Summer of 1945. The salute of the Great Victory died down and the country is gradually returning to peaceful life. From "fire yes into the fire" a young reconnaissance commander Volodya Sharapov falls, having come to the MUR for distribution, to the department for combating banditry. In the city the Black Cat gang rages, terrifying Muscovites. Captain Gleb Zheglov enters the fray with the bandits, for whom Sharapov soon becomes his right hand.

A documentary on the making of "Pumping Iron" to celebrate its 25th anniversary. Aired on Cinemax.

Cold War tensions climb to a fever pitch when a U.S. bomber is accidentally ordered to drop a nuclear warhead on Moscow.

Stig-Helmer and Ole Bramserud on a trip to the Canary Islands for Christmas.

In March of 1945, as the War in Europe is coming to a close, fighting erupts between German and American troops at the last remaining bridgehead across the Rhine.

The Captains' Summit documents the first time in Star Trek history that four stars who at some point have played Captains in Star Trek (William Shatner, Patrick Stewart, Leonard Nimoy, Jonathan Frakes) have been brought together for a 70-minute rare and unprecedented round table event. Whoopi Goldberg, star of Star Trek: The Next Generation, hosts the event.

Nearly all the cast and crew are on hand to give stories and memories about the making of the film. Plenty of detail on every aspect of the film from pre-production to opening night is covered.

1984. One shiny quarter. 44.5 hours of continuous play. The race to be the first gamer in history to score one BILLION points. Until recently, Timothy McVey (not the terrorist) thought he had — for all these years — held the world record on Nibbler.

Komfortabilus automobilis gali paslėpti nuo bet kokių negandų, tačiau nuo paties susikurtų problemų jame nepasislėpsi. Keturi draugai – Killa, Rama, Katinas ir Dimonas po susišaudymo su kita nusikalstama grupuote randa prieglobstį juodąjame BMW, o toliau- visą filmą trunkančios gaudynės po nesibaigiančias Rusijos stepes ir lygumas.

Adapted from same-name popular manga. Hyeon-woo is visually impaired but always listens to people. Then one day, Chong-soo comes along and talks about the murder that occurs in his book. However, the murder in the novel becomes real and Hyeon-woo is getting more and more scared! Who is responsible for the serial killings?

1979-aisiais satanistai slaptomis apeigomis paskiria šėtonui naujagimę. Po dvidešimties metų, iki antrojo tūkstantmečio pabaigos likus vos kelioms dienoms, jau užuagusią Kristiną Jork pradeda persekioti keisti žmogystos ir nebeapleidžia siaubingi regėjimai... Velnias atvyksta į žemę ieškoti nuotakos, kuri pagimdytų jam demoną, padėsianti pavergti žemę. Prieš Gabrielio Byrne'o suvaidintą Šėtoną į kovą stoja buvęs policininkas Jericho Cane'as (Arnold Schwarzenegger).

Casper is a time traveller who arrives in the 2020s in an attempt to prevent a major future catastrophe. He meets Holly, a queer black woman he befriends and draws into his plan by giving her his knowledge of the future so that she can make quick money. However, they unwittingly alter the future themselves with their actions, until Doris, another time traveller, arrives to stop them.

Liudininkų apsaugos programoje dirba Džonas Krugeris. Jo užduotis – garantuoti liudytojui visišką slaptumą, tai reiškia, kad liudytojas gauna kitą pavardę, kitą gyvenamą vietą, kitą gyvenimo legendą – tampa kita persona.Li Kulen, ginklų gamybos tinklo aukšto rango darbuotoja, liudija prieš savo bosą, kaltindama jį stambiomis aferomis. Jai paskiriama Džono apsauga. Merginos likimas priklausys tik nuo jo sugebėjimų.

Mystery starring Samantha Bond, Linda Kash, Bernd Michael Lade

In Cairo on her own as she waits for her husband, Juliette finds herself caught in a whirlwind romance with his friend Tareq, a retired cop. As Tareq escorts Juliette around the city, they find themselves in the middle of a brief affair that catches them both unawares.

Per kelias sekundes, taip sutapus aplinkybėms ar tiesiog taip lėmus likimui, Gordonas Breweris neteko visko, kas jam buvo brangiausia... Vieną dieną vienoje iš Los Andželo gatvių Gordonas skubėjo susitikti su žmona ir sūnumi. Šeimai atsidavęs vyras suspėjo laiku, tik... Jis tapo didelio sprogimo liudininku. Visa gatvė paskendo dūmų, ugnies, stiklo ir nuolaužų rūke... Sprogimą organizavo viena Kolumbijos teroristinė grupuotė, vadinama El Lobo ir vadovaujama lyderio, pravarde "Vilkas". Teroristų taikiniais turėjo tapti Kolumbijos ambasados darbuotojai ir JAV slaptųjų tarnybų agentai. Atsitiktinai žuvo du nekalti žmonės: jauna moteris ir mažas berniukas - Gordono šeima. Gordonui Breweriui neliko nieko, tik tikėtis teisingumo, bet, atrodo, oficialūs pareigūnai neskubėjo imtis painios ir pavojingos bylos...Šeimą praradęs vyras pats ėmėsi keršto plano...

Cooper is an actor who sees life as one big party, while Ed is in advertising and takes life too seriously. When Ed gets stressed over a deadline he has to meet, his brother Cooper works hard in trying to get his brother hooked up with a girl, thus a long weekend of stress and beautiful women, culminating in Ed meeting, and making love to, the woman of his dreams.

It's a story of 29-year-old top-manager Max who is really sure he is absolutely successful. All his life is around earning and spending money. But one day he meet a girl who is from another, real, world. And his own world starts to crash down.

Kingdom of Joseon, ancient Korea. A usurper has conquered the throne. His ministers are being systematically eliminated by a mysterious assassin. An arrogant master swordsman is in charge of putting an end to the carnage.

Fred Z. Randall is geeky and obnoxious spacecraft designer, who gets the chance to make his dream come true and travel to Mars as a member of the first manned flight there.