Pietro je mestni fant, ki s starši preživlja počitnice v dolini Aoste. Tam se spoprijatelji z Brunom, zadnjim otrokom pozabljene gorske vasice. Z leti Bruno ostaja zvest svoji gori, Pietro pa prihaja in odhaja… Nežno in intimno odo prijateljstvu, postavljeno pred veličastno pokrajino italijanskih Alp, sta po veliki knjižni uspešnici Paola Cognettija posnela Belgijca Felix Van Groeningen (Alabama Monroe) in Charlotte Vandermeersch. Nagrada žirije v Cannesu.

A boy and his eccentric parents leave their home in Paris for a country house in Spain. As the mother descends deeper into her own mind, it's up to the boy and his father to keep her safe and happy.

An old prince lives in his ancient palace in Rome together with the ghosts of his ancestors. For years he has proudly rejected huge offers by a real estate group seeking to buy the palace and build a department store in its place, but when he suddenly dies his nephew signs the deal. The palace seems lost, but the ghosts forge a plan to save it from destruction.

Osamljena učenjakinja Dr Alithea Binnie med potovanjem v Istanbul odkrije zelo staro steklenico in v njej starodavnega duha po imenu Djinn. Ta ji v zameno za izpustitev iz steklenice ponudi tri želje, kar zanjo pomeni dve težavi. Prvič dvomi, da je resničen in drugič, ker je poznavalka zgodb in mitologije, pozna vse svarilne zgodbe o izpolnjenih željah. Djinn se zagovarja tako, da ji pripoveduje fantastične zgodbe o svoji preteklosti. Na koncu jo prepriča in ona si zaželi tako željo, ki oba preseneti.

Youssef Salem, 45, has always managed to miss his writing career. But the trouble begins when his new novel becomes a success because Youssef couldn't help but be inspired by his own, for better or worse. He must now avoid at all costs that his book falls into the hands of his family.

Kriminalna drama, navdihnjena s šokantno resnično zgodbo o družinskem imperiju za italijansko modno hišo Gucci. V treh desetletjih dobimo vpogled v to kaj pomeni ime, koliko je vredno in kako daleč bo družina šla, da bo imela nadzor. Ko se Patrizia Reggiani, neznanka iz skromnega okolja, poroči v družino Gucci, začne njena nebrzdana ambicija razkrivati njihovo zapuščino in sproži nepremišljeno spiralo ljubezni, izdaje, dekadence, maščevanja in na koncu ... umora.

Emma and Jesse are living the perfect life together, until Jesse disappears in a tragic helicopter crash on their first wedding anniversary. Four years later, Emma has found happiness again and is about to marry her best friend when Jesse resurfaces, turning her world upside down and leaving her torn between two great loves.

A middle-aged man dissatisfied with the present state of things finds himself in a parallel universe where all technology is stuck in the 1990s.

Samooklicani strokovnjak za ljubezen skuša plašnega princa naučiti umetnosti zapeljevanja. Vendar se načrt izjalovi, kar vodi v škandal in nepričakovano romanco.

When a master thief is sabotaged during a bank heist and left for dead, he seeks revenge on his former crew one target at a time. Now, with the cops and the mob closing in, he's in the race of his life to reclaim an untold fortune in cryptocurrency from those who double-crossed him.

Drama based loosely on the final years of Kenya game warden and lion-raiser George Adamson's life. An unofficial sequel to 'Born Free' (1966) and 'Living Free' (1972), which also dramatized the life of Adamson, this film picks up the life of George on the African wildlife preserve he runs with the help of his brother Terrence. When drifter Tony Fitzjohn arrives to work for the old men he initially takes poorly to the task, almost savaged by a lion on his first day and on the verge of leaving when he hears that his predecessor was killed in a similar incident. The arrival of a lion cub that Fitzjohn must care for and raise changes everything. Soon he finds himself helping the brothers in their fight to save lions - and, ultimately, the park itself - from the poachers, soldiers and corrupt government officials that threaten them.

Leslie, a young and idle suburbanite, drags his best friend Fox into a shady scheme across the Île-de-France. On a construction site for the future metro line of the Grand Paris, they discover a mysterious artefact. Another opportunity to make a little money. But along their journey, the Parisian suburbs become the scene of strange phenomena.

This true-crime documentary film features Rosa Peral's first interview from prison since she was convicted of murdering her partner aided by an ex-lover.

A young policewoman slowly goes insane while tracking down an elusive serial rapist/killer through Italy when she herself becomes a victim of the brutal man's obsession.

Kmalu zatem, ko televizijskega napovedovalca Evana Baxterja izvolijo v ameriški kongres, novopečenega politika nagovori Bog. Ta mu pove, da zemlji grozi huda poplava, zaradi katere naj zgradi novo Noetovo barko. Bog mu na domače dvorišče pošlje ves potreben material, orodje in celo živali, Evan pa se medtem spremeni v dolgolasega in dolgobradega mojstra, ki vneto gradi barko. S tem njegova podoba sposobnega politika hitro odide v pozabo, na glavo si nakoplje gnev svoje družine, Evan pa še vedno verjame, da bo s svojimi dejanji spremenil svet.

A terrified group of college film students record the pandemic rise of flesh-eating zombies while struggling for their own survival.

Margaret, 35, has a history of violent behaviour which has cost her a romantic relationship. She has moved back in with her mother Christina, a fragile, immature 55-year-old woman who blames Margaret, her firstborn, for ruining her dreams of a career as a concert pianist. In a state of unbridled fury during an argument, Margaret hits Christina. The law steps in, further complicating family dynamics. As she awaits trial, Margaret is forbidden from coming into contact with her mother or within 100 metres of their home. This only intensifies her desire to be closer to her family. Every day, Margaret appears at this 100-metre threshold to see her 12-year-old sister Marion and give her music lessons.

Interwoven stories of what it is to be a mom seen through the lens of photographer Rigby Gray.

Milady De Winter, a beautiful femme fatale without scruples, plays with the feelings of her suitors. And sometimes very dangerously.