A documentary film depicting five intimate portraits of migrants who fled their country of origin to seek refuge in France and find a space of freedom where they can fully experience their sexuality and their sexual identity: Giovanna, woman transgender of Colombian origin, Roman, Russian transgender man, Cate, Ugandan lesbian mother, Yi Chen, young Chinese gay man…

Ana and Helen, two divorced women, were close friends as teenagers. Today, amidst the corona virus pandemic and in quarantine, they get in touch after 20 years via internet. Through video conference calls, memories, sensations and emotions reflourishes.

After the previous Godzilla attack, a miniature arms race ensues to collect his cells. Concerned over Godzilla's possible return, the Japanese government uses the cells to create a new bio-weapon, ANEB (Anti-Nuclear Energy Bacteria). They seeks the aid of geneticist Genshiro Shiragami, who's experiments result in a new mutation.

Trinity ja Bambino palaavat kotiin. Isänsä ”kuolinvuoteella” pojat lupaavat tehdä yhteistyötä, ja Bambinon on koulutettava veljestään kunnollinen hevosvaras. Trinity osoittautuu ryöstön hetkellä kuitenkin liian hyväsydämiseksi, ja ihastuu ryöstökohteen tyttäreen. Tavatessaan perheen uudemman kerran, Trinity valehtelee heidän olevan liittovaltion agentteja. Tuo tieto päätyy väärille korville ja paikallinen pohatta Parker lahjoo heidät ummistamaan silmänsä. Trinityn uteliaisuus herää, eikä häntä kiinnosta hevosvarkaudet lainkaan. Johtolangat vievät miehet lähetysasemalle, jossa käydään kauppaa salakuljetetuista aseista.

“Re-Existence” is a documentary about migration stories of individuals from the Brazilian queer community.

San Francisco, 1985. Two opposites attract at a modern dance company. Together, their courage and resilience are tested as they navigate a world full of risks and promise, against the backdrop of a disease no one seems to know anything about.

Chow returns to play Ko Chun, a skilled gambler who now lives in retirement in France. Wu Xingguo plays an evil gangster who forces Ko out of retirement by killing his pregnant wife. Ko is forced to team up with a variety of other people to win out in the end. Wu Chien-lien plays Chow's romantic interest, Chingmy Yau plays a Taiwanese femme fatale, and Tony Leung provides much of the laughs.

Andrea, a nice girl, move from Veneto (north of Italy) to Roma. She is employed as a nurse in a medical practice. She soon is involved in a never-ending game of misunderstanding, couples exchange, sexual seductions.

Liisa Kingsleigh on viettänyt kolme vuotta merikapteenina isänsä jalanjäljissä seilaten maailman meriä. Lontooseen palattuaan hän löytää taikapeilin ja matkaa takaisin Alimaailman mielikuvitukselliseen valtakuntaan, missä häntä odottavat vanhat ystävät Valkoinen kani, Absolem, Irvikissa ja Hatuntekijä, joka ei ole oma itsensä. Hatuntekijä on menettänyt paljoutensa, joten Mirana lähettää Liisan lainaamaan Kronosfääriä, joka on Suuren Kellon kammiossa säilytettävä metallinen pallo, joka antaa kaikelle ajalle voimaa. Palatessaan ajassa taaksepäin hän kohtaa ystäviä - ja vihollisia - näiden elämän eri vaiheissa ja ryhtyy vaaralliseen kilpajuoksuun aikaa vastaan pelastaakseen Hatuntekijän, ennen kuin on liian myöhäistä.

Oronzo Canà is called to coach Longobarda, the football team of a small town of Northern Italy, newly promoted to the First Division. His only task is not to be relegated, but Longobarda's owner plots against him, finding the team's current ranking far too expensive, and his top Brazilian striker is affected by a deep saudade.

Scifi-seikkailusarjaksi suunnitellun Parallelsin elokuvana julkaistu pilotti seuraa pientä ihmisjoukkoa, joka matkaa rinnakkaisten maailmojen halki auttaakseen erilleen hajaantunutta perhettä palaamaan yhteen.

Cristina lives a peaceful life until her older brother Ciro, who has to attend a trial, asks to spend house arrests at Cristina’s home.

Bob Ho on kansainvälinen agentti, joka on ollut mukana vaikka missä: takaa-ajoissa, räjähdyksissä,putoamisissa. Ne eivät kuitenkaan ole mitään verrattuna hänen seuraavaan tehtäväänsä: hänen pitää hoitaa tyttöystävänsä kolmea kakaraa! Jo aamiainen ja koulumaksujen hoitaminen ovat rankkoja tehtäviä, mutta kun yksi lapsista suututtaa venäläisen terroristin, viikonloppu saa aivan uudenlaisen käänteen.

Now in the Far North (i.e. Milan!), Alberto has accepted to manage a program for efficiency improvement in the Italian Post. He devotes all his time and all his energy to this noble task and neglects his wife Silvia, which of course annoys her beyond limits. Things do not fare much better in Castellabate where it is rather Maria, Matta's wife, who gets on his nerves by always blaming him for his lack of ambition. One day, due to a misunderstanding, Mattia is transferred to... Milan! And on whose doorstep does he land? Alberto's of course!

One by one, with a sweet but inexorable rate, Ugo's colleagues, go to a better life. When Ugo is attending at one of the innumerable funerals, he and the priest remain involved in an accident. The doctor says that Ugo as only one week left to live

Eddie, Dov, Yvan and the others ... Our warm friends have migrated from the moribund Sentier to the flourishing suburb of Aubervilliers ... Where the old Jewish entrepreneurs left the ground to young courageous and dynamic Chinese wholesalers ... The little band is as close to each other as in previous episodes, and life goes on at the mercy of small family events and business. Dov still seems frivolous, enterprising Eddie, chilled Yvan, casual Karine, resolute Sandra, naive Chochana, irresponsible Serge and mythomaniac. As for Patrick, he is in love and the happy elected is far from easy to access. Everything would be fine until a bad wind brings its share of adversity seriously compromising the cohesion of the group. Will they succumb under the storm to the turmoil, or, once again, by mutual aid, cunning and skill, will they triumph over the crisis with panache?

Anna and Piero fighting routine of a long marriage, when Piero loses his memory, Anna reconstructs his way. For its part, the concierge Rocco and his friend Michele play in a group that emulates the Beatles and face opposition from their partners. Finally, Marcello and Paola are a divorced couple who, from time to time, pretend they are still together to avoid problems. They are victims of a relentless war of sexes.

Temperamenttinen nuoripari on ollut yhdessä kuusi vuotta, ja kun opintojen loppu häämöttää, odottamattomat uramahdollisuudet uhkaavat heidän tulevaisuuden suunnitelmiaan.

Cetto and its city council were arrested, but in prison the conspiratorial former mayor makes no earning name as the gratitude of the powerful secretary. These decide to replace some MPs mysteriously killed precisely with Cetto and two other characters: Rodolfo Favaretto and Frengo Stop

Paolo Cioffa, as Christmas approaches, is ready to leave on a cruise with his mistress Magda Venni, freed by his wife Francesca Zanchi and his son Federico, who is about to go skiing.