In Burma during the closing days of WWII, a Japanese soldier separated from his unit disguises himself as a Buddhist monk to escape imprisonment as a POW.

Seven years after the defeat of the spiral king, Simon and the Dai-Gurren brigade must set out to the vastness of space to defeat a new threat and save the universe.

A strange meteor lands in Japan and unleashes hundreds of insect-like "Legion" creatures bent on colonizing the Earth. When the military fails to control the situation, Gamera shows up to deal with the ever-evolving space adversary. However the battle may result in Gamera losing his bond with both Asagi and humanity.

Действието се развива в известния парижки квартал с червените фенери. Полицай-новобранец планира да запази една проститутка изцяло за себе си.

The film tells a story speaks of "Yusuf ", a plumbing Man, who is exposed to many pranks by his friends.

The third film in the saga of the unlucky clerk Ugo Fantozzi, played by its creator, Paolo Villaggio.

През 2017 г. Лос Анжелис се е превърнал в полицейски град, а целият свят живее в очакване на тотален колапс на глобалната икономика. Всички форми на развлечение са под контрола на правителството, а най-популярното телевизионно шоу е специално измислена игра, в която осъдени престъпници получават шанс да се измъкнат, бягайки от брутални убийци, наричани "Сталкерите". Всеки, който оцелее, получава свободата си. Но ето, че на сцената се появява погрешно обвинения гражданин Бен Ричардс, който ще обърка сметките на всички коварни сценаристи.

The supermarket giant that rose high by taking prices low.

„Денят на летците” е важно събитие за всички летящи създания в Голямата долина. Докато празникът бързо наближава, волният Питри трябва да се справи с проблема да лети заедно със своите братя и сестри. Приятелите му се опитват да помогнат, но новия познат Гидо ту дава най-полезния съвет: понякога е най-добре да бъдеш себе си. Досега никой не е срещал създание като Гидо и всички се питат какъв динозавър е той. В търсене на отговор, те се отправят на неочаквано и вълнуващо пътешествие в тайнствените непознати територии.

The movie is a fictionalized account of a disgruntled cop who has been wrongly implicated in a torture video that went viral. It begins on his last night of duty, as he is about to leave for abroad for better job prospects.

Three friends are arrested after committing an accident with their car. After finishing their sentence, they become partners with the owner of a decoration workshop. But he deceives them and spends the money in gambling. They force him to sign a waiver of his workshop but he wants to get it back.

Meet the four talented, autistic members of the ASD Band: piano prodigy Ron, with an impeccable memory for reciting the correct day of the week for any date in history; lead singer Rawan, who uses makeup to express herself and can hit an impressively high pitch; Spenser, an energetic drummer with an affinity for punk rock music; and guitarist Jackson, who loves all things 1950s. Their love of music brings them together to form one kick-ass garage band. After releasing a number of covers, the band is now embarking upon the challenging journey of writing their first album of original music. With the guidance of Maury, their musical director, the band's garage sessions segue to the recording studio, where for the first time each member shares their own compositions. Will they be able to pull it off and celebrate the launch with their first-ever public show?

Fantozzi is now retired but continues to go to the office where it is held up as a fine example of employees intending to do career.

One by one, with a sweet but inexorable rate, Ugo's colleagues, go to a better life. When Ugo is attending at one of the innumerable funerals, he and the priest remain involved in an accident. The doctor says that Ugo as only one week left to live

A mentally-afflicted young man is accused of murdering his longtime benefactor. The real truth of what happened lies in his mad obsession with his supposed victim's old typewriter, on which he types relentlessly, day and night.

In a night of killer comedy, Bill Burr hosts a showcase of his most raucous stand-up comic pals as they riff on everything from COVID to Michael Jackson.

Ugo Fantozzi was resurrected from the company where he worked because of a crisis, how it will end?Tenth and final chapter of the film series of Fantozzi character.