The 1978 kidnapping and assassination of former Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro by Red Brigades terrorists

In 17th-century France, Father Urbain Grandier seeks to protect the city of Loudun from the corrupt establishment of Cardinal Richelieu. Hysteria occurs within the city when he is accused of witchcraft by the sexually repressed Sister Jeanne.

A 13 years old girl is forced to go living with another family for reasons unknown.

1938. În timp ce trupele naziste mărșăluiesc spre Viena, avocatul Josef Bartok încearcă să fugă în SUA împreună cu soția lui, dar e arestat și interogat de Gestapo. Ca să suporte tortura la care e supus, Josef se refugiază în lumea șahului.

Summer 2008. Three friends have the chance of a lifetime: opening for their favourite punk hardcore band. At the very last moment, the concert falls through but Edo, Iac and Miche don’t give up. To them punk is more than music, it’s a lifestyle. In a blink, they decide to bring the gig to Grosseto, the silent and conservative city where they live. Nevertheless, all the difficulties and problems they face on their way risk to blow up their lives and their friendship.

When young and attractive Lina Stroppiani, a thief like the rest of her family, tries to steal the taxi of Paolo, together with two accomplices, she can't possibly know that this will have far reaching consequences.

It is evening. Tarek is seventeen years old and is on his way to see his friends, who have asked him on the telephone to pass by the park first and buy a few grams of dope: nothing much, just enough for some fun. The boy buys the stuff in the dark park, but when he emerges finds that someone has seen him: a policeman in plain clothes, sitting in his own car. The man could simply confiscate the hash, intimidate him a little and then let him go, or he could decide to take him to the station and call his parents. But he opts for neither of these things. He tells the young man to get in the car and starts the engine. Where does he want to take him? The policeman is ambiguous, mysterious. What does he want from the teenager? Tarek is in check, he can’t just leave. The policeman makes him stay with him the whole night, driving around in apparently aimless fashion, stopping first in one place, then in another.

Puglia. Burnt by the sun and by hatred, the promontory of Gargano is contested by criminals who seem to come from a remote past governed by the law of the jungle. An archaic land reminiscent of the Far West, in which blood is washed away with blood. An old feud between two rival families is rekindled by a forbidden love: the one between Andrea, reluctant heir of the Malatesta, and Marilena, beautiful wife of the boss of the Camporeale clan. A fatal passion that sets the two clans at war again. But Marilena, banished by the Camporeale and prisoner of the Malatesta, disputed and abused, will oppose a fate already written with a mother’s strength.

While Rodolfo tries to become a lyric singer, his lifestyle deeply annoys his father-in-law.

In Rome it hasn’t rained for three years and the lack of water is overturning rules and habits. Through the city dying of thirst and prohibitions moves a chorus of people, young and old, marginalised and successful, victims and profiteers. Their lives are linked in a single design, while each seeks his or her deliverance.

Set in 1970s Rome, the fiction tracks the plight of a nuclear family, consisting of an unhappy married couple: Clara (a deeply dissatisfied expatriate Spaniard) and Felice (an abusive businessman cheating on Clara with his secretary) and their children Adriana, Gino, and Diana. Their eldest child, 12-year-old Adriana, experiences gender dysphoria; he rejects girlhood and instead goes by the name of Andrea (a primarily masculine name in Italian). Andrea develops a crush for Sara, a Roma girl who knows him as a boy. Upon a shared sense of being outsiders, Andrea and Clara grow closer.

The fascinating story of the rise to power of dictator Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) in Italy in 1922 and how fascism marked the fate of the entire world in the dark years to come.

Sfârșitul civilizației e aici. Nu se știe ce a provocat cataclismul, dar apocalipsa a omorât o mare parte din omenire, iar pământul a încetat să mai dea roade. Un Tată și Fiul lui se numără printre puținii supraviețuitori. Fiul crește ca un animal sălbatic deoarece Tatăl crede că acesta e singurul mod prin care poate să-și ajute copilul să supraviețuiască într-o lume în care relațiile umane au devenit extrem de periculoase. Când Tatăl moare, Fiul decide să pornească într-o călătorie de-a lungul unui râu misterios, într-o lume ostilă, împins de la spate de dorința de a afla ce-i era interzis, dar, mai presus de orice, vrea să găsească pe cineva care să-i citească cuvintele scrise de Tată în jurnalul pe care acesta l-a ținut toată viața lui.

While he is speaking on the phone with a member of his staff, Filippo has a severe headache and faints. As soon as he regains consciousness, he calls his friend Pippo for help and asks him to invite the group of old friends to join, too. Little by little the four friends remind him of happy moments shared in the past and Filippo gradually manages to remember with their help….But something unhappy comes back to their mind….

Lord Farquaad was eaten by the dragon, but his ghost has returned, and he's still evil. With the help of his henchman, Thelonious, he kidnaps Fiona. Shrek and the donkey set out to save her, with help from the dragon, before she goes over a waterfall on a raft. This entry is for the 2-D version released on, for example, DVD and Netflix.

Bernardo is a charming, successful man, full of friends, always frantically searching for his freedom. For a bad twist of fate one day everything changes, putting him in front of a choice: accept what has happened or become someone else, to take back what life has taken from him.

Jean and Sara have been living together for 10 years. When they first met, Sara was living with François, Jean’s best friend and an admirer from back when he played rugby. Jean and Sara love each other. One day, Sara sees François in the street. He does not notice her, but she is overtaken by the sensation that her life could suddenly change. François gets back in touch with Jean. For the first time in years. He suggests they start working together again. From here on, things spiral out of control.

In this Special FC Birthday DVD, Ayumi talks about; her 20th year, this year's goal, random questions, and guess that food.