As Sakura drowns in the murky darkness of the sins she has committed, Shirou's vow to protect her at all costs leads him into a raging battle to put an end to the Holy Grail War. Will Shirou's wish reach Sakura even as he challenges fate itself in a desperate battle against the rising tide?

Rođen na plantaži u sjevernoj Floridi, Ray Charles je oslijepio sa sedam godina. Inspiriran silno neovisnom majkom koja je inzistirala na tome da sam krene svojim putem, pronašao je svoj poziv i talenat iza klavirske klavijature. Putujući diljem južnjačkog glazbenog kruga, duševni pjevač stekao je reputaciju, a zatim eksplodirao svjetskom slavom kada je bio pionir u spajanju gospela i countryja.

Satnik Sam Cahill, za kojega svi misle da je mrtav, vrati se kući s teške misije. Ubrzo otkrije da se njegov obiteljski život izmijenio iz temelja.

Ljudi su izgradili ogromne strojeve na površini Zemlje kako bi pronašli novi dom. Ali put do svemira je opasan. Kako bi spasili Zemlju, mladi ljudi ponovno moraju iskoračiti kako bi započeli utrku s vremenom na život i smrt.

U budućnosti u kojoj znanstveni napredak omogućuje postojanje, ljudi će sve aspekte svog života povjeriti sofisticiranim robotima koji se nazivaju Meccas. Emocija je posljednja granica u evoluciji strojeva. Ali kada se napredno robotsko dijete po imenu David programira na ljubav, ljudi nisu spremni za posljedice.

Enjoy high-sea thrills as Barbie, Chelsea and the rest of the Roberts family set sail on an adventure cruise. "Barbie & Chelsea The Lost Birthday" tells the story of Chelsea, Barbie’s precocious youngest sister, and the rest of the Roberts family as they set sail on an adventure cruise for her seventh birthday. When they cross the International Date Line, Chelsea discovers her actual birthday has been lost and she embarks on a fantastical journey through an enchanted jungle island in order to save it.

Matthew, ambiciozni mladić iz srednje škole s težnjama da u budućnosti postane političar, zaljubljuje se u djevojku svojih snova: prekrasnu mladu susjedu. Njih dvoje započinju idiličnu romansu, ali iznenađujuće otkriće testira njihovu vezu: ona je poznata porno glumica.

A man must survive a prison where hardened criminals battle to the death for the warden's entertainment.

A 22 year old man who has lived inside a crystal room because of a rare illness, meets an up and coming rock star, and the two fall in love.

A young orphan boy Jim Button, his best friend Luke and a magical steam engine called Emma travel across the world in search of the truth about where Jim came from. Battling pirates and dragons, outsmarting make-believe giants, they must travel through the Forest of a Thousand Wonders, beyond the End of the World to find the hidden Dragon City.

Rachel is a girl, adopted by an upper middle class family, who rebelled at 17 and left her family and studies at a traditional college in Sao Paulo to become a sexy call girl. Shortly after starting work, she decided to write a blog about her experiences. Since some clients thought she looked like a surfer she adopted the name "Surfistinha" which means little surfer girl.

Rano je jutro, 1. siječnja. Zvoni telefon. Murphy se budi kraj svoje mlade supruge i njihovog dvogodišnjeg djeteta. Preslušava poruku koju mu je ostavila majka od Electre: silno je zabrinuta i želi znati je li se Murphy čuo s njezinom kćerkom. Electre, naime, nema već neko vrijeme. Majka se boji da joj se nije nešto dogodilo. Tijekom dugačkog, kišnog dana koji slijedi, Murphy će se naći potpuno sam u svojem stanu i prisjetiti se najveće ljubavne afere koju je ikada doživio u svom životu; prisjetit će se dvije godine koje je proveo s Electrom, a koje su bile ispunjene vatrenom požudom prepunom obećanja, ekscesa i pogrešaka...

Radnja ovog filma je postavljena prije uhođenja obitelji Lambert, Astralna podmuklost: Poglavlje 3 prati Elise Rainier (Lin Shaye) koja nerado pristaje da iskoristi svoje sposobnosti da kontaktira mrtve kako bi pomogla tinejdžerki (Stefanie Scott) koja je na meti opasnih natprirodnih entiteta…

A documentary that goes over a historical year for Atlético Madrid until they became the champions of La Liga. Told from the inside with unseen footage and with the testimonies of the stars. With the special participation of Leiva and Joaquín Sabina, you will witness the birth of the song “Partido a Partido”.

A medical school dropout loses his fiancée in a tragic lawnmower incident and decides to bring her back to life. Unfortunately, he was only able to save her head, so he goes to the red light district in the city and lures prostitutes into a hotel room so he can collect body parts to reassemble her.

Pancho has a wife, fiance, and several girlfriends, and juggling them all can be messy, especially when one of their drug kingpin husbands finds out.

In present-day Nicaragua, a headstrong American journalist and a mysterious English businessman strike up a romance as they become embroiled in a dangerous labyrinth of lies and conspiracies and are forced to try and escape the country.

When a retired Green Beret soldier is murdered by an Albanian drug gang in London, four of his veteran SAS comrades set out to avenge him, dispensing their own brand of justice on the streets of London.

In a top secret Cold War military project an unstoppable, malignant organism who feeds on light and energy is unleashed threatening to destroy everything in its path.