The Russian version of the movie "Fight Club" is not just a Russian version of a well-known cult film, it is the result and of the hard work of two young men and their love for cinema, Alexander Kukhar (GOLOBON-TV) and Dmitry Ivanov (GRIZLIK FILM) , who are responsible for this project, from the development of its idea and the selection of the cast, to the organization of filming and financial support. Filming lasted a whole year. Everyday work, constant trips, searching for suitable film sets and an exhausting schedule - all this was not in vain and resulted in an unusually amazing and original project - the film "Fight Club", created in the very heart of southern Russia, in the city of Krasnodar, by two young people

GCW presents Fight Club straight from the Showboat Hotel in Atlantic City, NJ! The event features the GCW World Championship match where Mox defends against Gage in a match that we have been waiting for during the last decade. Who will be the new GCW World Champion?

Since some bird chicks hatched in the neighborhood, the bat hasn't got any sleep.

Show of solo singer Niall Horan from his latest album: Flicker. Recorded at Studio 1 in Dublin, this intimate and sensitive performance shows a side of Niall barely seen and explored, all with the participation of the incredible orchestra.

Groot családi portrét szeretne festeni magáról és az Őrzőkről, de nem számol vele, hogy a művészeti tevékenység mekkora felfordulással is járhat.

A community is under siege as three Belmont Highschool coed students go missing with no trace of their whereabouts. The pressure is on the police to capture the culprits responsible. Scouring the school hallways in search of clues, undercover female detective Maggie Rawdon (Jessica Sonnerborn) enters Belmont High as a transfer student in an attempt to solve the hideous disappearance of the students. Maggie makes a few new friends, and gets invited to a private rave in the country. Just as the group begins to suspect that they've taken a wrong turn, however, the trap is sprung and Maggie finds out firsthand what fate has befallen the missing girls.

It follows a young man who dreams of becoming a general and Ying Zheng, whose goal is unification.

When a series of gruesome murders hit Seoul, the Korean investigation police has no choice but to ask help from world-renowned French doctor Alice Launey who developed a revolutionary technique for recognizing bodies. With more corpses on the way and a mysterious organ trafficking ring uncovered, things are about to get more dangerous in the land of the morning calm…

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

Két nagydarab, tudatlan zsarnok könyörtelenül üldöz egy kicsi, zseniális fiút Roald Dahl novella-adaptációjában.

RETURN tells the story of a retired Green Beret who embarks on a healing journey from Montana to Vietnam. There he retraces his steps, shares his wartime experiences with his son, treats his Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and seeks out the mountain tribespeople he once lived with and fought alongside as a Special Forces officer.

Amikor Gracie és Joe életéről játékfilmet akarnak forgatni, Elizabeth Berry, egy hollywoodi színésznő Maine-be utazik kutatás céljából, mivel a filmben ő alakítja Gracie szerepét, és szeretné jobban megismerni őt. Azonban Elizabeth érkezésével a házaspár között régóta lappangó konfliktusok egyre jobban felerősödnek.

Japanese master spy Daka operates a covert espionage-sabotage organization located in Gotham City's now-deserted Little Tokyo, which turns American scientists into pliable zombies. The great crime-fighters Batman and Robin, with the help of their allies, are in pursuit.

Yonosuke Hikura appears to be an ordinary high school student. Yet he has inherited the important role of protecting the harmony between Heaven and Earth. With the help of the magical sword Chitentai, and Tsukinojo Inbe, he courageously battles the demons, sending them back to the Earth World, from which they have escaped.

Egy bányatelepen meghal egy munkás és érdekes tojásokat találnak a társai. Nemsokára elszabadul a pokol...

Egy világtól elzárt kolostorban a szerzetesek klinikát működtetnek a megszállottak számára. Egy nap egy fiatal rendőr, Marek érkezik a kolostorba. Lelkésznek adva ki magát behatol a kolostori életbe, és megpróbál magyarázatot találni több meggyötört rab közelmúltbeli, rejtélyes eltűnésére. Kiderül azonban, hogy a kolostorból nincs kiút .