A brutal crime has repercussions seven years later.

Former boss Wei Pingan makes his living by selling cemeteries. For the sake of a promise, Wei Pingan tries to find out the truth, but finds that the people who spread the rumors do not care about the truth, but only about what they believe to be the truth, and Wei Pingan himself is caught in a new rumor.

A newsman discovers he's been rigged with a bomb after he has an exclusive interview with a terrorist who blew up a bridge.

Three men who share a past participate in a mixed martial arts reality show where they have to fight against other contestants to win the prize money.

After a giant dinosaur skull is stolen, the head of the Chinese secret police decides to assign the case to the force's most incompetent reject: a rural butcher who stands around all day drinking martinis (shaken, not stirred). With a trunkload of insanely useless gadgets and a contact who constantly tries to kill him, the young agent must locate the skull and find out just what is going on here.

Lähitulevaisuudessa sammuva aurinko uhkaa nielaista maan. Jotta kotiplaneettamme saataisiin pelastettua, päätetään maapallo siirtää aurinkokunnan toiselle laidalle. Eri puolille maapalloa on sijoitettu planeettaa hitaasti pois aurinkokunnasta ohjaavia koneita ja mahdottomalta tuntuva matka sujuu ongelmitta. Mutta maan ohittaessa Jupiteria, operaatio kohtaa esteitä ja vaaran, joka voi koitua koko ihmiskunnan tuhoksi.

Mankind is forced to live underground after a giant alien descends upon our planet. After spending years below, a team of braves a finally ready to head back to the top and fight for their planet, with a secret weapon that has been years in the making.

Anne is an ordinary girl who wakes up alone on a mysterious island. With no recollection of who she is or how she got there, she needs to quickly figure out how to survive, and how to escape from her current predicament.

Grown up in the Amazon rainforest, Autumn lives with Hope, the cute baby jaguar she adopted. However, a circumstance forces Autumn to return to New York. Autumn goes back into the jungle to save Hope from grave danger.

Martial artist-in-training Ria Khan believes she must save her older sister Lena from her impending marriage. After enlisting the help of her friends, Ria attempts to pull off the most ambitious of all wedding heists in the name of independence and sisterhood.

During China's Song Dynasty, a mysterious murder occurs at Chancellor Quin Hui's palace after meeting delegates from the neighboring Jin Dynasty. The members become embroiled not just in a murder mystery, but a larger conspiracy concerning the fate of the empire.

On July 7, 1944, a U.S. Army hospital on the remote island of Saipan is overrun by Japanese forces during a relentless attack. Outgunned and surrounded by the enemy, a lone medic puts it all on the line to lead a band of wounded soldiers to safety.

A nurse taking care of her daughter's mysterious affliction struggles to hide her secrets when uninvited strangers take shelter in her house during a lethal blizzard.

Toni, a grumpy in his fifties, avoids children at all costs. His life changes when he suddenly has to take care of his sister's five adopted children, each from a different country. Toni will have to deal with new parenthood and cultural differences.

Winnie's life is less than wonderful one year after saving her town from a psychotic killer on Christmas Eve. When she wishes she was never born, she finds herself magically transported to a nightmarish parallel universe. With the murderous maniac now back, she must team up with a misfit to identify the culprit and get back to her own reality.

One day, her family gathers for an offering and they worry that she's the only one without a boyfriend. Her brother-in-law, Ho-seok, sets her up on a blind date with his colleague, Min-soo, who has always been nice to him. The more she talks to Min-soo, the more Seo-ri realizes she is interested in her brother-in-law, Ho-seok. She then tries to meet up with him frequently.

Bihter, who is desperate for love, sees Adnan, a wealthy and respected older guy, as a way out of the stereotype that society and her materialistic mother have given her. But she soon discovers that she is not satisfied with his attention and has other needs.

Toimittaja ja valokuvaaja Mae Jordan ( Emanuelle) matkustaa Afrikkaan työmatkalle. Kysymykset omasta rotu- ja seksuaalisesta identiteetistään nousevat pintaan, kun hän tarkkailee Ann ja Gianni Danielin levotonta avioliittoa. Asiat monimutkaistuvat entisestään, kun Emanuelle joutuu silmätikuksi heidän molempien kanssa, minkä jälkeen hän päättää lähteä Afrikasta.

Emmanuelle ja hänen miehensä Jean ovat eroottisen draaman kolmannessa osassa muuttaneet Seychelleille. Sielläkin he ympäröivät itsensä vapaan rakkauden kannattajilla ja lukuisilla rakastajilla, mutta Emmanuellea elämäntyyli alkaa salaa vaivata. Asioita mutkistavat entisestään saarelle saapuva elokuvaohjaaja Gregory ja Jeanin yllättävä mustasukkaisuus.