Celebrate the season Scooby-Doo style as Scooby-Doo and the Mystery, Inc. gang face off festive frights, frosty nights and - jeepers - the ghost of Christmas, who wants to wish everyone a scary Christmas! In this collection of cold-weather capers, Scooby-Doo and the gang unwrap a series of mysteries in order to stop a group of chilling crooks from stealing the spirits of the season!

Anne Shirley, now a schoolteacher, has begun writing stories and collecting rejection slips. She acts as Diana's maid of honor, develops a relationship with Gilbert Blythe, and finds herself at Kingsport Ladies' College. But while Anne enjoys the battles and the friends she makes, she finds herself returning to Avonlea.

The newly-regenerated Doctor arrives in Victorian London, and Clara Oswald struggles to embrace the man he has become. All the while, they reunite with the Paternoster Gang to investigate a series of combustions that have been occurring all around the city.

A writer accidentally shoots his blackmailer and tries to hide the body.

The new warden of a small prison farm in Arkansas tries to clean it up of corruption after initially posing as an inmate.

Margo, Edith, and Agnes spot an ice cream truck. The three of them go after the truck but Agnes falls as she attempts to pedal to the truck. The Minions, seeing her so upset by this, decide to build her a unicorn-themed motorcycle. Agnes goes for a little ride around town.

Rosetta and new arrival Chloe band together to try to break the garden fairies' legendary losing streak in the Pixie Hollow Games, a sports spectacle filled with pixie pageantry, fantastic fairy events and hilarious surprises.

У жандармерији у Сент-Тропеу влада опсадно стање, јер 1. јули означава почетак летњих празника и долазак многобројних возача. Зато иснпектор Крушо и његов верни помоћник Гербер, и колеге патролирају током дана како би доскочили неодговорним возачима. Кад џангризави Крушо напокон помисли да је стао на крај једном од њих, испостави се да је власница аутомобила атрактивна удовица Џозефа у коју се очарани жандар заљуби до ушију...

A routine tow lands Mater in Tokyo, where he is challenged to a drift-style race against a nefarious gang leader and his posse of ninjas. With the help of his friend, 'Dragon' Lightning McQueen, and some special modifications, Mater attempts to drift to victory and become Tow-ke-O Mater, King of all Drifters.

У Великој долини у којој срећно живе досељени диносауруси биљоједи, мирну свакодневицу изненада прекине долазак дуговратих диносауруса номада. Они становницима Велике долине донесу вест о новим климатским променама које су некада плодну земљу претвориле у Земљу магле насељену чудним створењима. Међу пристиглим номадима је и мала Ела која се одмах спријатељи са Малим Стопалом и његовим најбољим пријатељима. Мало Стопало се растужи кад сазна да је његов дека тешко болестан, а спасоносни златни ноћни цвет расте управо у Земљи магле. Заједно са пријатељима Мало Стопало креће у непознато како би спасио декин живот...

As the Clone Wars sweep through the galaxy, the heroic Jedi Knights struggle to maintain order and restore peace. More and more systems are falling prey to the forces of the dark side as the Galactic Republic slips further and further under the sway of the Separatists and their never-ending droid army. Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan learner Ahsoka Tano find themselves on a mission with far-reaching consequences, one that brings them face-to-face with crime lord Jabba the Hutt. But Count Dooku and his sinister agents, including the nefarious Asajj Ventress, will stop at nothing to ensure that Anakin and Ahsoka fail at their quest. Meanwhile, on the front lines of the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Master Yoda lead the massive clone army in a valiant effort to resist the forces of the dark side...

A college athlete returns from the dead to help his brother's basketball team win the NCAA title.

Claudio and Helena are on the verge of breaking up, until the couple experiences another strange phenomenon that looks to help them understand one another more.

Evan Evans, the director of a ballet troupe, is rehearsing his next show in Monaco, in preparation for a worldwide tour. When one member of his troupe leaves to get married, Evans imposes a regime of strict discipline on his remaining dancers. The latter get their revenge by presenting Evans’ nephew Philippe, the only male member of the group, with a baby and a note claiming he is the father…

Katie, a college freshman, has been groomed from birth to continue her mother’s legacy with the Deltas. When Katie decides to pledge another house instead, an all-out sorority war commences.

Великој долини спрема се велико изненађење. И док Мало Стопало нико не верује да је протекле ноћи видео прве снежне пахуље у животу, најзеленије место на планети ускоро ће у потпуности прекрити дубоки снег. Младунчад се радује, али се одрасли љуте на старог господина Учосаура који их није поучио да се нешто такво може догодити. Уз то, Спајк се придружује крду шиљаторепих диносауруса који одлазе из Велике долине у потрази за храном. Прво Даки, а затим и Мало Стопало, Сара, Питри и господин Учосаур крећу за Спајком не слутећи да их усред снега чека нови обрачун са опасним оштрозубим...

Jesse becomes reunited with Willy three years after the whale's jump to freedom as the teenager tries to rescue the killer whale and other orcas from an oil spill.

Scooby-Doo and the mystery inc gang battle fiends and gobs of eerie monsters.