The year is 2071. Following a terrorist bombing, a deadly virus is released on the populace of Mars and the government has issued the largest bounty in history, for the capture of whoever is behind it. The bounty hunter crew of the spaceship Bebop; Spike, Faye, Jet and Ed, take the case with hopes of cashing in the bounty. However, the mystery surrounding the man responsible, Vincent, goes deeper than they ever imagined, and they aren't the only ones hunting him.

Haiducul îmbătrânit Pike Bishop se pregătește să se retragă după un jaf final. Împreună cu gașca lui, care include Dutch Engstrom și frații Lyle și Tector Gorch, Bishop descoperă că jaful este o înscenare orchestrată în parte de vechiul lui partener, Deke Thornton. Cum restul găștii se refugiază în teritoriu mexican, Thornton îi urmărește, rezultând în lupte armate cu multe victime.

Lupin, asistentul său, Jigen, și samuraiul Goemon încearcă să preia controlul asupra unei operațiuni de falsificare desfășurate în fortăreața contelui Cagliostro.

John’s gospel is depicted, complete with Aramaic narration, highlighting Christ’s life including birth, baptism, first miracle, healing the blind man, walking on water, feeding the multitude, raising Lazarus from the dead, the Last Supper, his flogging and crucifixion, and most importantly his resurrection.

An old film director, unhappy with the movie he's shooting about a Hungarian circus stranded in Rome during the 1956 anti-Soviet uprising, faces divorce from his producer wife and other problems.

Based on the true story of an award-winning investigative journalist -- and avowed atheist -- who applies his well-honed journalistic and legal skills to disprove the newfound Christian faith of his wife... with unexpected, life-altering results.

Matt Ryder is convinced to drive his estranged and dying father Benjamin Ryder cross country to deliver four old rolls of Kodachrome film to the last lab in the world that can develop them before it shuts down for good. Along with Ben's nurse Zooey, the three navigate a world changing from analogue to digital while trying to put the past behind them.

Lucas, a 14-year-old boy inducted into the gang life in Washington D.C., is determined that his 10-year-old brother won't follow the same path. When an Afghanistan war veteran comes into the neighborhood, an opportunity arises.

Adrien, an attractive dancer whose career was shattered by a motorcycle accident, squanders his youth in idleness. His life changes when he meets Margot, who lives off scams and amorous manipulations.

An urgent phone call pulls a Yale Law student back to his Ohio hometown, where he reflects on three generations of family history and his own future.

Fire extrem de activă, Martha (Anna Kendrick – Pitch Perfect, Up in The Air), a devenit de nestăpânit după cel mai recent eșec amoros. Vorbește prea mult, petrece non-stop, gătește orice și oricând, și e hotărâtă să facă cea mai mare prostie din viața ei când îl întâlnește pe Francis (Sam Rockwell - The Way Way Back). Francis bagă spaima în oasele oricui dă ochii cu el, așa că Martha nu-și poate stăpâni curiozitatea, căci i se pare a fi perechea perfectă pentru ea. Ea e țicnită, el e țicnit, cu diferența că el e un țicnit… mortal. Francis e un asasin profesionist, dar unul cu un țel moral: a început să-i ucidă pe cei care-i dau comenzile de lichidare. Tocmai când Martha începe să înțeleagă că noul ei iubit nu glumea când i-a spus că trebuie să iasă un pic ca să împuște pe cineva, lucrurile au început să se încingă pentru Francis.

Un atac terorist este iminent. Au mai rămas doar 90 de minute pentru a-l opri. Teroristul capturat Amin Mansur este cheia. Dar pentru a face asta, Navy Seal Jake Harris trebuie să-l ducă la Washington. Soldatul de elită, care tocmai a supraviețuit evenimentelor dificile dintr-o unitate secretă din Polonia, se trezește rapid în următoarea luptă alimentată de adrenalină pentru supraviețuire. Pentru că teroriștii iau cu asalt aeroportul și îl iau sub controlul lor. Cumva, Harris trebuie să scape. Pentru că a devenit clar că nu poate spera la ajutor din afară.

After a high school senior working on his pilot’s license rescues a dog named Oreo, he finds out his mom is a CIA agent who’s been captured. He teams up with Oreo and a new friend to find his mother and uncover double agents inside the CIA.

Inspired by true events that occurred during the fierce rivalry between Germany (Audi) and Italy (Lancia) at the 1983 Rally World Championships.

Top special agent Lucinda Kavsky works for a secret part of the CIA. She's given a special assignment but then set up by her own agency.

The stories of four girls who live in and around Rome.

After depleting Earth's resources for centuries, humankind's survival requires an exodus to outer space. An international expedition is quickly formed to find a suitable new planet, but when plans go awry, the crew is suddenly stranded without power on a strange planet, where something unimaginable lies in wait.

Having launched a social media prank about a haunted building, three girls suddenly vanish. Rumours circulate that they were victims of The Ox-Head Village curse, triggering an investigation by two of their friends, desperate to find the truth about what has happened…

A mysterious black sphere is discovered in the orbit of Mars. The Achilles is sent to investigate. After the bedraggled six-person crew wake from eight months hibernation, the Sphere is transmitting a single word in every Earth language ever known - Deus.

When the crazed commander (Eli Danker) of a sadistic army in Moldavia kidnaps an American photojournalist (Daniella Deutscher) and holds her hostage, his misguided actions ignite a targeted response from Maj. Don Harding (Marshall R. Teague) and his trained squad of special forces soldiers. With help from a local schoolteacher (Scott Adkins) who's trained in martial arts, Maj. Harding readies his troops for an all-out offensive.