Dievo miestas - tai Brazilijos sostinė Rio de Žaneiras. Tiksliau, jos priemiesčio rajonai, kur į akis krenta ypač skurdus gyvenimas. Iš tiesų, Dievo čia niekur nėra. Pavydas, godumas, narkotikai, pinigai ir žmogžudysčių kraujas karaliauja šio miesto gatvėse. Roketas ir Mažasis Ze net neįsivaizdavo, kokius gyvenimo kelius jiems parinks likimas. Prieš dešimtį metų jie neturėjo pinigų, daug svajojo ir žaidė futbolą, bet negalėjo nepastebėti tikrosios realybės. Vaikų akyse sparčiai formavosi pirmosios gatvės gaujos, kurių nariai kraudavosi turtus iš narkotikų pardavimų ir organizuotų vagysčių. Tokiu būdu mažieji berniukai taip pat buvoi įtraukti į kriminalinę veiklą, nes tiesiog neturėjo kitokios išeities.

Prieš dvidešimt metų pigiame Turkijos kurorte Sofi su tėčiu praleido paskutines bendras atostogas. Jaunatviškas, vos 30-ties, Kalumas (Paul Mescal) ir 11-metė Sofi atrodė lyg brolis ir sesuo. Retas, todėl itin brangus laikas kartu buvo pilnas saulėtos melancholijos, mažų nesklandumų, šilumos, smalsumo ir draugystės. Sofi ryškiai prisimena šias atostogas. Ji atkuria tėčio paveikslą, MiniDV juostelėse užfiksuotus įrašus jungdama su išgalvotais bei tikrais atsiminimais, ir bando suprasti žmogų, kurio galbūt nepažinojo.

Afro-Brazilian poet and politician, the legendary Carlos Marighella. Driven to fight against the erosion of civil and human rights following the CIA-backed military coup of 1964 and the brutal, racist right-wing dictatorship that followed, the revolutionary leaves behind his wife and son to take up arms, becoming a notorious enemy to the power structure.

When a doctor decides to carry out an AIDS prevention program inside Latin America’s largest prison: the Casa de Detenção de São Paulo - Carandiru, he meets the future victims of one of the darkest days in Brazilian History when the State of São Paulo’s Military Police, with the excuse for law enforcement, shot to death 111 people. Based on real facts and on the book written by Dráuzio Varella.

Chen Zhen, a Chinese engineering student in Kyoto, who braves the insults and abuse of his Japanse fellow students for his local love Mitsuko Yamada, daughter of the director, returns in 1937 to his native Shangai, under Japanse protectorate -in fact military occupation- after reading about the death of his kung-fu master Hou Ting-An in a fight against the Japanese champion Ryuichi Akutagawa.

In Northeastern Brazil, twelve-year-old Maria is sold to have a better life as a housemaid. However, Maria is resold and sent to a brothel in the Amazon gold fields and put to work by the despicable Saraiva.

A pawn shop proprietor buys used goods from desperate locals – as much to play perverse power games as for his own livelihood, but when the perfect rump and a backed-up toilet enter his life, he loses all control.

Several ordinary high school students go through their daily routine as two others prepare for something more malevolent.

An independent private security firm arrives at a middle-class neighborhood in Recife, Brazil.

When they discover their town lacks funding for a sewage system, but does have a federal grant to make a movie, a group of villagers decide to make a sci-fi joint about a monster who lives in the building site of a septic tank.

Internete susipažinęs su pasiturinčia našle Bete Makliš garbingo amžiaus patyręs apgavikas Rojus Kortnis negali patikėti savo sėkme. Planai pasikeičia, kai Betė jam atveria savo širdį ir namus. Rojus negali patikėti, kad jam pradėjo rūpėti moters likimas. Tai turėjo būti gerai suplanuotas ir greitas būdas išvilioti pinigus, tačiau viskas pavirto klastinga ir itin pavojinga afera.

Polas Konrojus (akt. Ryanas Reynoldsas) dar nesiruošia mirti, tačiau pabunda šešios pėdos po žeme. Įveikęs pirmąją panikos bangą, ankštame karste vyrukas randa mobilųjį telefoną ir žiebtuvėlį, bet pristinga atsakymų – kaip jis čia atsidūrė ir kodėl? Irake sunkvežimio vairuotoju dirbęs amerikietis – palaidotas gyvas! Blanki sąmonė, sparčiai senkanti mobiliojo baterija ir mažėjantis deguonis tampa didžiausiais Polo priešais kraupiose lenktynėse su laiku. Grumdamasis su panika, neviltimi ir kliedesiais jis turi tik 90 minučių būti išgelbėtas, prieš išsipildant baisiausiam jo košmarui – kankinančiai mirčiai ankštoje mirties duobėje…

A ghostwriter finds himself romantically involved with his current wife, a married woman and his long-vanished wife.

After a sink full of soapy water empties through a gurgling drain, a finger appears from underneath: Zé, a plumber, is at work. Eva, the lady of the house, interrupts him wearing little but a smile. She coaxes him out and seduction begins, interrupted by the surprise arrival of her lover, Carlão, a gun-toting criminal. Zé hides under the sink, watching through the drain hole as Carlão gives Eva a valuable necklace and makes love to her. Carlão is called away abruptly on business only to have his enemy Zim arrive a minute later to claim the necklace. Zé's still under the sink observing as mayhem descends on the kitchen. Will it end with a bang or a whimper?

Zakas Galifianakis ir jo keistuolių komanda leidžiasi į kelionę, kad užbaigtų aukšto lygio įžymybių interviu seriją.

For forty years, the public functionary and family man Lineu and his beloved wife Nenê celebrate their first date going to the same ball where Lineu borrowed the jacket his competitor Carlinhos. In the present days, Lineu feels uncomfortable when his colleague Pacheco dies and goes to the doctor for health examination. When the result of his tomography arrives, his doctor says that he had seen some blur in his lungs and with that report he would give the correct diagnosis. Lineu steals the document afraid of having a tumor, but he believes he will die sooner. Meanwhile, Nenê meets Carlinhos in the supermarket where he is the manager and invites him to have dinner with her family. Lineu hides his concerns to Nenê, and his attitudes in the dinner misguide Nenê, and she believes Lineu has a lover and does not love him anymore

Veronica, a young woman, lives in Recife, one of the most violent cities in Brazil. Her life is filled with fleeting love affairs and passing romances. As her father feels his death approaching, he asks a favor: that she finds true love before he passes away.

A lesbian college graduate, trying to bankroll her own photography business, works as a high-priced New York City escort.

After eight years apart, three childhood friends - Lucy, Kit, and Mimi - rediscover their friendship on a cross-country trip. With barely a plan, practically no money but plenty of dreams, the girls catch a lift with Mimi's handsome friend Ben in his convertible. Along the way they not only gather experiences that will change their lives, but they also discover how important it is to hold onto their hearts' desires.

Paulinho Gogó narrates his stories on a park bench for different listeners, while waiting for the arrival of his beloved Nega Juju.