Malý Ahmed omylom prinesie domov zo školy zošit svojho spolužiaka, ktorému učiteľ pohrozil prísnym trestom, keď opäť príde do školy bez zošita a bez úlohy. Vydáva sa preto hľadať dom svojho priateľa, aby mu zošit včas vrátil, hoci u dospelých spočiatku nenachádza mnoho pochopenia. Prvý film z takzvanej kokerskej trilógie najvýznamnejšieho iránskeho režiséra Abbása Kiarostamího je zasadený do fascinujúceho prostredie tradičnej dediny Koker na severe Iránu a pomocou poézie, mysticizmu a symbolických motívov rozpráva o humanizme a životných hodnotách obyčajných Iráncov.

Zohre's shoes are gone; her older brother Ali lost them. They are poor, there are no shoes for Zohre until they come up with an idea: they will share one pair of shoes. School awaits.

This fiction-documentary hybrid uses a sensational real-life event—the arrest of a young man on charges that he fraudulently impersonated the well-known filmmaker Mohsen Makhmalbaf—as the basis for a stunning, multilayered investigation into movies, identity, artistic creation, and existence, in which the real people from the case play themselves.

Na vidieku zvádza žena z mesta (tak je postava označená v úvodných titulkoch) jedného z domácich, ktorý je však ženatý a má malé dieťa. Ba čo viac, žena z mesta ho hucká, aby svoju ženu zabil a odišiel s ňou do mesta. V mužovi, hoci sa spočiatku tejto myšlienke vehementne bráni, sa predsa len usadí vôľa poslúchnuť radu zvodnej ženy. Pri plavbe loďkou sa však jeho manželke podarí utiecť a nasadne do električky smerujúcej do mesta, no muž ju dohoní. Spolu sa tak ocitnú vo veľkom meste a majú celý deň na to, aby si vyjasnili svoj vzťah.

Bujarú variáciu na legendu o kráľovi Artušovi a rytieroch Okrúhleho stola rozbíja kultová šestica Monty Python svojou typickou, absurdne parodickou nadsádzkou. Všetci členovia sa v snímke objavujú vo viacerých rolách vrátane ženských prestrojení.

Dráma, za ktorú dostal Al Pacino Oscara za najlepší herecký výkon. Strata zraku zmenila plukovníka Franka Sladea na zatrpknutého a cynického samotára, ktorému sa už nechce žiť. Skôr ako sa rozhodne definitívne skoncovať so životom, chce sa ešte raz poriadne zabaviť. Spolu so študentom Charliem, ktorého mu jeho rodina najala ako opatrovateľa odchádza na výlet do New Yorku, ktorý plánuje ukončiť samovraždou.

A weak-willed Italian man becomes a fascist flunky who goes abroad to arrange the assassination of his old teacher, now a political dissident.

The wife of a famous composer survives a car accident that kills her husband and daughter. Now alone, she shakes off her old identity and explores her newfound freedom but finds that she is unbreakably bound to other humans, including her husband’s mistress, whose existence she never suspected.

On a remote, isolated, unnamed Lebanese village inhabited by both Muslims and Christians. The village is surrounded by land mines and only reachable by a small bridge. As civil strife engulfed the country, the women in the village learn of this fact and try, by various means and to varying success, to keep their men in the dark, sabotaging the village radio, then destroying the village TV.

Complications arise in a director's attempt to film a scene in Life, and Nothing more... (1992).

A mysterious video has been linked to a number of deaths, and when an inquisitive journalist finds the tape and views it herself, she sets in motion a chain of events that puts her own life in danger.

Twenty-something Freddy is becalmed in a podunk French village where the only sign of life is the local amateur brass band and youth aimlessly roaming around the countryside on scooters. He has an intense sexual connection with his girlfriend but has no joy or passion to give her. When she falls for a handsome Arab youth a tragedy unfolds.

When Marie St. Clair believes she has been jilted by her artist fiance Jean, she decides to leave for Paris on her own. After spending a year in the city as a mistress of the wealthy Pierre Revel, she is reunited with Jean by chance. This leaves her with the choice between a glamorous life in Paris, and the true love she left behind.

After an unappreciated minister dies, his daughter loses her faith in God, prompting her to open a phony temple with a con man. Can the love of a blind aviator restore her faith and happiness?

Kultová hororová séria z dielne Jasona Bluma a Jamesa Wana pokračuje filmom Insidious: Červené dvere. Staré známe tváre vstupujú do záverečnej kapitoly desivej ságy o rodine Lambertovcov, aby sa raz a navždy zbavili svojich démonov. Josh a čerstvý vysokoškolák Dalton musia tentokrát vojsť do nadprirodzenej dimenzie omnoho hlbšie než doposiaľ, aby čelili temnej minulosti svojej rodiny a novým hrôzostrašným nástrahám, ktoré na nich číhajú za červenými dverami.

A collection of 24 short four-and-a-half minutes films inspired by still images, including paintings and photographs. An experimental project made by filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami in the last three years of his life.

A young lunatic director and his devoted cult of cinema terrorists kidnap a Hollywood movie goddess and force her to star in their radical underground movie.

After hearing a child screaming for help from the green depths of a vast field of tall grass, Becky, a pregnant woman, and Cal, her brother, park their car near a mysterious abandoned church and enter the field, discovering that they are not alone and, for some reason, they are unable to escape a completely inextricable vegetable labyrinth.

This short was made as a wedding present for Lord and Lady Mountbatten. In it, Lady Mountbatten has a valuable pearl necklace, which a very large number of crooks wants to steal.