Niemals hätte die junge Archäologin Nina gedacht, dass der Fund eines mittelalterlichen Objekts in einem Ried in der Obwaldner Gemeinde Giswil ihr Leben dermassen auf den Kopf stellt. Und nicht im Traum hätten der Baggel-Rot, der Brandi-Guchs, der Bichel-Botsch, der Buggel-Wyyss und der Mattli-Latz gedacht, dass es so enden würde, damals, zu Torenbergszeit, als sie 1381 in der Karfreitagsnacht auszogen, Obwaldens Ehre zu retten und die Entlebucher das Fürchten zu lehren.

“Re-Existence” is a documentary about migration stories of individuals from the Brazilian queer community.

Aimee and Steph are up for an adventure; its a hot summer's night and they are fueled by cheap alcohol and teen hormones. The promise of cool water lures the two girls to an isolated fire-water tank. Once there, the intimate mood of the tank takes a dramatic turn, forcing Aimee to make a decision that she will question for the rest of her life.

Clémence and her parents take part in a big country picnic. Arriving late, Clémence joins the other children who are already playing away from the adults, but it doesn't turn out to be as much fun as she expected.

Ein Jahr nachdem Kommissar Juve dafür sorgte, dass Fantomas die Welt nicht mehr in Angst und Schrecken versetzt, wird er mit zum Ritter der Ehrenlegion geschlagen. Der Ruhm ist jedoch nur von kurzer Dauer, Fantomas schlägt nämlich wieder zu. Er entführt einen hochrangigen Wissenschaftler um die Weltmacht an sich zu reissen. Allerdings braucht er dazu auch Professor Levefre, der den Journalisten Fandor auf eine Idee bringt. Er verkleidet sich als Levefre um Fantomas in eine Falle zu locken. Anfangs wusste Juve jedoch nicht Bescheid, und so kommt es zu einigen Komplikationen, vor allem als alle Beteiligten plötzlich die Gefangenen von Fantomas sind.

In der Dokumentation geht es um den Bürgerkrieg in Syrien. Der Regisseur Talal Derki begleitet in dem Dokumentarfilm von August 2011 bis August 2013 zwei Freunde in der Stadt Homs, die Demonstrationen gegen das diktatorische Regime von Staatspräsident Baschar al-Assad organisieren. Nachdem die syrischen Sicherheitskräfte militärisch gegen die Demonstranten vorgehen, entschließen sich die zunächst pazifistisch eingestellten Freunde sich zu bewaffnen und werden Widerstandskämpfer gegen das Assad-Regime. Die Dokumentation zeigt dabei den Werdegang der Hauptfigur Abdul Baset Al-Sarout, vom Torwart einer Fußball-Jugendmannschaft zum Kommandanten einer kleinen Gruppe von Kämpfern auf der Seite der Freien Syrische Armee in der mit der Kamera sehr nah am Geschehen der grausame Bürgerkrieg in einer zerstörten Stadt gezeigt wird.

Court huntsman, Søtoft, is courting his daughter Else’s lady-in-waiting, Miss Engelke. That’s why it’s a bit of a punch in the stomach when, late one evening, he discovers his son Ove in close contact with her. Chamberlain von Plessen, who had been gossiping to Søtoft and is himself spying on the young couple, is going to set fire to the room they’re in. The hurt Søtoft wants to leave the young couple to their cruel fate – that is until he discovers that it’s not Engelke, but his daughter Else, who is trapped in the flames with her brother. (

Der Weltreisende und Abenteurer Gulliver wird eingeladen, nach Lilliput zurückzukehren, der Stadt, die er einst vor der feindlichen Flotte des benachbarten Blefuscu gerettet hat. Bei seiner Ankunft findet er nur Empörung, Panik und eine hoffnungslose Menschenmenge vor, denn der König von Lilliput hat sein Volk in dem Glauben gelassen, dass der legendäre Riese Gulliver zurückkehren würde. Stattdessen entdecken sie einen gewöhnlichen Mann, während die ganze Stadt sich auf die Ankunft eines Riesen vorbereitet und Unterkünfte gebaut hatte. Der enttäuschte König ordnet Gullivers Hinrichtung an. Unterdessen steht die unbesiegbare Blefuscu-Armada vor den Toren der Stadt und bedroht den Ort erneut.

In this gritty tale of gamblers battling in the samurai era, Okawa Hashizo gives perhaps his greatest performance as a gambler returning to his home town. Swearing allegiance to his fiancée’s father, a decent boss, he had taken to the road after a gang fight until things cooled down. While honing his sword skills in his travels, everything in the town had changed and he descended into a virtual hell of violence. Opponents were being slaughtered by a former samurai ‘Bodyguard’ played by Tanba Tetsuro at the height of his amazing career. While these two master swordsmen are fated to meet, before that can even happen they must survive one of the longest, bloodiest swordfights in movie history!

Virtual band Gorillaz get to prove how good they can be in reality when they step in to replace U2 to headline opening night of Glastonbury 2010. Riding high on the success of their third album Plastic Beach, the collaborative effort led by Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett wowed the large crowd at this year's Coachella Music Festival in California, literally bringing the cartoon band to life.

A choreographic poem by Maurice Ravel.

One summer evening in a small town in France, two teenage boys, Clarinet and Piano, say goodbye. For twelve years, they rejoin each other at irregular intervals in the same town, discussing their ambitions as they drift apart. Michaël Dacheux's 'Here and There' is a delicate exploration of the eager aspirations of two young men, wise beyond their years yet still innocent in their experience.

When Christopher confronts his own violent temper which threatens the family life of his wife and children, he flies home to Jamaica and engages in an exorcism of the spirit, from his memories of his abusive, philandering, and hard-living father, Henry, whose name for his only son was "Runt".

Impressionistic surrealism in three acts. The approach is literary experimental with optical effects. There are three mental states that are interesting: amnesia, euphoria and ecstasy. Amnesia is not knowing who you are and wanting desperately to know. I call this the White Night. Euphoria is not knowing who you are and not caring. This is the Dream of Meditation. Ecstasy is knowing exactly who you are and still not caring. I call this the Memory of the Future. This is an autobiographical film funded by the American Film Institute.

In the early 2000s, following her return from a long stay abroad, Amélie invites her friends, Maude and Pascale, to a cottage. In a disturbing and isolated forest, Amélie tries to reconnect with her friend Maude, while the rivalry between her and Pascale takes a dark turn.

As the California sun shines down from an Los Angeles sky, three unique individuals are about to collide in the most unexpected ways imaginable. Lyle is a psychotic serial killer who has formed a dangerous fixation on single mother and expert car thief Tess. As Lyle prepares to make his deadly move, widowed Greek Restaurant owner Shandor finds himself forced to take matters into his own hands when the law fails to protect and serve as promised.

A well-dressed killer is on the loose in the woods of Spain.

two people decide who will save a dog inside their pool.