skaitu kareivju no drošas nāves.

Pirmo reizi Zirnekļcilvēka filmu sērijas vēsturē mūsu draudzīgā apkaimes varoņa maska ir noņemta un viņš vairs nespēj nošķirt savu parasto dzīvi no riskantajām supervaroņa gaitām. Kad viņš lūdz palīdzību Doktoram Streindžam, likmes kļūst vēl augstākas, liekot viņam aptvert, ko patiesībā nozīmē būt Zirnekļcilvēkam.

Tanjiro, now a registered Demon Slayer, teams up with fellow slayers Zenitsu and Inosuke to investigate missing person cases on the mountain Natagumo. After the group is split up during a fight with possessed swordfighters, they slowly begin to realize the entire mountain is being controlled by a family of Demon spider creatures. A recap film of Kimetsu no Yaiba, covering episodes 15-21 with some new footage and special ending credits.

When danger threatens her camp, the fierce and highly skilled Comanche warrior Naru sets out to protect her people. But the prey she stalks turns out to be a highly evolved alien predator with a technically advanced arsenal.

Pagājuši divi gadi, kopš Betmens ievedis Brūsu Veinu dziļi Gotemas pilsētas krēslas pasaulē. Tikai pāris uzticamu sabiedroto kompānijā vientuļais aizstāvis kļuvis par teju vienīgo atriebes iemiesojumu līdzpilsoņu vidū. Kad Gotemas elitei ar virkni sadistisku mahināciju draud slepkava, noslēpumainu norāžu virkne aizved pasaulē dižāko detektīvu pie izmeklēšanas kriminālajā pasaulē. Noziedznieka plāniem pamazām atklājoties, Betmenam jākaļ jaunas attiecības, jāatmasko vainīgais un jāatgriež varas uzurpēšanas un korupcijas nomocītajā Gotemas pilsētā tiesa un taisnība.

Ieguvis savu jauno veidolu, kareivis Džeiks Sallijs kļūst par vadoni un uzņemas aizsargāt savu ģimeni un jaunos draugus no alkatīgajiem Zemes biznesmeņiem, kad tie ar līdz zobiem apbruņotu armiju atgriežas uz Pandoru.

A giant rebelled against the heavens. It was declared a devil and defeated. The immortal heart evolved into Sun Wukong. The heavens found him, and ravaged his home. He enters the heavenly kingdom, disguised as a human, seeking retribution.

As the world fell, young Furiosa is snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers and falls into the hands of a great Biker Horde led by the Warlord Dementus. Sweeping through the Wasteland they come across the Citadel presided over by The Immortan Joe. While the two Tyrants war for dominance, Furiosa must survive many trials as she puts together the means to find her way home.

When single mom Callie and her two kids Trevor and Phoebe arrive in a small Oklahoma town, they begin to discover their connection to the original Ghostbusters and the secret legacy their grandfather left behind.

A lone drifter stumbles upon a harrowing discovery -- a unique pair of sunglasses that reveals that aliens are systematically gaining control of the Earth by masquerading as humans and lulling the public into submission.

Zachary, 17 years old, gets out of jail. Rejected by his mother, he hangs out in the mean streets of Marseille. He falls in love with Shéhérazade, a young prostitute of whom he becomes the pimp without realizing it...

As storm season intensifies, the paths of former storm chaser Kate Carter and reckless social-media superstar Tyler Owens collide when terrifying phenomena never seen before are unleashed. The pair and their competing teams find themselves squarely in the paths of multiple storm systems converging over central Oklahoma in the fight of their lives.

In the near future, a group of war journalists attempt to survive while reporting the truth as the United States stands on the brink of civil war.

Pirms gandrīz 5000 gadiem Melnais Ādams iemantoja visuvareno sendievu spējas, bet teju uzreiz nonāca ieslodzījumā. Tagad viņš ir atbrīvots no pasaulīgajām važām un gatavs mūsdienu pasauli iepazīstināt ar savu īpatnējo izpratni par taisnīgumu.

Explore new, fascinating data gathered by military, government, and private organizations in key geopolitical countries, leading many to believe that a unified human effort should be undertaken to study extraterrestrial phenomena.

As a serial killer stalks the city, Julia — a young actress who just moved to town with her husband — notices a mysterious stranger watching her from across the street.

A family's getaway to a luxurious rental home takes an ominous turn when a cyberattack knocks out their devices—and two strangers appear at their door.

A new couple and their families reckon with modern love amid culture clashes, societal expectations and generational differences.