Death by Misadventure: The Mysterious Life of Bruce Lee exposes the truth behind Lee's death and the cover-up that ensued.

When America's last standing roller rinks are threatened with closure, a community of thousands battle in a racially charged environment to save an underground subculture.

In the years before Ronald Reagan took office, Manhattan was in ruins. But true art has never come from comfort, and it was precisely those dire circumstances that inspired artists like Jim Jarmusch, Lizzy Borden, and Amos Poe to produce some of their best works. Taking their cues from punk rock and new wave music, these young maverick filmmakers confronted viewers with a stark reality that stood in powerful contrast to the escapist product being churned out by Hollywood.

Päiväkirjamaisessa dokumentissa seurataan elokuvantekijä Álvaro Longoriaa matkalla Pohjois-Koreaan tutkimaan maailman suljetuimman valtion propagandakoneistoa.

A couple unite - she is fluent in the crane style of kung fu, he in tiger style. They have a son, but the boy's father is killed by the evil eunuch Pai Mei. Disguised as a girl, his mom trains him in crane style while he secretly learns tiger style from his father's training manual.

A former murderer and genius chef along with a waitress come together with a group of fantastical assassins in a diner. A girl with a hollowness in her heart, who believes that she belongs nowhere, is thrust into a series of attacks where she must struggle to find her will to live.

After the explosive demise of their last subject, scientists must look for a replacement on whom to continue their bizarre experiments with brain-altering drugs.

A lawyer puts his family in jeopardy when he captures the last member of a violent clan and tries to forcibly tame her.

A once-famous painter rediscovers inspiration when he befriends a sleepwalking cannibal.

A documentary about conspiracy theories takes a horrific turn after the filmmakers uncover an ancient and dangerous secret society.

Blue Caprice perustuu todellisiin Beltwayssä, Washington D.C.:ssä, vuonna 2002 tapahtuneisiin sala-ampumisiin. Nuori ja hylätty Lee löytää turvan ja isähahmon John-nimisestä miehestä, entisestä sotilaasta ja tarkka-ampujasta. Heidän välinen suhde kehittyy, kun John vie nuorukaisen osaksi hänen omaa pelottavaa suunnitelmaansa. Elokuva käsittelee perhesiteitä, väkivallan vaikutuksia ja psykologista manipulaatiota. Se tarjoaa synkän ja intensiivisen katsauksen tapahtumiin, jotka järkyttivät koko maata ja johtivat useisiin kuolemiin.

Neljä ihmistä ilmoittautuu vapaaehtoisiksi psykologiseen kokeeseen, mutta pian he huomaavat olevansa koekaniineina hallituksen julmassa ja huippusalaisessa hankkeessa.

Horror anthology consisting of three episodes directed by Jörg Buttgereit, Andreas Marschall and Michal Kosakowski.

Found at a Catholic hospital filthy and ferocious, feral teenager Darlin’ is whisked off to a care home run by The Bishop and his obedient nuns, where she’s to be rehabilitated into a "good girl" as an example of the miraculous work of the church. But Darlin’ holds a secret darker than the "sins" she is threatened with, and she is not traveling alone. The Woman who raised her, equally fierce and feral, is ever present in the shadows of Darlin’s psyche and is determined to come for her no matter who tries to get in her way.

Usvaisiin maisemiin ja lukittujen ikkunaluukkujen taakse piiloutuneeseen kartanoon sijoittuvassa vampyyritarinassa vampyyri nimeltä Djuna ja videovuokraamossa työskentelevä Paolo rakastuvat palavasti toisiinsa. Kun Djunan sisar ilmestyy paikalle, koko vampyyriyhteisön elämä järkkyy, ja samalla vaarantuu myös Djunan ja Paolon rakkaus.

A young woman's arrival sparks a surge of energy into a laid-back, artistic Los Angeles household, forcing the residents to confront their own fears and desires in an intricate dance of lust, denial and deception.

Taru kertoo, että jos Danielin liikanimen "Candyman" toistaa peilin edessä viisi kertaa, tämä piinattu sielu palaa noutamaan kutsujaansa. Caroline, Candymanin ainoa elossa oleva jälkeläinen, näkee joka yö painajaisia. Nyt järkyttävät näyt eivät jätä häntä rauhaan päivälläkään. Candyman on palannut ja janoaa kostoa...

A group of teenage girls summon an ancient man-eating shark after messing with a spirit board that washes up on the beach. An occult specialist must enter the shark's realm to rid this world of the deadly spirit ghost once and for all.

Six people are brought together at the funeral of a childhood friend. While settling the estate, they discover a map, which leads them on a search for a time capsule. What they discover reawakens childhood traumas and leads them on a journey through their abandoned childhood home: a home with a terrible secret and a mysterious dead girl who will lead them to their strange fates.

Four backpackers decide to take a hike in the mountains of Utah. But within the woods lurks a killer. But who...or it? The lazy local sheriff blames bears. But the escalating body count seems to point to a human killer. Ignoring the warning signs, our campers remain lost in the woods...alone...awaiting their fate.