“The Black Sabbath Story, Volume One” traces the roots and origins of Black Sabbath on an album by album basis and features rare performance footage including N.I.B. Paranoid, and War Pigs. Watch Ozzy and company slay the 300,000 plus crowd at California Jam 1974 with a blistering rendition of Children of the Grave. Black Sabbath is a highly visual band and one of the earliest metal groups to experiment with promotional videos. Their hilarious video for Sabbath Bloody Sabbath captures the spirit of similar videos put out by The Beatles. There are a couple of other songs here captured live from the “Never Say Die” tour including Snowblind, Symptom of the Universe, and Rock ’n’ Roll Doctor. All of these performances are professionally shot and Warner Bros. shows them uncut and without narration. “The Black Sabbath Story, Volume One” covers all the bases of the Ozzy years.

The film tells about the fighting everyday life of the crew of self-propelled guns during the liberation of Right-Bank Ukraine. Junior Lieutenant Maleshkin, an unshooted graduate of the school, commands the crew of the self-propelled gun SU-100. All the subordinates of Maleshkin are older than him and much more experienced. The authority of the young commander is tested at every step, he quarrels, then reconciles with his crew. In addition, Maleshkin is very dissatisfied with the battery commander, he now and then threatens to remove the sluggish young officer from the command. In the crew of Maleshkin, various troubles constantly occur: either the driver will catch the commandant’s eyes in an untidy, grimy look, then a combat grenade with a dropped check will be discovered in the car, or a breakdown will occur just at the moment the regiment enters the march. Ending in a sprawling battle against German forces.

Lorsqu'un footballeur sur le déclin se voit proposer un pot-de-vin pour truquer un match, son fan dévoué de 12 ans est déterminé à le remettre sur le droit chemin.

Three murdered prostitutes, a perplexed commissioner, a trap for the killer and good atmosphere in the Apollo nightclub.

In bleak Yeouido, crowded by the political world, press and stock companies, section chief Hwang Woo-Jin works in a stock trading firm. He is a hard-working salaryman, but is the first to be laid off. With an outstanding private loan to pay for, hospital bills for his father and consistent conflicts with his devoted wife, stress gradually suffocates Hwang Woo-Jin. Finally, a junior staff member and a boss, who he trusts, conspire to kick him out. After finding about their scheme, Hwang Woo-Jin becomes desperate. In front of him, his friend Jung-Hoon, who does do anything for justice, appears. Under the influence of alcohol, Woo-Jin tells Jung-Hoon that he wants to kill them. The next day the junior staff member is found dead.

Another story of Gırgıriye Neighbourhood with Müjdat Gezen and Gülşen Bubikoğlu

Zooming back from an image in close-up a brightly colored and kitschy room is revealed. Digitally manipulated objects and figures appear/disappear, details and colors change in scale, and intensity, sexes change. The Living Room digitally dramatizes and multiplies chosen manifestations and implications of On/Off and/or Absence/Presence. The Living Room is also part of the longer feature Corpus Collosum.

Le commissaire de police Emmanuelle Barsac enquête sur une série de suicides amoureux. Les victimes sont des jeunes femmes, décédées dans de mystérieuses circonstances qui ne sont pas sans rappeler la légende de Tristan et Iseult. Emmanuelle est persuadée qu'un serial killer, nommé Tristan, se cache derrière ce macabre rituel...

Les aventures de Scaramouche et Whistle, deux soldats de l'armée napoléonienne emtrainés dans des intrigues impliquant Bonaparte et Joséphine.

A film made during the quarantine to help me from going insane. Judging from the fact it's about a talking cactus I guess it didn't work.

A man who's been stuck in a dead-end job finally gets an opportunity to be happy.